AS2 :: Get A Button Working With Simple GotoAndStop Frame

Jan 31, 2010

i can not seem to get a button working with simple gotoAndStop frame . its setup like _root > EMC_photos > photos_thumbs_ani now in photos_thumbs_ani i have several photo pages all setup every 100 frames with labels page 1, page 2 etc my button is within photos_thumb_ani as a movieclip with code inside this.onRelease = function(){ _root.EMC_photos.photos_thumb_ani.gotoAndStop("pag e2");} I have tried different variations to no sucess

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Simple Button Navigation - GotoAndStop Next / Previous Frame

Feb 17, 2008

I understand how to create simple buttons as reuseable classes, but how could you create a next button that does something similar to the AS2 "goto and stop nextframe", and a back button that does something similar to the AS2 "go to and stop previous frame".On each frame that the user navigates to, is a movie clip, within that movie clip is then another button with a go to and play "Frame Label" action required, that navigates within the movieclip to a specific frame.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GotoAndStop - Team1 Movie Clip To GotoAndStop At Frame 10 On The Stage

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IDE :: Make The Timeline Go To The Next Frame (ie GotoAndStop) Only If Two Button Instances Are Invisible?

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6 Buttons, 6 Lights - Using The Gotoandstop Comand To Go To A Specific Frame Based On The Button Press

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I am trying to make a light comparison chart where the lights can be turned on inividually by the user and one can be compared to another depending on which of the 6 lights you want to view.So far i have managed to make this work with 5 lights over 33 layers and diffferent buttons and different handlers for each of the buttons on each layer but as soon as the 4 and 5 light come into play everything slows down struggles and sometimes gives up.Is there a simple way of doing this which i am unaware of.I am currently using the gotoandstop comand to go to a specific frame based on the button press.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Simple Goto Next And Previous Frame Not Working?

Oct 16, 2011

This seems pretty basic but for some reason I absolutely can't get it to work. I have a set of buttons which I want to be able to send their parent movie to the next or previous frame. I want to use a NEXT and PREVIOUS button, both combined within a single movieclip, to tell a parent file to go to next and previous frame.

This doesn't work:
previous_btn.onRelease = function(){
} next_btn.onRelease = function(){
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Simple Button Not Working In CS4?

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Btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, myFunction);
function myFunction (e:MouseEvent):void {

It gives this error: "The class or interface 'MouseEvent' could not be loaded"

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Simple Button Hit Zone Not Working

Nov 4, 2009

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Apr 14, 2010

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Actionscript Code:
ltBlueButton_mc.ltBlueOff_btn.onRelease = function(){ 


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Simple Button Script Not Working?

Apr 14, 2010

I've got a really simple script that on a button click, changes the alpha of a set of mc's from 0 to 100, then on second click changes back to 0. The first click works fine but for some reason the second click isn't working. The button needs to stay "on" as well so I've got the buttons in a mc with named frames "on" and "off". Here's the code:

ltBlueButton_mc.ltBlueOff_btn.onRelease = function(){
contentMain.page1_mc.Pg1LtBlue_mc._alpha = 100;
contentMain.page2_mc.Pg2LtBlue_mc._alpha = 100;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Simple Button OverState Not Working

Dec 23, 2010

I have programmatically created a simple button with a text field on top in a separate class extending a movie clip. The problem I am having is that the overState does not seem to be working and I don't know why. I have even tried removing the text field in hopes that would work, but it does not. The GameIntroduction class is called by another class which is the main class.

Here is my code for the class that calls the buttons:
ActionScript Code:
package {
import flash.display.*;
public class GameIntroduction extends MovieClip {
private var introText:String = "";
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Simple GotoAndStop Work

Mar 23, 2005

I boggled with this simple script.This script is on the MC. Everything works except the last onRelase function which just won't go to "disable". If I change "disable" to "fadein" it will work. Please see the attached timeline pic to get better idea and please do let me know what I'm doing wrong.[code]

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(TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at mc1_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()


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ActionScript 2.0 :: GotoAndStop Not Working?

May 15, 2010

I'm creating an input that can have multiple passwords,you type in a pass, and depending on the pass it brings you to a certain frame.

Actionscript Code:
stop();trigger.onRelease = function() { if ( input = "1234" ) { gotoAndStop(2);  if ( input = "1111" ) {  gotoAndStop(3); }}


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ActionScript 3.0 :: GotoAndStop Not Working

Mar 31, 2011

im very new to AS3 and im not sure what i am doing wrong. i have a made adrag and drop situation where someone is cooking a steak. the pan has the instance name of triangle_mc and and the food has an instance name of triangle_mc the script below works fine.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: GotoAndStop Not Working Like It Should / CS4)?

Jul 2, 2011

I've recently started using AS3 in flash and it's giving me some troubles. Here's the situation:On my first frame on the main timeline I  use a gotoAndStop("home") command to go to my homepage which is on frame 45 and labeled "home".

From frame 2 up to frame 44 there are multiple movieclips with animations and sound in them, which stop at frame 45. When I use the gotoAndStop() command in my first frame it seems to work but the sounds of my movieclips in the previous frames keep looping. I don't understand why this is happening, since my movieclips aren't even on frame 45.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: NextScene() Not Working And GotoAndStop(1, "NextSceneName") Not Working?

Jun 12, 2011

Okay, so this is the code I have on the frame:

ActionScript Code:
finalScore.text = "You scored: " + fishScore;
nextScene_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextSceneGo);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: 20 Labels Gotoandstop Not Working?

May 19, 2010

I have Scene 1 and in it, I have 20 frames all labeled with their unique names.I have 20 buttons to click that takes me to different labeled frames. So far so good..... until..... the moment when some of the buttons don't work. I can't repeat the same code e.g.

en_top_entert.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myEntert);
function myEntert(curEvt:MouseEvent) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: CS5 GotoAndStop / Play Not Working

Dec 7, 2010

i have 4 buttons like this





i can click even one in order and get to the correct frame but they wont work afterwords. if i click future; past and present wont work but resume will. if i click resume; past, present and future wont work. get it?also in each frame the buttons have the correct names.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [CS3] GotoAndStop (variable); Not Working?

Feb 13, 2009

I have a simple 3 frame file.

Frame 1 (main code, aka: the problem area)
Frame 2 (gotoAndPlay (1)
Frame 3 (Content Frame, aka: destination)

The concepts I'm trying to understand are two-fold: Creating Variable, and Loading them externally.

Here's my code:

var varFrame: Number;
var my_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
my_lv.load ("external_code.txt");


I can get the project to return the number "3" to the output window, but I can't get gotoAndStop (varFrame); to work.I understand this is a pointless program, but the project I'm building for work uses all these same lines of code (almost).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: GotoAndStop To Same Frame?

Jan 3, 2010

I want to make the player execute the code in the same frame. If I do a gotoAndStop to the same frame number, nothing happens because AS3 assumes since that you're already there, so nothing happens.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: GotoAndStop() Not Working Properly Using Flash CS3?

Jun 30, 2009

gotoAndStop() doesn't work. I am using Flash CS3. My code is simple:

on(release) {

I put that code into a button. The menu frame is three frames behind the frame that I put the button on. If I replace the "menu" with "game", it works. The game frame is one frame behind the frame the button is on. What happens is instead of going to the menu frame, it flickers to the menu frame, then reloads the lose frame, which is where the button is. I know that it reloads because I have a dynamic text field that throws a random insult when you enter that frame. I can assure you. I have already double checked and triple checked that the frame label is correct. And the menu frame has stop() in it. I'm not that stupid, alright?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: GotoAndStop Command Not Working Correctly

Jul 6, 2009

So I have this movie clip with some buttons in it. Two of the buttons (forward and backward) move the movie clip forwards or backwards one frame at a time - this works fine. However the other two buttons (fast forward and rewind) are suppose to move the movie clip forwards or backwards 25 frames at a time (so they always go to 25, 50, 75, 100, etc.) - but here's the problem.

Say for example I'm at frame 150. I press the fast forward button and I'm at frame 175. Now I hit backward and I'm at 174. Now I hit fast forward again to get back to 175 - however my movie clip is jumping ahead to 200, skipping 175 completely - not what I want. I'm just using the gotoAndStop(frame#); commands and have no clue why this is happening. I want the fast forward and rewind buttons to always hit the next 25 increment, not skip the closest one.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Condition If Is Not Working And Its Directly Going To The GotoAndStop(2)?

Mar 14, 2007

i have this contact form in flash with various sections in it to fill.after filling all the sections i have a Send button with this action script on it:

on (release) {

if (nom eq "" or prenom eq "" or adresse eq "" or codepostal eq "" or ville eq "" or telephone eq "" or email eq "" or message eq "") {[code].....

the problem is that the condition if is not working and its directly going to the gotoAndStop(2).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Site Button Not Working From A Certain Frame.

Jul 11, 2009

I've got a nearly completed Flash site, but one of the buttons isn't working--sometimes.

It's hard to explain, so here's how you can see the problem. Run the .fla below, wait for the animation to stop, and click the "services" star. Two more stars appear: "design and production" and "editorial." If you click on "design and production" first, everything works fine. You can get to editorial and everywhere else. BUT if you click on "editorial" first (after clicking "services" but before clicking "design and production"), the "design and production" button doesn't work from there (the "editorial" label frames in the "inline_frame" movie clip).

I've got several Actions keyframes in the "inline_frame" movie clip--I don't know if that's kosher or not.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Site Button Not Working From A Certain Frame?

Nov 23, 2009

Run the .fla below, wait for the animation to stop, and click the "services" star. Two more stars appear: "design and production" and "editorial." If you click on "design and production" first, everything works fine. You can get to editorial and everywhere else. BUT if you click on "editorial" first (after clicking "services" but before clicking "design and production"), the "design and production" button doesn't work from there (the "editorial" label frames in the "inline_frame" movie clip).I've got several Actions keyframes in the "inline_frame" movie clip--I don't know if that's kosher or not.

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Animated Button Not Working When Linked To Frame Label?

Jan 21, 2010

After finally making a button with an animation in it, I get stuck with the button actually working. I followed this tutorial; [URL] for the most part. And when I link the button to an URL like it uses as an example in the tut it works. But when I want to link it to a frame label in my website it doesn't work. Atm the code in the movie clip on the hit area looks like;

on (rollOver, dragOver) {
}on (rollOut, dragOut) {
}on (release) {
gotoAndStop("Scene 1", "who")

The rollover/out works fine. But the link isn't working within the Flash file.
Here is the .fla: [URL]
And a CS3 version: [URL]

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Multiple Button Actions Not Working In Frame

Oct 10, 2009

In the first frame of an fla I have the code below, only the functions in red works. When rolling over the second only the first function in blue works but the mouse freezes when attempting to rollout (green). But if I remove the code from the first frame and code each seperate button the functions work.

Any reason for this
btn_shopping.onRollOver = function () {
} btn_shopping.onRollOut = function () {
} btn_pen.onRollOver = function () {
} btn_pen.onRollOut = function (){

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