ActionScript 3.0 :: NextScene() Not Working And GotoAndStop(1, "NextSceneName") Not Working?
Jun 12, 2011
Okay, so this is the code I have on the frame:
ActionScript Code:
finalScore.text = "You scored: " + fishScore;
nextScene_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextSceneGo);
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Frame 1 (main code, aka: the problem area)
Frame 2 (gotoAndPlay (1)
Frame 3 (Content Frame, aka: destination)
The concepts I'm trying to understand are two-fold: Creating Variable, and Loading them externally.
Here's my code:
var varFrame: Number;
var my_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
my_lv.load ("external_code.txt");
I can get the project to return the number "3" to the output window, but I can't get gotoAndStop (varFrame); to work.I understand this is a pointless program, but the project I'm building for work uses all these same lines of code (almost).
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Jun 30, 2009
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on(release) {
I put that code into a button. The menu frame is three frames behind the frame that I put the button on. If I replace the "menu" with "game", it works. The game frame is one frame behind the frame the button is on. What happens is instead of going to the menu frame, it flickers to the menu frame, then reloads the lose frame, which is where the button is. I know that it reloads because I have a dynamic text field that throws a random insult when you enter that frame. I can assure you. I have already double checked and triple checked that the frame label is correct. And the menu frame has stop() in it. I'm not that stupid, alright?
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Apr 6, 2011
Either the search function isn't working or no one has asked this but in all of my googling and section, I cannot find an answer to what seems to be an easy question. I have a nested movie clip. In the last frame of this movie clip I have a button that I want to gotoAndStop(21); to the main timeline but cannot figure it out. I have read this question asked several times while googling and not one answer surprisingly.
I have tried xxxx.gotoAndStop(21); with xxxx being parent, _parent, _main etc but there must be some way to do this I would think. If not via button then even just an action at the last frame that says to mainTimeline.gotoAndStop(21); Obviously mainTimeline is not correct but to give another example.
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import flash.display.DisplayObject;[code]....
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Apr 22, 2009
I had a button when clicked, it would replace a different moviclip.This worked until I made the bulk of the code into a function and moved it to the layer, and then tried to call the function from the previously mentioned button. It generates no errors, but it stopped working.Hierarchy:Layer 1 > U1 > image
Original button script:
on (release) { var theDepth:Number = _parent.U1.image.getDepth(); _parent.U1.attachMovie("K3E", "image", theDepth);
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
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May 16, 2003
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import flash.display.BitmapData;
#include ""
Stage.align = "TL";
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Dec 15, 2011
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Oct 26, 2005
how would i keep going to the next scene after scene ive made 4 scenes and after the frames i put the action code and itll only work untill scene2?
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May 12, 2006
I have 2 buttons in a movie clip and I intend to put it in every scene. I tried using
on(release, keyPress "<Right>"){
but it does not work. What code should I use or what should I do?
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Jul 26, 2004
on (release) {
My movie doesn't do anything when you click the button that has this code.
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Feb 8, 2007
I have a movie clip on the stage and have given it the instance name "team1". inside this movie clip there are two states. at frame1 it says one thing, then at frame 10 has an image. team1 stops at frame 1 and what i want to do is when the main time line reaches say frame 50, i want the team1 movie clip to gotoAndStop at frame 10, thus showing the image and not the text. i tried doing it by putting this on the main timeline at frame 50: team1.gotoAndStop("team");
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