Professional :: Trying To Diagnose Inconistent Flash Display On Other PCs

Jan 16, 2011

I'm using a Flash-based mp3 player on a site I'm working on. When it's working right, it shows up as a rectangle with:

1-A bar across the top showing what song is currently playing,

2-A box on the middle left that shows the album cover associated with the song,

3-A box on the right showing a list of songs that can be clicked to start the playback, and

4-A small rectangle below the album cover with text like "Info" that takes the user to a place to buy the music when clicked.The problem is that depending on what operating system, what version of that operating system, which browser (and which browser version), either the album cover or the info box may sometimes be missing. I'm not a Flash guru, but it seems to me that the Flash plugin on a user's browser would either show all or nothing if the swf is defective. If Flash operates within it's own "space" as a process, the contents of the Flash object should be independent of browser and operating system variations.The player (xspf_player from is open source and I have the fla file. I suppose I could open it in Flash CS5 and fix the problem, if I knew what I was looking for.url...

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Professional :: Display SQL Results In Flash?

Nov 27, 2010

would go about setting up flash to display results returned by a SQL query one at a time.I can work out the query and PHP, but want I want to know is how to make flash take each one and animate it, including pausing and clearing the screen when full, then continuing on a 'new' screen. It's basically for displaying a list of events in a database.
Blank screen
Event 1 (pause)
Event 2 (pause)


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Flash :: Professional - Display A Still Image If User Cannot See

Apr 5, 2010

I am looking at all the various Flash detectors and am a bit overwhelmed. Most of the info I find is from 2008 and before so I am afraid it is outdated. I want to be able to detect if a user has flash plugin and if not then display a still image. I am concerned that I-phone users are not seeing the flash embed in my site.

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Professional :: Flash Video Does Not Display On Page

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Professional :: Using Lightbox To Display Flash Content (swf)?

Dec 18, 2010

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Professional :: Using Flash In Websites Browser Display?

Jan 28, 2011

I am very new to flash ads and we are on a new platform after a website redesign.  I'm having trouble with flash display settings I'm guessing since the ad displays fine in IE, but not fine in Firefox and Chrome.  Images to follow (for the curious it is a YWCA ad):
Here you see overlap on the current version of Firefox.
This ad has wings! Current version of Chrome.
This is IE. What? IE is right and the other browsers aren't? What gives!?
Additional details:  The position is a plugin position for Wordpress.  The ad is being placed via Ad-minister with the following code:


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Professional :: Load/display HTML Content In A Flash Box From Flash Movie?

Mar 24, 2012

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Professional :: Flash Cannot Display Gradient Mask Anymore?

Mar 21, 2011

Has there been an update this weekend thats broke masking I have tried to gradient mask an object both by using a vector mask and a png mask. NONE OF THEM WORK! Last week it woeked - and nooene else here at  my job can get it to work either.Gradient masks are just shows by a square. No way of of getting smooth edges (gradients on a masked object anymore).

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Professional :: Display A Message When Flash Is Not Found On The IPad?

Aug 25, 2011

Apple is obviously rejecting Flash to protect it's 'App' revenue.  I've  been on Android phones that run Flash and display all my content  perfectly smooth.  It can be quite frustrating how they are trying to  bury it when I still have yet to see HTML5 replicate the type of  interactive content Flash is capable of producing.  Is there any way to display a message on the iPad when the Flash player is not found? I'd like it to says something along the lines of: "Unfortunately the Apple iPad does not support the Flash player  because their business interests do not want it taking away from their  App revenue. Did you know that the Dell Streak, HTC Flyer, Blackberry Playbook,  Motorola Xoom, Samsung Galaxy Tab, Toshiba Thrive, and HP Touchpad all  support the Flash player?"


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Professional :: Display Fullscreen In Html(flash Publish)?

Dec 28, 2011

what problem am i when the flash publishing on ie,it was not show all?here is my setting of publish,is it someting setting wong?

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Professional :: Uninstalling And Re-installing Flash Player, Swf Does Not Display?

Feb 22, 2012

I can't seem to embed using swfobject...I normally embed with object class ID but have decided to get to grips with deep linking.I've brought it back to basics without using swfaddress and thinking it would maybe sort out server side, still no luck, either server side or locally.Also tried uninstalling and re-installing my flash player, still no swf displayed.swfobject.js is in the same dir as test.swf

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

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Professional :: Built-in Flash Classes Such As Flash.display?

Feb 13, 2010

It seems that the code of flash's classes under enFirst RunClassesFP9flash are not complete but merely prototype declarations. Where is the actual or working code and why are they not using package { } keywords? Instead they declare classes using the intrinsic class keywords. What is intrinsic and why would i want to have intrinsic classes? Can i also make intrinsic classes? Why are some classes under "fl" like import fl.transitions.Tween; and others are under "flash" like flash.display.MovieClip.
Additional: The classes in enFirst RunClassesFP8flash are not complete... Where are the other classes like flash.display.MovieClip located? I only see BitmapData under display. There must be another "flash" folder not under FP8 and FP9 but i can't find it with a simple search. Also enConfigurationActionScript 3.0Classesfl is incomplete i think. Is the organization of files bad? Some imports are with "fl" others are with "flash"

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Professional :: Build A Flash Object To Display Images From A Catalog?

Sep 14, 2010

I apologize in advance -- I am new to Flash. I am triyng to build a Flash object to display images from a catalog. I would like to build something like this. I really just need some advice/direction to get started.Once I know the basics/techniques to be used, I can go from there. Is this some thing that can be done solely in Flash or will I need to use some combination of Flash & Javascript. Right now, I am thinking I can use the loader class to achieve something like this.

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Professional :: Why Flash Don't Display Data Query Send From Php File

Mar 24, 2011

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Professional :: Using Flash To Display Images From Sql Server Or File System?

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Actionscript 3 :: Error #1034: Type Coercion Failed: Cannot Convert Flash.display::Shape@41754601 To Flash.display

Oct 21, 2010

Hi guys I get this coercion error: TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::Shape@41754601 to flash.display.

When I create an instance of a MovieClip from my library:

var childmc:ChipEasy = new ChipEasy(); Canvas.Map.Tiles.addChild(childmc);

When I try to access all the children like: for (var i:int=0; i<Canvas.Map.Tiles.numChildren-1; i++){
var mc:MovieClip = Canvas.Map.Tiles.getChildAt(i);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion Failed: Cannot Convert Flash.display::SimpleButton@40692fa1 To Flash.display.MovieClip

Apr 2, 2012

I'm currently working on editing the pages on my website but for some reason these errors are apearing. Also some of the text that should be on the .swf disapears. Any help will be apreciated
This is error I am getting:
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::SimpleButton@40692fa1 to flash.display.MovieClip.
at flash.display::Sprite/constructChildren()
at flash.display::Sprite()
at flash.display::MovieClip()


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot Convert Flash.display::Loader@2035d101 To Flash.display.MovieClip?

Mar 20, 2009

i have a Tweener is the here is the error i get?

## [Tweener] Error: [object Loader] raised an error while executing the 'onComplete'handler.
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::Loader@2035d1c1 to flash.display.MovieClip.[code].....

and here is why:


import caurina.transitions.*;[code]....

i tryed to use just the loaders...not working..its just for mcs i think...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Subclassed Display Objects With Flash.display.Loader?

Oct 8, 2009

When using Loader class to load display objects (bitmaps, SWFs...) from remote URLs, is there any way for them to be instantiated (referenced as we know, by Loader::content property) as some user specified valid subclass? For example if I had a class that extended a Bitmap, is there any way for the loaded object to be of this class?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter Child Must Be Non-null. At Flash.display::Display

Feb 5, 2011

I have tried to fix this error but I just cant get it to work.

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Professional :: Internet Explorer  Will Not Display Flash Video In Stand Alone Video Players

Feb 27, 2010

Internet Explorer  will not display flash video in stand alone video players, similar to the one at: [URL] The other embedded flash content is viewable.In the IE8 tools, manage add on's, Adobe Flash Player is not listed.I've also noticed that when I access the Adobe Flash Settings manager, I can not uncheck "hardware acceleration".Windows XP Home Service Pack 2 is the operating system.

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Flash :: Display Objects Which Are Outside The Display Area When Is Embeded In HTML?

Nov 22, 2010

Is there any way to display flash objects which are outside the display area when flash is embeded in HTML
The reason i ask is my current project has a rotating + enlarging effect which is largely dynamic so sometimes an object may clip the edge of the stage areathis looks messy but i dont want to increase the stage area to cover  the largest possible area any object could enter because most of the time the objects are at the center and small so i would end up with a lot of white space

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Flash - Sorting Display Objects By Their Display List Depth

Aug 5, 2011

I have a list containing display objects from throughout the application (insertion order). I want to process the list either top-down (parent, child) or bottom up (child, parent). The only requirement is that either a parent is processed before any child or vice versa a child before its parent. What is a good approach? This question is not about sorting a list. It's about retrieving the depth of a particular display object.

Display list:
A (root)

My list:
list = [E1, F4, A, B2, B1, C3, ..., N9, N8]

N9, N8, F4, E1, C3, B2, B1, A

A, B2, B1, C3, E1, F4, N9, N8
Does not matter if N9 before N8 or N8 before N9. Important is that any N is before M (first run) or any M before its children N* (second run).

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Professional :: Shuffling Class - Error: "5000: The Class 'Shuffle' Must Subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip'

Jul 28, 2010

I'm trying to build a shuffle function that somebody gave me into my card game. I two external .as classes; one is, which is my document class, and the other is I'm building the shuffling function into I think I'm getting close to making it work, but there are some problems. I keep getting this error message: "5000: The class 'Shuffle' must subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip' since it is linked to a library symbol of that type." Here is my code. code

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Display The Html Embedded In The Xml And Display In The Flash

Oct 23, 2009

i have attached the fla and xml file. i need to display the html embeded in the xml and display in the flash.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash.display.MovieClip - Error 5000: The Class 'priyan' Must Subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip'

Mar 2, 2011

package {
public class priyan {
public var a:String = "priyan";
public var b:String = "bhagavath";
public function method():void {

The above script, i got it from one of the ActionScript 3.0 book. i just work it out in flash. But it shown error 5000: The class 'priyan' must subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip' since it is linked to a library symbol of that type.


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Professional :: CS4 Support For Softkeyboard - Error: 1119: "Access Of Possibly Undefined Property NeedsSoftKeyboard Through A Reference With Static Type Flash.display:Sprite"

Sep 7, 2011

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Professional :: Display Into A Textfield?

Aug 12, 2011

i have this code (from another thread), which was got through the support of fellow geniuses on this forum but they showed how to put this into a textfield, which is what i want to do, but they showed how to do it before I made it display just the news feeds. So when i tryed to add what they taught me to this code BAM FAIL! So im asking one more/THE LAST TIME for the support from the forum to display this.


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