Professional :: Why Flash Don't Display Data Query Send From Php File

Mar 24, 2011

Why flash don't display my data query send from a php file that use the $_GET to retrive the information and run a query to display the result back to flash.but when I change the $_GET variable in the php file for a static value let's say (2), flash display the data that was requested in the php query..with $_GET I get in flash undefined with "2".I get in flash the data requested...

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IDE :: LoadVars - Send Data From PHP To Flash - Does Not Display The Contents In The Variable

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<param value="data-file=http://url-to-my/json.script" name="flashvars">

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I need to build a front-end site that I can have a forms page that will push data to the backend SWF, and then return the data back from the SWF to the front end.
Front-end -> SWF (Zip Code, Weight, Size) -> *Calculates* -> Front-End
That should be the flow..     So I need to send data to the backend, GET the data that it calculated, and return the results to my front-end.

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PHP :: Display Query Results Back To Flash Via AS3

Apr 23, 2010

I've made a query in PHP, and I'm trying to send the results back into Flash via AS3, but it's throwing up this error...

Error: Error #2101: The String passed to URLVariables.decode() must be a URL-encoded query string containing name/value pairs.
at Error$/throwError()

Here is the relevant part of the PHP and AS3 code, including the query. The Flash variable rssAdd is passed over to the PHP which is using it in the PHP query accordingly.
$url = $_POST['rssAdd'];
$query= SELECT title
WHERE category = (SELECT category
WHERE url =$url) AND url!=$url;
$result = mysql_query($query);
echo $query;

Here is the AS3 code I've done so far.
function recommendation(){
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("url");
request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST
var recVars:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Send Data To File?

Aug 12, 2010

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Professional :: Send Data To MySQL?

Oct 30, 2010

There an input textfield, name.text. There is a button with the following script,
send.onPress = function () {          getURL ("name.php", "_blank", "POST");    }The info will be send to MySQL database, name,  when pressing the button.
<?// Receiving the variables.$name = $_POST['name'];
// Printing out the variables.print "Your name is ". $name . ".";
I am not able to perform the task.

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PHP :: How To Send String From AS3 For Database Query

Oct 6, 2011

Im building this AIR app on Flash CS5, and I have this TileList that loads its data (images and names) from a database. I want to do a query with the name any item of the Tilelist when its clicked, so i need to send the name of that item to a PHP file that will execute the query. I am thinking of a function that loads the item name to a variable when the item is clicked. How can I send it to the PHP file and how would I load it to the query? The query I want on the php file goes something like this: Select lat, lon from mapdata where name=theVariable;

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var variables = new LoadVars();
variables.username = "uname";
I can't compile with the second line. FMS just says: Sending error message: Compilation error
How do I send variables to a HTTP URL?

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Aug 9, 2011

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on (release){    getURL("locations_info.html#minot", "location_content");}
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<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"


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Feb 16, 2009

Iam Jennifer, Iam having a doubt in Flash, I hope that you are going to solve my problem, Iam taking 3 Static text fields as Name, Age and Country and besides each and every static text fields i have taken 3 input text fields with different instance names, when i enter my Name, Age and Country details in the input text fields and after entering those details if user clicks the submit button the data should be send to some mail address, is it possible?

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Aug 1, 2011

what methods and parameters of the urlloader class we have to use to display images in a flash player if possible..also movie should update everytime a new image is added to a database or filethe images can either be in a file system or in a sql database (if possible)does flash comes with an object of this type or we have to create it

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Aug 4, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Send Data To A CGI Script Via GetURL And Not Have A Popup Window On Send?

Mar 11, 2004

I searched around and found some helpful things, but I am still missing something I think...

LoadVariables() won't work across domains, right, so, is it porrible to send data to a CGI script via getURL and not have a popup window on send?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cannot Display The Data From A XML File

Nov 9, 2002

I can not display the data from an XML file. My code is like this:

function getdata() {
myXML=new XML();


getdata fn is called on click of a button. when i run the application it goes to the disp function but doesnot display the the data from XML file.

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Flash :: Mod_rewriting A Query String Onto A Swf File?

Feb 1, 2010

I'm attempting to use mod_rewrite to clean up the URL's to a flash video player. First,here is the original URL that I'm trying to rewrite to:library/player.swf?path=path-to-file.flvhe above URL works perfectly fine when I access it directly. I have coded the swf to automatically grab the path parameter and play the video. No problems there. Now here is my attempted rewrite rule:RewriteRule ^player/(.+)$ library/player.swf?path=$1 [QSA,L]When visiting the url player/path-to-file.flv, I get the swf but no video loads. I set up a popup window in the flash to tell me the path name for debugging purposes, and it looks like the path isn't being passed at all.On the other hand if I use the exact same rule but point it to a test.php instead of player.swf, the test.php file is able to echo out the parameter

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Professional :: Query Flash Player For Status?

Jul 12, 2011

I watch shows and videos on web sites Often the web site uses Flash Player to display these videos. I wrote a plug-in for my Firefox web browser to log what I have watched or (if I had to stop) where I left off.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Send Search String To Database Query And Return Results To Dynamic Text Fields?

Feb 22, 2011

I have a dropdown box that is used to select a Category. I need the Flash Application to send the value of Category plus the search string in my textbox to my Access query and return results for each product meeting selection criteria. The Flash Application is calling an ASP.NET web service which in turn queries an MS Access database.

To start, how do I define the category ID and search value in my Actionscript 3 code?I've placed a series of 12 or so objects that will be populated with the product description, title and price. How do I setup each field to be dynamic text associated with the title description and price from my query results? If there are more than 12 products returned by the query, how do I add an additional page of objects to house more than 12 query results?

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Professional :: Transfer Data From Flash Movie To A PHP File?

Jul 17, 2011

However, no matter what I do I can't seem to get data from my components to a PHP file on my server.Ultimately,I am making a flash form that will submit the form data to the PHP script and make entries into a mySQL database.Before I do that, though, I thought I'd first just try to see if I could get data processed in PHP.So,I created a simple PHP file that simply displays the data on the screen, and I made a single-button flash movie that has some actionscript in it.Here is the code for the PHP file:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html xmlns=""><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />[code]....

And here is the code for the actionscript I have in my button:

on (click)[code]....

I'd like to note that my actionscript is a direct copy/paste from the Adobe online reference for actionscript 2 (with a change to the php path, of course).I upload everything and visit the page with the flash button in it.When I click the button, I am taken to the .php page as expected, but the only thing I get on my screen is "...and that's all I've got."

firstName, lastName, and age never get processed.Eventually, I'll be wanting to send data from form components.But as a first step, I can't even get this working correctly. Does anyone have any insight?I'm using Macromedia Flash 8 (I'd love to upgrade, but Adobe won't let me since it's part of a suite...and I don't want to upgrade the whole suite.

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