Professional :: Can Jpg Can Be Animated

Nov 14, 2010

For my project development i want to do animation on jpg image.

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Professional :: Export Animated Banner In Animated .gif Format

Sep 1, 2006

I have been tyring to export an animated banner, in animated.gif format. it's a simple animated text with no gradients. it should go on top of a graphic which has some gradients and is multi-coloured and with effects (the colours are similar to the one/i used in the page) as you can see here the text looks a bit funny.url...

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Professional :: Animated Mask On An Animated Clip?

Jan 20, 2012

Am I completely hallucinating or what ? That's several years I'm working with Flash, and today, i want to do the simplest animation ever, and it just doesn't work....I want to mask an animated clip with an animated mask (a shape animation), but every time the mask arrives at a keyframe, the clip restarts to the frame 1 !!I added a piece of code to see at which keyframe it is blocked, and at every mask keyframe, the code says 'TypeError: Error #1009: null property..

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Professional :: Exporting As An Animated Gif

Aug 24, 2010

I've created a small banner ad and need to export it as an animated gif. The problem is, when I open the gif after exporting it, there's no animation. The way the animation is set up is 1 frame on the main timeline, and a scrolling movie clip as the background. There is no actionscript at all in the file.

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Professional :: Animated Gif Behind Flash Swf?

Sep 1, 2010

I'm trying to put an animated gif behind a flash banner when people who don't have flash compatible browsers (iPhone, etc...) come to our website they don't see a big space with nothing there.
I tried making the gif a background for the cell that the flash movie is in, but I can see portions of the animated gif behind the flash movie, even if I set them to the same dimensions.

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Professional :: Animated Gif From Flash?

Jun 11, 2011

CS4, AS3.Windows XP SP3.I've created a pretty simple flash animation with some text that fades in and moves around a bit. Nothing fancy. It runs just fine both locally and on my client's site. I need to turn it into an animated gif so that non-flash viewers will see the animation. But I can't seem to get it to come out right. It needs to have a transparent background and it needs to run just once. Like I said, all that runs fine as an SWF.
When I choose the export option in the file menu (export movie as gif), it does export and I can run the gif but the background is definitely not transparent and the thing loops continuously. Yes, I've checked the "transparent" checkbox and also set the repetitions to 1. Neither of those settings do anything.I also tried "publishing" the gif. That's even worse. The resultant animation doesn't even resemble my SWF. It's a blocky mess when it runs. It does appear to have a transparent background but it loops over and over and again it's a blocky mess (not sure how else to explain that).
The whole thing is just about 10 layers of different lines of text that are tweened in various ways to get the effect I need.You can see the animation on the right hand side of this page: It's the one that says "FREE! Consultation..."
PS: The gif is not in place. I currently have it set to just show a static image if someone does not have flash.

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Professional :: SWF File To Animated GIF?

Dec 6, 2011

I am created a animtaion in flash AS2 no coding. Now i facing a problem because that nimation i want to GIF animated format. Anybody know how can i do that.

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Professional :: Save .fla File As Animated Gif?

Jan 15, 2010

still have the button link work? And to keep the file size low?...from .fla file to anim gif.....[URL]

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Professional :: Creating An Animated Starfield?

May 12, 2010

I want to make a background in an animation that looks like stars going by as a spaceship flies forward.I would like to make stars appear in the distance and then zoom by, very much like the windows screensaver that shows a black screen with stars continually moving toward the viewer.

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Professional :: Building A Animated Gauge?

May 18, 2010

Does anyone know where I could go and learn how-to build a gauge that will animate under certain conditions? Preferably in AS3. Not sure where to start on this one.

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Professional :: Animated Hit Area Into A Button?

Aug 23, 2010

I have an 800x800px button within a 800x800 stage, in the up state only 200px of the button are visible, the others 600px remains out of the stage, the over state is a movie clip with a spring-like animation that brings the button to the left to a viewable area of 600 pixels (while now only 200px are left out of the stage). the down state is very the same than the over (without animation, so no changes in size at all).
The problem here is how i set my hit area: if I set it to be the size of the up state then the button works the way it's supposed to work but if i move the mouse just i little to the left (just out of the hit area, remember, same size as the up state) then is considered not to be on the over state so i come back to my initial 200px button. By the way if i set the hit area to match the size of the button once it has completed it animation on over state (600px of viewable button) I fix this issue but then I will click the button even when I'm out of the UP state.It's possible to place a movie clip inside the hit area so that it always mach the motion of the movie clip inside the over state?[URL]This is an early prototype of the site but you'll see what i mean, my buttons are the numbered tabs, when you roll over there you'll see they become animated but i planning to make this animation much more exaggerated and then is when the problem come...

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Professional :: Exporting Or Publishing In Animated GIF?

Nov 16, 2010

When I publish the animation as an animated GIF, not only is the animation slower, but the colors lost their transparency, and the weight blows up 50 times.Here are the two:[URL]

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Professional :: Poor Quality With Animated .gif?

Dec 4, 2010

I'm trying to create a small animated graphic but under gif. format looks terribleI am missing any trick or should I try other format (which)?

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Professional :: Make Animated Text?

May 16, 2011

I want to make the text moving like this one here : http:[url]....How do I make it or where I can find tutorial to learn?

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Professional :: Animated Button In Flash?

Aug 23, 2011

I am having a problem creating an animated btn in flash, I simple want it to do fades and blink several times.I have created a movie clip with frames 1-20 where frame 1-10 is in the normal state and 10-20 is the mouse over state with the effects.In my action controls I have a stop on frame 1 and a stop on frame 10 and a gotoAndPlay("Repeat"); on frame 20

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Professional :: Xml Driven Animated Bar And Pie Chart?

Jul 27, 2010

I would like to create a xml driven animated bar and pie chart. How can i create in flash?Is flash is the right tool to use or should i go for any other tool for such animated charts.

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Professional :: Tool For Multiple Animated Objects?

Feb 23, 2010

I am expirimenting with Flash Web Sites, and I would like suggestions as to a starting point for my project, and I am assuming a Flash website is where I would start.Basically, If I were to open up a web page, I would like to see multiple animated objects.  For example, if I were to simulate an Emergency Room, I would have an EKG displaying a heart rate, then perhaps see a breathing maching apparatus moving up and down, a Drip bag (sorry, don't know the real term), dripping into a patient's tube.  And of course, if I were to roll over an object it would animate, and if clicked on more animation or on to another page.
I tried creating the animated objects in Fireworks, and I thought I could combine various Firworks files into one, but it didn't work (too many frames), either becasue I lack the knowlege of how to do this or simply it cannot be done that way in Fireworks.  I had a background with one animated flashing object (that was easy), but combining multiple independent objects, I could not figure it out.
Someone suggested that I would have to use Action Scripts, which made me realize, I don't know the best way to accomplish my example above, and although I know I may be over my head, I would just like to get direction as to where I should begin.
Should it all be in Flash in the first place?  To continue on with the example above, after a user clicks on the rollover image, a girney comes rolling in and we are giving choices on a monitor with what our next actions should be, which would take us into another page.  (this is just to give you perpective of what I am trying to accomplish).
Should I create independent animated objects (files) in Fireworks, then somehow import them into their specified location in Flash.

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Professional :: FLA File Is Not Correctly Converted To Animated GIF

Mar 2, 2010

I'm begining with flash (flash CS4 pro), I have created a fla file with a mxp filter which makes waves (I found the effect on ""). I've done the setup for publishing (animated gif + swf)

When I publish the animated gif, I get a non-animated gif with the logo of "" at the top of the image. ( I've also tried to download the swf with real player, same effect : I have a static video with the same logo )

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Professional :: Exporting Animated PNG Became Some Kind Of Crap

Mar 26, 2010

i heard that i can export fla job to an animated png instead of gif and the png will be loseless cause when im exporting to gif it became some kind of crap i've asked in other forum and they told me that there's no such thing animated png because png is a still picture so i showed them some kind of animated png like this one [URL] just to prove them that there is animated png now i have 2 problems when im exporting to animated gif the mask and the movie clips at the job wouldn't shown example: here is the fla, the swf, and the exported gif.


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Professional :: Alter Instances Of Animated Symbols?

May 28, 2010

I am stumped as to how to use an animated symbol repeatedly in a timeline while being able to alter its visual qualities without breaking the animation motion.I make a simple 3-layer animation of a body with two legs doing a walk cycle in place.I convert the completed animation as a new graphic symbol in the library.

I can then drag copies of that animated symbol to different timeline layers and alter their overall scales or give them each additional motions with a motion tween so various versions of it can move across the stage independently with tweens while keeping the walk cycle movements of the symbol.

I can change the colour properties of the added symbols but this only affects the whole image, so if the object had a body and legs in different colours, altering the properties changes all of the body parts to the same colour.Doing this does preserve the walk cycle motion, but the new object looks crude because it has become all one colour.I can then alter the visual properties of the components individually, but then it loses its animation motion.Whether I just group it again or convert it to a new symbol, it has lost the animation motion (the walk cycle of the legs) of the original. how to make such an animated symbol so that I can reuse it in the timeline while changing its visual properties (so it looks like a different character in the story) and yet keep its original animation motion.I have tried to duplicate the symbol and to copy and paste the motion but nothing seems to work.

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Professional :: Transparent Background For Animated Gifs?

Jul 20, 2010

yesterday i made a Flash with CS5, and i wanted to export the Movie as Animated Gif with a transparent Background but this does not work, no matter if i selest transparency due the Export as Movie or if i set it in Publish Settings, the Background will be always opaque as in the Flash App itself, so White or whatever Background is set to the App...I am on s Mac, the only way it worked was to export the Movie as PNG Sequence but i don't know how to easily combine them together as an animated gif?

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Professional :: Animated Flash Buttons Not Working Right?

Sep 6, 2010

I'm updating my website and my menu buttons have an animation on the mouseOver. A simple animated button with the "Up", "Over", "Down" and "Hit" keyframes. will show the effect of my menu buttons and the effect I want to keep. Part of my updates are switching to AS3 and that's where my problem comes in. You can't see it on the website I gave you, but in my working file, when I test it (in IE8), everything starts out fine when I first rollover my button, the animation runs through it's cycle and stops. However, if I press down on the mouse button, the animation starts over. The same when I release the mouse button, the animation starts over. I want the animation to run through 1 cycle and stop, then stay stopped until I roll off the button.

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Professional :: Animated Buttons Pointing To The Same Link?

Sep 16, 2010

I am working on our new website and have purchased an animated flash template. I have very limited experience of Flash and use Dreamweaver as my every day web tool.
I have modified most of the template but have a frustration with some animated buttons pointing to the same page even though I think i have programmed CS5 to point it to different pages. In the middle of each page is 3 boxes which have 3 Read me buttons... each should point to a different page.
It has absolutely got me beaten. I have copied the buttons and their animations, renamed all elements of the button but something is clearly linking them together.

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Professional :: Clicking Animated Button Goes Directly To URL?

Dec 16, 2010

I have created a button in Flash CS4 with AS3. It is an invisible button over a test tube illustration. I have created an animation of an empty test tube illustration that fills with liquid when you click on the invisible button. The duration of the movie clip (test tube filling) is 26 frames at 18 frames per second (about 1.5 seconds).I have put in action script that sends the viewer to a URL when you click on the (invisible) test tube button and it works as expected.My problem is that when I test the button, it goes immediately to the URL without me being able to see the full animation of the test tube filling first.

My question:How can I delay the action of the button linking to the URL to allow the viewer to see the full 26 frames (about 1.5 seconds) of animation and THEN GO TO THE SPECIFIED URL?Found lots of stuff about delaying using intervals?? in ActionScript -not making any sense to me. I am a beginner/intermediate in Flash and know very little about AS - i find most of my AS stuff on line on forums etc.Here is my action script 3.0 on the last frame (26) of my animation. teach_btn is the invisible button.

function mouseClick(event:MouseEvent):void


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Professional :: Adding URL Link To Animated Banner?

Jan 5, 2011

I have created a basic animation in Flash CS5 and I need to add a clickable URL link to it. I've tried a few tutorials that looked promising, but none of them solved my problem. I've tried a number of things including converting parts or all of the images to simple buttons or movies and linking them that way as well as typing in code for ActionScript 2 and 3, none of which were successful. The animation plays correctly when viewed in my browser, but when I click on it, the link does not work. I would prefer that the entire banner be clickable to take viewers to the linked website rather than using hyperlinked text. Also, when I open the Code Snippets window, it is empty, no matter what image or frame I've selected. Do I need to import code snippets from somewhere or am I simply going about things the wrong way?

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Professional :: Making An Animated Navigation Link?

Aug 18, 2011

I want to make it so when the visitor hovers over each navigation link the icon changes from a stop sign to a go sign
how to go about doing this. I have watched tutorials and read up on the internet

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Professional :: CS4: Importing Animated Gifs For Rotoscoping?

Aug 22, 2011

I've been trying to import animated gifs into Adobe Flash CS4 Professional to practice rotoscoping, but I can never get the gifs to work. I've tried importing directly to the stage and importing to the library and making the gif into a symbol and so on, and I can get the gif's frames to appear in the timeline, but once the gifs are in the file refuses to play. If I hit Enter and try to play it, nothing happens. If I try to test the scene or test the movie, I just get an swf that's stuck on the first frame in the gif. Does anyone have any idea how I can get gifs to work?(I'm using Windows 7 on an HP laptop with 6 GB of RAM. If I should be providing any other information, let me know.)

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Professional :: How To Create Motion Tween With Animated GIF / SWF

Mar 14, 2012

I have already created an animattion of a bird flapping its wings. I want to include this within another animation of it flying around as well as flapping wings and wondering how this can be done. I tried to import it as both a gif image and swf movie and although it holds the original animation I cannot add the motion tween to draw the flying path.

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Professional :: Masked Objects In Flash Export Non Animated?

Mar 21, 2010

is there a logic explanation why my flash projects when exported as an avi or quicktime etc etc the objects that were masked are not animated? and what do i have to do in order for project to be as i see it when i test the movie and it appears fine.

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Professional :: Make An Animated Button With 2 Hit Areas That Do Different Things?

Apr 30, 2010

For example if you had a cat and running a mouse over its tail would make it angry, but running the mouse over it's head would make it happy. I thought it might be done by having layers on a button with 2 hit areas, I mocked it up quickly, but it just played both animations when I hovered over each button.

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