Professional :: "chain" Two Or More FLV Video's So One Plays After Another?

Feb 19, 2010

We want to "chain" multiple FLV video's on the same web page. We can combine them in my video editor but the resulting file is over 30 minutes long. But, I'm hopeful that we can do this using code in the web page so...
1 - We convert each AVI video to FLV video and then "publish" it locally to get the associated files.
2 - Then combine the HTML as necessary to have one video play right after the other.
Can I just... - copy the javascript AC_FL_RunContent code and change the 'name' and 'movie to be the name of the next video. - and then do the same thing for the object code?
or is there a shorter or more easy way to do this?
Finally, is this the best forum for Flash FLV questions?
PS - I know some will want to know why we want to chain short videos instead of just making one long video but the explination is long and will bog down the discussion.

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Sep 9, 2010

I'm porting in an .flv to Flash for the first time. I created the .flv from an .MP4 using Media Encoder CS5, and then opened a new Actionscript 3 .fla in Flash Professional CS5, clicked File > Import > Import Video. Then selected 'Load external video with playback component'. Everything seems to have imported fine, but when I publish the SWF and import it via Dreamweaver CS5 and preview the page, the video is there, but the controls are not. There's just a white box where the controls should be. Also, the video is out of sync with the audio, which I believe is a problem with Media Encoder, not Flash.
Here are some links:
The page that I'm working on (video at the bottom of the page)
The .FLA 
The .FLV 
The .SWF

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Professional :: Published F4v Video And Html Plays Locally But Not Online?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Youtube And Flash - User To Be Able To Click On A Video Thumbnail And That Video Plays Back In The Center Of The Document

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The code I'm using is as follows:

function doPlayVid(e:MouseEvent):void {;
this.alpha = 0;


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var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();


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Jul 29, 2009

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The code I've used is as follows:
function doPlayVid(e:MouseEvent):void {;


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FLV Video Plays WAY Too Fast

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FLVPlayback Plays Audio But No Video?

Jul 30, 2009

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How to stop it from buffering?

ActionScript Code:"");"");
this.createEmptyMovieClip("video_mc", 10);


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IDE :: Video Plays Every Time A Page Loads?

Mar 16, 2010

How can I play an embedded flv video automatically in a Flash website every time it loads a page?

For example: When I click on the "About" button, I'll go to the About page. On that page, there's an embedded flv that I want to play automatically every time I go to the "About" page.

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Flash :: Video Not Playing On Site But Plays Locally

Nov 26, 2009

So I am relatively new to Flash and After Affects but I managed to make a nice video with Adobe After Effects that my friend wanted to put on his site. After I was done rendering it I used Adobe Media Encoder to make the .avi file into a .f4v file for flash. After opening that flash file with Flash i exported it out into a .swf file. When I opened the .swf it played perfectly, just the way it should. I edited my index.html with Dreamweaver and the coding and everything seemed fine. After previewing the index.html with my browser and Dreamweaver's Live View I was quite satisfied with my results. When I uploaded the files onto my site the flash did not play. It plays locally on my PC but not on the site. I later asked a few more experienced buddies what was wrong and they confirmed that they weren't able to play the file locally nor from the site. At first I thought I may have mixed up the links but they were fine. Here is the code I used for my index.html page.


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Mar 19, 2010

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Flv - Flowplayer Flash Component Plays Sound But Not Video?

Jan 17, 2010

The flow player will play the audio of a *.flv, but doesn't play the video and I've no idea why. The initial example page using the default flowplayer flv url works fine. When I change the url to my godaddy site, it doesn't work. I'm using Movavi Video Suite 8 to perform the conversion to flash from mp4. I think the metadata is included in the flash file when it converts, but I'm not certain. I used the meta data injector found here: [URL] to inject meta data into the flash files and it still did not work.

Also of note is that the player's progress bar shows the start, current, & end time values of the video, so I think the metadata is there. I've still no clue why this isn't working, though.

I wonder if it's my *.flv file as the player will load the mp4 file it was generated from. I used a premium application called MOVAVI Video Suite to perform the conversion. I don't think this is the case because I can upload the converted *.flv file to youtube and it plays fine.

Also worth noting is that the Flow Player plays audio and not video both when the flv source is pointed to my godaddy site as well as when its pointed to a local folder on my hard drive that contains the player, it's files, the video files, and the example .html page being used to test this.

Possibly something else worth mentioning is that I have not put the flow player files on my godaddy site yet because the video picture isn't showing locally.I have the same issue with the LongTailVideo player.

Here is the html for my test page:

include flowplayer JavaScript file that does
Flash embedding and provides the Flowplayer API.
<script type="text/javascript" src="flowplayer-3.1.4.min.js"></script>


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Netstream Audio Plays While Video Loading?

Jan 14, 2009

how to get flv's to load up dynamically using xml - it all works well apart from this one problem that i have.

when the thumbnail for the flv is clicked the preloader appears and the flv starts to load - but for some reason the audio begins to play almost immediately - then when the flv actually loads then the audio plays again whilst the initial (unwanted) audio carries on playing!

this is the script for the netstream:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fading Out Background Music While Video Plays

Jan 17, 2009

Here I've a sound track included in timeline from first frame (not in actionscript).

And after intro, I've a video button where I added a video with sound which starts to play by clicking

Now the problem is both background music & video sound mixing & creates a noise kinda combination.

I need a solution like fading out the background music if i click the video button & fading in when clicking some other button or navigating to other pages?[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preload External Swf, Video Plays Before Swf Has Been Loaded?

Oct 2, 2009

I'm trying to preload a swf.My swf seems to be playing before it hits the 100% mark. Usually around 33% I have no idea why....the loaded swf contains a video which is playing before it's even on the stage!

ActionScript Code:
var l:Loader = new Loader();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: FLV Player Still Plays Audio Of Video After I Navigate Away From It

Nov 21, 2010

In my main swf file i load external swf files for each section.. In my video section i load a swf that includes a flv player that plays flv's with sound!

when i go back to menu...or go to another section....sound is still playing! why? I was thinking maybe i need to add a stop all sounds actionscript when going back to menu?

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Apr 5, 2011

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Dec 11, 2011

I want my flash file plays one and stops in the end and only plays again if  play again button is pressed.How do i do it?

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Professional :: Stop An Animation Once It Plays?

Feb 12, 2010

What I want to do is create a page that many other pages link to. This will be my index page. When it loads, the Flash movies play.But, when they return to this page after leaving it to go somewhere else on my site, I don't want the movies to play again.I thought of just having an HTML page that looks exactly like it and then linking the other pages to it, but, since there are a whole lotta pages that need to link to it, search engines might rank that dummy page more highly making it the landing page and then no one would ever visit the real index page with the animations. What to do? Here's a prototype of the page I'm talking about.

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Professional :: Swf Plays As Stand Alone But Not In Site?

May 18, 2010

I'm a bit frustrated as I've created a Flash movie with an embedded video.The SWF file works fine when I play it as a stand alone file but when I use the file inside my website, the video portion does not play.I have placed the video file and the Flash file in the correct folder on my site.

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