Professional :: Change The Border Size Of A Text Box?

Oct 18, 2010

"be all end all" list of setStyle syntax for as2?
Specifically, I'm trying to change the border size of a text box.

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Flash :: Flex Relative Size Component, Fixed Size Border?

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I want to create a panel (or any other component) inside a component that has a 5 pixel border on all sides, but scales fully when the window is resized. I know I can set width to "100%" to make it resize, but that gives me no borders. If I put it to "95%",I have borders, but they scale annoyingly. Also, that only works for borders on the right or lower bounds, and not to the left or upper sides.Is there a convenient way to do this without having to write tons of resize-code (in which case I will not bother and just accept bad rescale behaviour, as it is for a private pet project).

EDIT: I know that I can just overwrite the display handling and set the positions manually every frame. I wondered if there is a cheap way to do it in the mxml-structure, along these lines:

width="100%" height="100%"

Coming from C++ and Java, I am intrigued by the option of setting something to "95%" and let the library work out the details, instead of having to write many lines of code, just so my text-area always keeps a 5 pixel distance from the border, but scales with window width.If there is no easier way to do it than figuring out pixel sizes by hand and setting the coordinates.

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Dec 2, 2010

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I've tried this code
var myTextFormat: TextFormat = new TextFormat();myTextFormat.size = 14;email_txt.setStyle("textFormat", myTextFormat);
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How can I do to change the font size?

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Aug 15, 2010

Is it possible to create a for loop, that looks at the number ofcharacters in the symbol, take the current character and raise its size by 2pt, and the previous and next characters by 1 point? And as it continuess to put the original size of each character back?I'd only started working on this, but (a) I'm new to ActionScript, and (b) it may not be possible to create such a routine.I started with this before posting:

for (L=0; L<pageTitle.letters.length; L++)


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Jul 8, 2010

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Jan 24, 2011

I have a dynamic text field which gets updated via an input text field on the stage!

I just need to know how I can reduce the size of the dynamic text font when there are too many letters in the text box!

I've tried this code :

this.result1.onChanged = function() {
myTextFormat = new TextFormat();
myTextFormat.size = 25-(this.text.length/2);


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Feb 26, 2011

I tried this but doesnt works: var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); tf.font = "Arial"; tf.size = 25; tf.bold = true; list.setStyle("textFormat", tf);

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I made a flash application that gets the geolocation of a viewer ( city, state) and I'm trying to figure out how I could make the font smaller to fit in the container that I have it in depending on how big the name of the city is. For example, "Detroit" may fit, but "Los Angeles" may need to be a smaller font.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: (FMX) Automatically Change Size Of Dynamic Text Box

Mar 22, 2005

I have an MC with a single-line dynamic text box in it. I am placing the MC on stage using attachMovie. Then I am loading text into the dynamic text box in the MC I just placed on stage. I am trying to figure out code that will make the dynamic text box either scale up or down to fit the text that I am loading into it.

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Aug 2, 2006

is it possible to set the text size for ALL the textfields in the movie with one script? Even if they have no instance names, even if they are created dynamically,...

Maybe some prototype which activates after the textfield is "created"?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change The Color And Font And Size Of The Text?

Feb 7, 2007

I have this text field and I cant seem to find out how to change the color and font and size of the text.

_global.textBoxCellWidth = 0;
_global.counter = 0;
var myVars = new LoadVars();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Size Change Within MovieClip

Mar 30, 2010

I'm trying to change the text size in a dynamic text area within a (movie clip) button. For a couple of buttons I'd like to make certain text smaller, for example, to make the "vs" smaller in "A VS B". My buttons have dynamic text in them and the font is embedded and set at size 10 initially. The code I've got in my movie is as follows:

// define new text formatting
var minimenutext_txt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
minimenutext_txt.size = 8;
avsb_txt = "A VS B";
// assign formatting to button dynamic text
btn1.btext.buttext.text = avsb_txt;

The text "A VS B" shows up in my button, but I can't seem to do anything to change the format. I've tried making it bold, italic, that kind of thing too - but no luck. Does the setTextFormat command only work with input dynamic text boxes? Is it being overruled somehow?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: (FMX) Automatically Change Size Of Dynamic Text Box?

Mar 22, 2005

I have an MC with a single-line dynamic text box in it. I am placing the MC on stage using attachMovie. Then I am loading text into the dynamic text box in the MC I just placed on stage. I am trying to figure out code that will make the dynamic text box either scale up or down to fit the text that I am loading into it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Size And Color Of Marquee Text Field

Oct 19, 2011

I have a class for MarqueetextField, I am trying to change the text inside a marquee tag and the color of the marquee using as3.I Don't Know how to Change the Color and Size,[code]But the Size is Very Small,How Can i Change the Color and Size of Marquee Text?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Size Of Text In A Tlf Textfield With The Click Of A Button

Feb 16, 2012

I've got a bunch of text boxes that I need to be able to change the text size of with the click of a button. All the text needs to be embedded so I tried to use a tlf text field and target it but to no avail. This is what i have.

ActionScript Code:
fifteen_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changeSize);
function changeSize(evt:MouseEvent):void


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Flash :: Change Size And Color Of Marquee Text Field In ActionScrtipt3?

Oct 19, 2011

I have a class for MarqueetextField, I am trying to change the text inside a marquee tag and the color of the marquee using as3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Disappear On Font Size Change And Reappear On Clicking Start Button?

Dec 4, 2009

I'll try to be brief. I've built a teleprompter projector file app in Flash CS4 and it works great on PCs & MACs. Only one bug. the program works in three phases: Welcome & instruction screen / Text input screen / Prompter screen.Problem occurs when you first enter prompt screen

basic navigation and functionality includes:

BUTTONS: button to return to INPUT screen, a BEGIN button, a MIRROR text button, and a SAVE prompting position KEYBOARD: SPACE begin prompting, LEFT & RIGHT ARROW increase & decrease font size, UP & DOWN ARROW increase & decrease scrolling speed, HOME returns script to top, PAGE UP & PAGE DOWN moves script by 600 pixels.

MOUSE: MOUSE_WHEEL increases and decreases scrolling speed *(would like to add a ctrlKey modifier to change font size on mouse wheel - another day perhaps)

THE PROBLEM: When you enter the prompt screen and hit PAGE DOWN the script correctly moves down 600 pixels, but does not redraw on the stage. If you then hit PAGE UP it correctly moves up and the text is back on the stage. Hit PAGE DOWN again and it moves but does not render. You can repeat this continuously. I have a Y position reference that shows the Y coordinates of the text field, so I'm confident that the MC is correctly moving, it's just not rendering. If you hit PAGE DOWN and hit BEGIN the text renders in the correct place. Once you start the prompter, you can stop it and use PAGE DOWN and it renders correctly, but if you change the font size larger > 100 and hit PAGE DOWN the font again does not render. Again if you hit BEGIN the font renders correctly in the correct position.

WHAT I THINK: I've been trying to find a way to update or refresh the text field that is being manipulated on PAGE DOWN and font increase; no luck with updateAfterEvent or redraw. I've tried to start and stop the prompter programmatically in one frame at the end of the PAGE DOWN function & font increase.

POSSIBILITIES OR NEW STRATEGY? I'm a media production specialist with a school district in Florida, and I'm hoping to release this app to all our schools and to It's a small bug, but I'd rather not have to explain it if I can find a way to fix it. The following code block only contains the functions related to the navigation and prompter text box manipulation.

//Begin button toggle code.Toggle between begin and stop.startBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, startOver);function startOver(e:MouseEvent)[code].....

A Visual Basic & ASP.NET programmer I work with looked at the bug with me, and he believes the error is somehow related to the actual CLICK of the BEGIN button. As I noted earlier, we tried a workaround by using code to start and stop the prompter in one frame after the font size change, but that did not correct the issue. Yet when you physically click begin with the mouse it renders the text.What is it about clicking the mouse that causes the text box to render? Is it a focus issue? Like the keyboard has focus, but when you click BEGIN it returns focus to the text box and it redraws then?

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