Professional :: Component Uiscrollbar For Use With Text Fields Only?

Aug 26, 2010

Is the component uiscrollbar for use with text fields only?

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Professional :: Add Images And Text To UIScrollBar Component?

Jul 19, 2010

I can only add the text, can't add images. Also how can you make paragraphs out of long text in a UIScrollBar?

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Displaying Text As HTML In The UIscrollbar Component

Sep 9, 2009

I have a window on my Flash stage that has some scrollable copy in it.  The problem is, I can't seem to have any formatting for the text ... if I select a word or two to make bold, it all turns bold.  I gather I need to use the "Display Text as HTML" checkbox and then paste in some HTML formatted text but this doesn't seem to work.  I searched this forum and found that others were designating "htmlText" in Actionscript instead of just "text" ... that didn't work either.  I probably just did it wrong, or maybe it's becuase I'm using the UI component "UIscrollBar" for it's scrolling of the text.

Is there anything else I need to do to be able to format some text with strong tags and maybe some href links?
I have my properties inspector with the following check marks:

Display as HTML
Dynamic Text

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Professional :: Attaching Flash UIScrollbar Component To MovieClip

Apr 13, 2010

I'm attempting to attach Flash's UIScrollbar component to a movie clip so I can scroll graphics, pdf links and a series of flv files. I know how to attach the scrollbar to a dynamic text field (drag and drop) and have tried similar processes with the mc but no luck. I feel like it's not as simple as "drag and drop" and that the mc itself needs to have it's x and y's defined and then have script associated (note I'm using as3).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unselected And Scrollable For Dynamic Text Boxes With A UIScrollBar Component?

Nov 25, 2010

I can use this code to make the text unselected but prevents me from scrolling.

textbox_txt.selectable = false;

How can i do it both unselected and scrollable for Dynamic Text Boxes with a UIScrollBar component?

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Professional :: UIScrollbar Drag N Drop - Keeps Jumping - Text Field

May 13, 2010

I'm cruising through the Classroom in a Book series for ActionScript 3.0 and I'm having problems with the uiscrollbar attaching to a text field. I've used them before, but this time when I drag it over to the text field it keeps jumpimg to the outside of the box instead of attaching and I can't seem to get in inside the box unless I manually change the X and Y settings and force it where I want it to be. Even then it doesn't work correctly.

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Professional :: Linking A Single UIScrollBar To Multiple Dynamic Text Boxes?

May 26, 2010

I have 3 different dynamic text boxes filled with an even amount of content and I can link the UIScollBar to one of the boxes just fine, but I can't seem to find a way to make the content in all three boxes scroll simultaneously with a single UIScrollBar?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 UIScrollBar Component And Scrollbox

Jun 7, 2009

The component itself works perfectly. I can create a scrollbox and the scrollbar and everything works perfectly..except that it somehow partially disables my other codes. I'm trying to create a small database in flash where I can store stuff and to quickly find what I'm looking for I made a Input Text field and added a code so that you could search for a keyframe label and then it would jump to that keyframe.The scrollbox disables the search function, although only partially! The button with the search code looks like this:[code]which means the scrollbar component somehow disables the Enter button! Weird. I know I should be content with at least the clicking working, but I'd really love to have a search where you can just simply press Enter for it to go to that keyframe.

Well, the problem didn't end there.When I try to delete the scrollbar and everything that made the search stop working, the enter button still won't work, even when I deleted all the faulty keyframes where I added the scrollbars! So I have to begin again from scratch to make it work.A scrollbox would really help me get more text into a keyframe, so I'd love to have it there. If someone can help me get this work, I'd be happy.I tried creating my own scrollbar. It works great, too, and it doesn't disable the search code. The problem is, that I made the scrollbox into a movie clip, and I need many scrollboxes with different texts, and I'd really hate to create a new scrollbox from scratch each time I need one with different text. Plus, I'll probably need 100+ scrollboxes so it'd take a while to make that many.Anyone know how you can duplicate a movie clip and then edit the duplicate without the original being edited? That annoys the hell out of me and I'd really love to be able to just duplicate my self-made scrollbox and edit the text on each one, because right now when I edit the text on the duplicate box it also edits it on the original one :/

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UIScrollBar Component Not Loading Correctly

May 23, 2009

I have a website I created in Flash (CS4 AS2), and on one page, I have a UIScrollBar component. It is linked to a text box, which loads text from an external .txt file. The page has a short pre-loader that plays while the page is loading; the page is not supposed to be shown until it's 100% loaded.

My problem is that when the page loads, the text is there, and there is a box where the scroll bar should go, but no scroll bar. The mouse wheel makes the page scroll as it should, but the bar itself is not visible or functional. If I navagate away and then return to the page, or reload the page, the bar displays as it should.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using MouseWheel With UIScrollBar Component

May 1, 2009

I am attempting to use the mouse wheel with the UIScrollBar as3 component. I know the MOUSE_WHEEL event does not work on a MAC, only PC. I would like the user to be able to scroll using the mousewheel and the content as well as the Scrollbar updates (on a PC). The main issue that I can't figure out is how to update the scrollbar.

Select all//mcBorder is the visible content area
//mcContainer is the content that should scroll
var sb:ScrollBar = new ScrollBar();
addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, wheel_event);
[Code] .....

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Actionscript 3 :: UIScrollbar Component Not Working In Flash Cs4

Jan 18, 2012

Ok so i have this dyanamic textbox called logtxt and i have a UIScrollbar attached to it. It works, but only if i add it through typing/pasting it into the textbox. I need it to work when i add the text through the code. (it is linked correctly through the components inspector)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Programming Easing On A UIScrollbar Component?

Mar 30, 2006

Im trying to set easing to a scrollbar, is this even possible? I dont know if im doing it right, is kinda suck at logical thinking I used the easing tutorial from als/easing.htmlme, bur with no my code:

var scrollpos:Number = 1;
this.createTextField("my_txt", 10, 10, 20, 200, 100);
my_txt.wordWrap = true;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: UIScrollBar Component And Keypress Event

Aug 23, 2006

I have a chat swf with one dynamic textfield that shows the typed text and one input textfield with an "ok" button. I'm using this code on the button:
on(release, keypress "enter") { //do something}

With this code after the typing, the user could just press the "enter" key to transfer the typed text to the dynamic textfield of the chat. It was everything working perfectly, the problem showed up when I added the UiScrollBar component to scroll the dynamic textfield. When I add the UiScrollBar to the library, the keypress "enter" event on the button stop working! If I delete the UiScrollBar component, keypress event start working again!

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Professional :: Regarding Input Text Fields

Nov 11, 2010

This is about fill in the blanks in flash 8 as2. In this i used input text fields and three buttons.In first frame i used multiple input text fields and a submit button. After filling all the blanks we click on submit button then in the second frame we will show the result like if the blank is correct it should change the color to green and if it is wrong it should change to red.and in the frame i have check button when we click on it will display all the answers. And when we click on analyse button we have to display the answer which the user types and the correct answers.And my problem is when we click on submit there is no difference in the blanks color all are in black only.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Html-enabled Textfield And The Uiscrollbar Component?

Oct 4, 2008

I am having some trouble with a dynamic html-enabled textfield and the uiscrollbar component. I created a dynamic textfield on the stage, named it "mytext". Enable it for HTML and make it multiline. I added this action: mytext.htmlText="test<BR><BR>test<BR><BR>test" The html shows up just fine. I add a uiscrollbar to it. It is definitely targeted for "mytext". Now when I test it I get: _level0.mytext in the textbox instead. When I trace mytext.htmlText, I get the correct HTML but it just doesn't show up. When I shorten my content so that the UIscrollbar isn't necessary, the HTML is again displayed correctly. Now if I update the code to say instead:


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Professional :: Using HTML In Dynamic Text Fields - CS4?

Mar 4, 2010

Is there a way to type HTML directly into a TextField in Flash CS4?  I've created a TextField on the stage, set it to dynamic, set "Render text as HTML" and thought that I could then type HTML directly into the TextField and that it would be rendered as such.  Instead it displays whatever HTML I type as regular text.

I assume then that the only way to get HTML into one of these fields is to dynamically load it into the TextField through the htmlText property.  Is this right?  And if so, what exactly is the purpose of having a "Render text as HTML" button in the first place?  Couldn't I just load the HTML into the TextField through the htmlText property anyways?

Well, at any rate, I was really hoping to use as much of the flash interface for the project I'm working on, such that anyone who didn't know AS3 could easily update it themselves.  Now it's looking like not only will they have to know AS3 and HTML, but also have to deal with the hassle of formatting what will potentially be a complex system of images, textfields, and videos all in AS3 with no visual interface.
Is it too much to ask to be able to just highlight some text and make it bold or italic?  That's really all I need, sadly.

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Professional :: Not Seeing All Letters In Dynamic Text Fields?

Jun 11, 2010

I think that I have properly embedded the Verdana font (see image below). However, in my Flash game, dynamic text fields do not show certain letters, such as X and J. What am I missing?

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Professional :: Dynamic Text Fields And Symbols

Aug 7, 2010

I'm having trouble with dynamic text. I have a symbol with dynamic text fields in it. In the action script file I want to change the text of these text fields like this:
textFieldName.text = "new text";
But nothing happens. I cannot see any text when I play the movie. Also I tried adding a dynamic text field directly to stage and change the text with
textFieldName.text = "new text";
I can see the new text when I play the movie. Then I added my symbol that has the dynamic texts in it, and the text of the text field that is directly on stage disappears. When I delete my symbol, the text is back there. I'm using Flash CS5 and ActionScript 3.0.

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Professional :: Error Checking Input Text Fields?

May 24, 2010

Just wondering where I find a list of what can be error checked in input text fields?I'm looking for things like...- checking that letters and not numbers are entered- checking that an entered number is in a certain range

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Professional :: Dynamic Text Fields Not Working Properly In CS5?

May 27, 2010

In an attempt to use a dynamic text field on my page, and passing text to it such as..

question.text = "Sample text here"

..where the instance name of the dynamic text field is "question" ..I found that if I add another text box to the page as static text, but using the same font as the dynamic field, the dynamic field populates incorrectly.If I compile using CS4 it works fine, and if I break apart the static text in CS5 it works fine.I also found if I change the font of the static field to something other than that of the dynamic.. it works fine.However in further testing..if I place a second static text field on the page,the dynamic again breaks even if I use the different font as before.

All of these scenarios work fine in CS4, but in CS5 is causing my dynamic field to change to the same as my static text, or simply mixing letters and otherwise not displaying my dynamic text...I've tested on three systems here all with CS5 ...

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Professional :: Read Text From Fields In Flash Player?

Aug 12, 2010

we've started using a Flash-based customer management system at work, which we access as a Web service through Internet Explorer (I'm using IE6) and I have to enter each record's information (name, address, etc.) into an Excel spreadsheet.Our IT department has chosen not to develop data import/export capability for this system, so it's up to the end users to develop their own applications.I'd like to automate this data entry, so I'm trying to write a script that will access the Flash being displayed in the browser, and read/write various text fields from the screen.I've been using AutoIT for most of my scripting, but AutoIT doesn't have a way to read Flash objects.Is there some way to do this in JavaScript or some other common scripting language?

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Professional :: Font Not Embedded In Static Text Fields

Apr 5, 2011

I think the title says it all. I'm building website and I've come half way now just to notice that my clients cant see my font that supposed to be there. What I've learned so far is that in static text fields, flash should embed it itself since I can't reference to it + embedFonts property not working, how can I fix this problem? Anyone had anything similar?hat are common mistakes? I'm pretty new at all of this.

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Professional :: Extracting Numbers Not Strings From Input Text Fields?

Apr 29, 2010

I have two input boxes that I can type numbers into.I'd like a third input box to display the total of the first two.I've set up a key pressed listener on the stage to run a function that adds them together when a key is pressed.Problem is, it just places the strings together - it ddoesn't add them.So how do I tell Flash that box1.text and box2.text are numbers?box3.text = box1.text + box2.text ain't doing it.

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Professional :: Omit Certain Text Input Fields On Flash Site From Form?

Apr 18, 2007

If I have a form with 12 text input fields on one page and on another for a different reason I have 4 text input fields how do I keep this information form the 4 from being passed to my php script?

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Professional :: Send The Data Entered In Input Text Fields To E-mail?

Feb 16, 2009

Iam Jennifer, Iam having a doubt in Flash, I hope that you are going to solve my problem, Iam taking 3 Static text fields as Name, Age and Country and besides each and every static text fields i have taken 3 input text fields with different instance names, when i enter my Name, Age and Country details in the input text fields and after entering those details if user clicks the submit button the data should be send to some mail address, is it possible?

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Professional :: Dynamic Classic TextFields - Text Fields Display Errors

Jun 16, 2011

I'm trying to implement some dynamic classic TextFields, but I am seeing errors when the text tries to render. What I am doing is trying to implement a system that shows tolkens and a cash eguivent, I'm using the code


I'm thinking there is something in the TextField that is not set correctly, I tryed to set the autoSize to CENTER but that didn't fix much...

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Professional :: Text Fields Don't Show Up In Preview Hard To Edit Webpage Template (monster)?

Jan 9, 2012

While I'm just a beginner right now it/I'm an experienced computer user and I have really enjoyed/but when I'm looking at it now I'm trying to use flash to edit a website template, for example monster templates. I bought a template from the site and nine trying to edit it now and well it just seems like it's a very very long process to do something kind of where I just want to look at the page and I want to edit the text and only I go to bed doesn't seem to be the case. So I'll show you what I mean.
When I'm using the program and I'm in Adobe flash I'm looking now at the screen inside the program and there's no text I see the graphics images and there's no text and also is that some type of way where it's easy to navigate link to link where I can just edit the text what supposed to be in there rather than search for the funeral push page up and down until I come across just a white background with tax and then have to edited which is pretty confusing because I don't know where that's located but I the general idea that if you change it but surely there must be an easier way.
So basically I'm including a screenshot that shows you exactly what I'm talking about. Basically once again I'm in fashion items Sandy text so it's kinda hard to see what was going on or whatever so you can see the snow text located in the thing but however when I publish the file yeah you can see the text and everything I'm kinda looking for some type of you well be able to see this and just edited really. I know there are other programs out there like SWF edited her or quick note to some like that. But I really wanted to use flash, unexperienced Photoshop user and I really love all Adobe products and I really think that this is the master program to use however I'm really don't want it as of right now it's been about 40 days and nine still a bit lost navigating through the program will I'm just really just China entities tax bills and just go through the site. Now I realize I should have the respect for beautiful program like this and it's not been a be set up to the way that I'm hoping it Siskind be a point-and-click editor I understand that. I'm just wondering if anybody has any type suggestions or perhaps of I'm missing something which is fantastic.

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Professional :: No Arrows On UIScrollBar?

Mar 12, 2010

It seems the simplest way is to use the UIScrollBar, but it will not work in my Flash file.I create the dynamic text box and drop the UIScrollBar on it from the components panel, the scroll bar attaches but only shows up as a white rectangle with no arrows. When I test it it stays the same. I don't think it's just the color because when I hover over or click where arrows should be nothing happens, the text will not scroll. I can click and highlight the text to make it scroll, so I know the additional text that isn't showing up is there, I just can't scroll down to see it.The weird thing is in another flash website I have the UIScrollBar does work. I can drag the problem one from the first file into the second and suddenly the arrows appear. I even tried creating a new text box with the UIScrollBar in the working file then dragging it over to the problem one, but the arrows disappear and the bar turns into a white rectangle again.

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IDE :: Scrolling Text Bar NOT Using The UIScrollbar?

Mar 27, 2009

make a text scrollbar NOT using the UIScrollbar! I have been trying to figure this out for a while.very tutorial I have used has had something wrong in the directions or something I am not looking to do. Just let me know which ActionScript to use 2 or 3.

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Can UIScrollBar Control 2 Text Boxes

Jul 12, 2010

I want to control 2 Dynamic Text boxes with the same scroll bar component? I want them to scroll simultaneously with the user only needing to use the one component.

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