Professional :: HtmlText Bold Capital U Won't Render?

May 28, 2010

It seems like I found a bug in Flash Professional CS5.  For some reason a bold capital "U" will not render in htmlText. It will render fine in a normal text box and will render as a lowercase u or as a non-bold capital U.  I have tried typing two UUs in a row, typing a letter before the U, but it always skips the bold capital U.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: HtmlText - Text Shows Up Bold Instead Of Just The Few Lines Assigned The Bold Tag To

May 4, 2011

I have a dynamic text box for 3 lines of text. I styled part of the text to be bold and part of it to be regular. When i click on the button to display the text it looks right the first time but if i click on it a second time then all of the text shows up bold instead of just the few lines i assigned the bold tag to.

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IDE :: How To Get Text Render Fonts In Bold Or Italics

May 7, 2009

I've seen this a few times and I've tried all the "fixes" but I'm still missing something here. I have "[CDATA[" tags and render as HTML turned on. My AS has HTML "true" and childNodes. However I still can't get my text to render fonts in either BOLD or italic. [URL].

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IDE :: Dynamic Bold Text Seems To Render While Omitting Character Spaces

Oct 19, 2009

Just to give you a little background, I am using CS4 and AS3, publishing to FP9. I am embedding fonts dynamically at runtime and there seems to be an issue with my dynamic 'html' text field when I have <b> tags within the CDATA.

In some cases, Flash seems to be rendering the bold text too close to the preceding character. Sometimes, even overlapping the preceding character. For the most part, this appears to be happening when the bold text appears at the end of the line before the text is wrapped.

I will note that, any text in the xml file wrapped in <b></b> tags is actually appearing bold, so I don't think it has anything to do with font embedding. In case it does, here is how I am embedding the font groups:

// Semi Bold
[Embed(source="/fonts/Anvers/AnversSemiBold.otf", fontName="AnversSemiBold", fontWeight="normal", fontStyle="regular", advancedAntiAliasing="true", mimeType="application/x-font")]
public static const ANVERS_SEMI_BOLD:Class;

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Embedding Bold+italic Fonts For HtmlText?

Feb 24, 2010

How can I embed my custom font and it's bold variant (and it's faux italic variant, because there is not real italic version) and get the b and i tags working in a htmlText field?I can use the htmlText field with system fonts (with b and i tags working) ... or I can use 1 of the embedded fonts for the whole text.but I can't seem to get flash to understand the bold and italic variants are also embedded.

createTextField("dynamic_txt", 2, 40, 170, 350, 350); dynamic_txt.embedFonts = true; var emphatic:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); emphatic.size = 40; emphatic.color = 0xFFFFFF; emphatic.font = "EurostileT"; dynamic_txt.html = true;[code]...

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Actionscript 3 :: HtmlText Not Showing Bold Or Italics Font?

May 11, 2010

So I have a MovieClip asset with a dynamic textfield sitting inside of it. I export my .fla as a .swc to use within Flash Builder 4, and create instances of the asset with code, populating the text dynamically from XML.

My issue is that even though I have htmlText enabled, bold and italics tags don't appear to be working. I have a feeling it is because when I created the asset in Flash CS4, the text field makes you specify the font, and the subset of that to use (Regular, Bold, Oblique, etc).

Is there any way to get the htmlText to render bold and italics tags properly without having to completely rethink the way I'm creating all these fields?

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Professional :: How To Use Faux Bold

Jan 5, 2011

I was given a fireworks png design that makes use of century gothic text with a faux bold applied. I can get a bold version of century gothic in flash, but this is thicker than the faux version. Can I force faux bold?

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Professional :: Retaining Bold And Italics In .txt?

Aug 10, 2010

I have a .doc file. I want to load the text from that file into Flash. So I convert it into a .txt using a website like this one: http:[url]..... I add in the little code at the beginning (myTextField=) and then Flash loads it fine. The only problem is any marked up text (italics, bold, underline) is lost. Is there any way to prevent this from happening? Or for Flash to load text from something other than a .txt? Or to manually reinsert html tags to the .txt and get Flash to understand them? Or something else I'm not considering?

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Professional :: Bold In Dynamic Text

Nov 1, 2010

I have a dynamic text on my stage called text_txt I want to write the html code <b><u>test</b></u> so here is my code


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Professional :: Loss Of Bold Text In Cs5 From A Cs3 File?

Jul 6, 2010

I opened up a file that was created in cs3 flash with cs5 flash and we have some text that is bold in our actionscript code. now when i load that file with cs5 the bold text drop's out of bold and is just plain text. Does anyone know if there is a quick fix for this because what was there before the <b></b> is not working now.

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Professional :: Bold Font In Flash Not Showing In SWF

Sep 7, 2010

I'm adapting an off the shelf mp3 player and would like to make some text bold - namely [URL] the text that shows the current artist/song at the top. This is dynamic text from an XML file. I've embedded the fonts [Verdana regular and bold - OpenType] in Flash CS5 but the bold won't display even though the special characters do display [Jónsi].

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Professional :: Render A Project To FLV?

Feb 3, 2009

I'm new to Flash authoring, and something seems puzzling. I see that it is possible in Flash to render an animation (project) to AVI or MOV video formats, and it seems to work fine (although you can't choose your AVI codec,

which seems like a trivial feature to put in. Is there a way to render a Flash animation to FLV? I am working on a project that will play FLV video files inside an FLV player object (SWF object). I would like to create FLVs from inside Flash, using the nifty animation tools and whatnot, and have them play in the same manner as the other FLV videos created by other tools (e.g., FinalCut Pro edited video). I realize the FLV is video

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Professional :: Email Link In Flash CS5 - How To Bold Typeface

Jul 2, 2010

1.) I'm trying to put an email hyperlink in part of my text, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it. I tried the code snippets, click to go to web page but instead of an URL I typed "" but when I tested it, nothing happened.

2.) How do I link to the other pages from within the website that I'm working on? Again, I'm a total newbie and I'm only familar with Dreamweaver.

3.) Lastly, how do I bold the typeface??? The text tool properties do not show any bold, italic, or underline icons, and the hotkey to bold is the break apart command.

4.) When I test my movie, how come I can't scroll down and see the footer area of the SWF??

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Professional :: .SWF Does Not Render After Load Stage3D And DirectX

Oct 21, 2011

I have a custom rolled COM component that encapsulates and controls the Shockwave Player, in order to run, and be able to communicate with Flash .SWFs as a UI to my DirectX based game. The component works fine, however my problem is that my flash artist wants to be able to use Stage3D now. After attempting to load a Stage3D .SWF I noticed that the .SWF does not render. I have discovered that this is due to the new hardware acceleration that Stage3D uses, (which due to the HRESULT on my CreateDevice() Call I assume to be DirectX) .

In an attempt to work around this issue I have a few questions, both on Stage3D and the Shockwave Player. The first question is this: Is there any way in flash or through the shockwave control to disable the hardware acceleration in Stage3D? (this would be the least prefered solution as flash finally being based in the video card hardware make everyone happy.) The second question is: Does anyone know if there is an IUnknown GUID, or other way that I can query to get the device/rendering context that the Shockwave Player / Stage3D is using?

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Professional :: Video Quality & Render Sizes

Dec 9, 2011

I am new to Flash CS5 and I am working on a Flash animation project. I drew everything in Illustrator CS5 and imported these drawings in Flash to do the animation. I have different scenes & exported them all as separate movie clips. I was thinking of using Final Cut Pro to make the final movie, but the video quality is not good & its pixelated.and whats the most suitable render width & height for tv screening ?

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Professional :: Specify Dynamic Url In HtmlText?

Apr 6, 2011

I am populating a dynamic text box with some information that comes from an xml.
//fill in the text
     "<font size='16' color='#FFFAF0'>"+calledMarkerIndex+[code]....
I am also placing an image in the text box which you can see from the url above.I would like this url to be dynamic just like the other variables that are filling in the text box calledMarkerIndex, calledMarkerDate, calledMarkerDescription.
I have another variable which specifies the url I'd like named calledMarkerContent. I've tried simply chaning the text piece for this but it does not work.
"<img src='calledMarkerContent'/>"+

 I feel like maybe I am just making a scripting error.  Or maybe I cannot use a dynamic variable in this place. 

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Professional :: Possible To Render Flash Frame As Bitmap And Send It Over TCP / IP?

Mar 1, 2011

I want to draw some combination of bitmaps, flash shapes, vectors, text etc and draw them programmatically into my movie using ActionScript, and then get every "rendered" pixel of my movie (at 100% view) into an array that I send to another program over TCP/IP. The first part of the question is if its possible to render a frame that is a collection of Flash elements as a bitmap? I know that I can iterate through a bitmap and get every pixel using the getPixel method but I'm trying to access the final rendered frame displayed on my screen, including, as I said Flash shapes and text.

The second question is what would be the best way to send this "video frame" over TCP/IP? Would I use an XML socket connection? That is the only way I know how to send data out of Flash over TCP/IP but I don't know if it is the only way - the help page says the data needs to be formatted as XML, which seems unwieldly for this application. I'm doing this now by using Max/MSP/Jitter to do a screen capture the size and location of my Flash movie and then send out the resulting matrix using a "" object (which lets you send frames of video over TCP/IP), but this is too clumsy for the installation I am building.

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Embed "bold" Versions Of Verdana To Make Bold With AS?

Sep 14, 2010

-Adobe CS3 Web Premium. -Compiling using AS3. I'm pulling in some text values from an external XML file for a "next" button and I set the font to bold when I made it Verdana. I'm not sure why but it still is normal verdana when I compile it.

I've found several posts similar to mine saying I need to embed the bold version of the font, but I don't have the option of purchasing or creating a bold Verdana. Since it is just Verdana, is there not a method I can use to simply bold the text?

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Professional :: The Accessiblity Of HtmlText In TextFields?

Mar 6, 2012

how Flash handles accessibility of htmlText in Textfields? I know that no additional steps are needed to make Text Fields accessible. But it doesn't say anything about the content. For example, if there is an html link in the textfield, will that link be made accessible to a screen reader program so that the user may "click"/activate it? Below is some sample code. The implementation isn't so important to know, but it may give some insight to the question.There's a textfield on the stage with the name "myTextField".

function linkHandler(link_event:TextEvent):void{


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Professional :: How Does Frame Rate Influence Load And/or Render Time

Feb 11, 2010

How does frame rate influence load and/or render time?

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Professional :: Flash Header Built For Website Won't Render On IPad?

Mar 9, 2012

I'm aware of the fact the iPad doesn't support flash so I'm trying to figure out how I can detect an ipad visiting my site and provide an alternate html header. I'm sure there must be some code snipit I can add to my site but have not been able to find something.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: First Letter Of String To Capital?

Jul 24, 2010

Trying to get the first letter of a String to capital, and the rest of the String must be lower case.  I think I am on the right tracks with the first letter, but not sure how to make everything else forced to be lowercase. Heres a bit of info because I might need to change things.  I load in a flashvar vaiable by
var flashVar3  = root.loaderInfo.parameters.myVar2;
I am not to sure what data type this would be, not sure what flashvars comes as.  I am then doing
var oldStr:String = flashVar3;
var newStr:String = oldStr.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + oldStr.substr(1);
tf3.text=" "+ newStr;
I dont know if the first line is an issue, because i dont know if flashvars comes as a String.  But what I have generally would work on the first letter. Not to sure how I can force the rest of the String to be lowercase though. At this moment in time, I get the error TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
But I am not sure if this is because my flashvars variable is defined at runtime.  Any advise on getting all of this working would be great.

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Actionscript :: Put Spaces Before Capital Letters?

Mar 20, 2010

So I have a string "SmartUserWantsToLive" I want to generate from it or any such string with capital letters strings like "Smart User Wants To Live".

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Formatting Dynamic Text To Capital Letters?

Feb 10, 2006

Does anyone know if it's possible to reformat dynamically loaded text into only capital letters?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Way To Make Search Ignore Capital Letters?

Sep 5, 2006

If you search for "happy" you get no results but if you search for "Happy" you get 1 result.Is there a way to make the search ignore capital letters? So if you search for "happy" you get the same result as if you search for "Happy".

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IDE :: Insert A Space In Front Of Capital Letter In A String?

Dec 30, 2009

I neeed to insert spaces in front of capital letters in a string. the string contains the name of a country instance for example demRepublicOfCongo. I would like to scan the string and inset spaces before each capital letter so that the contents of the above string would become dem Republic Of Congo, for eaxmple.I found some code that It is posted below.

//Works out country name from string
var country:String=counrtyinstance.replace("_mc","");
var re:RegExp = /(?<=[a-z])([A-Z])/g;


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Professional :: HtmlText With Clickable Images Behaving Buggy When Fonts Are Embedded?

May 19, 2010

when the embedFonts is removed, it works perfectly as expect. Otherwise when an image is clicked, it selects the whole text around it.
testtext.htmlText="Curabitur dolor eros<a href='event:test'><img src='003.jpg'></a>eget odio.</p>";

 did anyone come across this before? is there another way to make an image clickable inside a dynamically loaded xml text?Alternatively can anyone suggest a method to style dynamic textfields instead of using html?I've tried with many different fonts, and many different stylesheets, its still the same.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tricky Regex, Splitting At Singular Capital Leter?

Jan 23, 2012

I want to be able to split the following works in at the capital letters:
User Area 
User Area 
User Area


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find Capital Letter In String And Insert Space

Oct 5, 2009

I simply want to insert a space before any capital letters in a string:So if I have "BruceWillis" I want to convert it to "Bruce Willis" . I am inserting the space before any caps, except the first capital letter.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Bold, Italic And Bold/italic Won't Embed?

Jul 18, 2009

I've imported four fonts into the Library and used Linkage to enable Export for Actionscript. The fonts are the four versions of Trebuchet MS:

Trebuchet MS
Trebuchet MS Bold
Trebuchet MS Bold Italic
Trebuchet MS Italic

They are named like this in the Library and for example the 'Bold Italic' version has both 'bold' and 'italic' selected in its properties.

Then I drew a dynamic textfield and selected for it's font 'Trebuchet MS Bold Italic*' so that the embed font was used. I also embeded the glyphs for 'Basic Latin' and 'Latin 1'.

Then I used this code to fill it with text:

ActionScript Code:
my_txt.embedFonts = true;
my_txt.text = "This is a sample";

The text is placed, however, it is always in the Trebuchet MS regular font. Also when I click the bold and italic icons in the Property Bar, the font won't go bold/italic. The same for just bold and just italic. It only turns bold/italic when I delete all font symbols accept the Bold Italic one.

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