Professional :: How Does Frame Rate Influence Load And/or Render Time

Feb 11, 2010

How does frame rate influence load and/or render time?

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Alter Frame Rate Without Altering The Overall Time Of The Animation?

Nov 24, 2009

I've created a complicated animation at a stupidly high frame rate. The .mov file at the moment just runs too slowly. The animation is of a watch interface so the timing is very important and I can't just have the movie file take twice as long at a lower frame rate.

How can I drop the frame rate without altering the overall time? and without manually changing the frame length of each motion tween?

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Media Server :: Webcam Frame Rate, NetStream Frame Rate, Flv Framerate?

Apr 25, 2010

I'm recording Webcam to FMS 3.5 but when I play the recorded video from FMS it's choppy. I have set the camera.fps to 30 but when I trace out the currentFPS for camera it's variable and usually falls between 20 and 30. However when I play the recorded video, netStream's currentFPS returns a lower value, something closer to 10. So my question is, 1) why currentFPS of netStream is not the same as Camera's? 2) What's the actual frame rate of the recorded video (not the netStream, but FLV's)?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Attempting To Advance A Movie By Time Not By Frame Rate?

Sep 3, 2004

I'm attempting to advance a movie by time not by frame rate so, on frame 34 I have

function playNext() {
timerInterval = setInterval(playNext, 5000);

with a scene1 label at frame 45, but the movie does not stop at 34, it continues to frame 45 plays to 55, where their is a

action. At frame 55 it loops back to 45, playing once again to 55 then stops.

What Am I missing?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set The Frame Rate Of An Externally Loaded Movie To A Different Frame Rate?

Sep 21, 2004

set the frame rate of an externally loaded movie to a different frame rate than the movie it is embedded within.

I basically have a flash site that loads flash movies using loadMovie command, however, the frame is lost within these movies and simply adopts the main site frame rate.

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Professional :: Changing Frame Rate From 12 To 30?

Sep 29, 2010

I recently built a flash movie that I am going to export out into a quicktime movie for YouTube. I mistakenly built it with the frame rate of 12 fps and I need to switch it to 30 to make it compatible for YouTube.
My question is:
Is there an easy way to change the frame rate from 12 to 30 and keep the same timing that I have with the movie at 12fps? The only way I can think to do it is manually, but I was wondering if there is an easier way.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set The Frame Rate Of An Externally Loaded Movie To A Different Frame Rate Than The Movie It Is Embedded Within?

Sep 21, 2004

it possible to set the frame rate of an externally loaded movie to a different frame rate than the movie it is embedded within. I basically have a flash site that loads flash movies using loadMovie command, however, the frame is lost within these movies and simply adopts the main site frame rate.

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Professional :: Changing Frame Rate At Runtime?

Mar 28, 2008

I just went to the site, according to its interface, the frame rate (fps) is changing.

is it possible to change the frame rate at runtime?

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Professional :: Apply A Different Frame Rate To A Mc Inside An Mc?

Jun 29, 2010

I've got various mc's sitting inside my overall site. The FPS of the overall site is 20 but I want to run another mc inside it at 10 and different one at 28.Is this an actionscript task or is there another way of doing it?

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Professional :: Increase Maximum Frame Rate?

Aug 30, 2011

I have an older flash application, it uses actionscript 2. Its logic is heavily tied to the frame rate (using onEnterFrame lots of times). I need to accelerate its calculations.

The maxmimum frame rate Flash Professional lets me specify for it is 120. Is there any way to make this higher? I don't necessarily have to change the fla or the swf, being able to play it faster locally would be sufficient, if the flash player can be tweaked to accomplish that.

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Professional :: Possible To Render Flash Frame As Bitmap And Send It Over TCP / IP?

Mar 1, 2011

I want to draw some combination of bitmaps, flash shapes, vectors, text etc and draw them programmatically into my movie using ActionScript, and then get every "rendered" pixel of my movie (at 100% view) into an array that I send to another program over TCP/IP. The first part of the question is if its possible to render a frame that is a collection of Flash elements as a bitmap? I know that I can iterate through a bitmap and get every pixel using the getPixel method but I'm trying to access the final rendered frame displayed on my screen, including, as I said Flash shapes and text.

The second question is what would be the best way to send this "video frame" over TCP/IP? Would I use an XML socket connection? That is the only way I know how to send data out of Flash over TCP/IP but I don't know if it is the only way - the help page says the data needs to be formatted as XML, which seems unwieldly for this application. I'm doing this now by using Max/MSP/Jitter to do a screen capture the size and location of my Flash movie and then send out the resulting matrix using a "" object (which lets you send frames of video over TCP/IP), but this is too clumsy for the installation I am building.

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Professional :: Animating Music Video - Frame Rate In CS4

Nov 17, 2010

I am a student and I use CS4 on a Mac on one of the schools computers. One of the animation projects I am working I need to animate a music video. To do this I calculated out the BPM of the song and set the frame rate at 23.3 FPS so that I would have 20 Frames between beats. Then to have a visual representation of the timing I set a layer that has a red dot blink for 2 frames every 20 frames starting on the first beat.

With it set up like this and I run the animation in Flash it keeps time correctly and works. However, when I test the video the time is off. I tried changing the frame rate to 60fps as an arbitrary number to see if adjusting the frame rate had any affect of the test file but when I tested the video at 60fps it did not run any faster than before. I exported the video to a SWF and MOV file but it was still off.

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Professional :: Frame Rate Goes Down When Movie Isn't Visible, Can Stop It

Mar 4, 2011

I understand that in order to make it consume less CPU cycles flash player forces the player to only execute at 2fps (or some other ridiculously low amount) when the swf is no longer in focus (or even if it's still "in focus" but not being rendered to the screen by virtue of being in a section of the browser window that's scrolled offscreen.) Is there any possible way to change this? I have a 3D engine that needs to keep the FR up.

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Professional :: Best Practice For Speeding Up Animation - - Increase The Frame Rate

Mar 5, 2010

What would be best practice for speeding up an animation? - Increase the frame rate, or is that considered cheating (already set to 25)? The alternative would be to manually adjust the length of the tweens on each layer.

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Flash :: Professional - Sync And Frame Rate Importing Video To CS3

Oct 13, 2010

Just like the subject states, I am indeed having frame rate problems importing video to Flash CS3. When I export a video from Premiere with the settings: 1280x720frame rate of 23.976using H264 or Animation (basically every codec produces the same results),"embed video on SWF and play in timeline" When I do this the file exports fine. Playing it in Quicktime works fine and the audio syncs up no problem. But when I import it into Flash using the same settings, for some reason the movie clip is now too fast in that the video does not match the audio and seems to be at more like 12 fps now (just a guestimate). The action of the video is over long before the audio even comes in.I have verified that the frame rate is correct in Flash so it's not that.

I've done this literally hundreds of times in the past and suddenly it does not work and I can not figure out why. I'm not even really using video, but actually artwork that I am putting together as an animatic for an animated piece so the video could not have been imported incorrectly or digitized wrong either.

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Professional :: .SWF Does Not Render After Load Stage3D And DirectX

Oct 21, 2011

I have a custom rolled COM component that encapsulates and controls the Shockwave Player, in order to run, and be able to communicate with Flash .SWFs as a UI to my DirectX based game. The component works fine, however my problem is that my flash artist wants to be able to use Stage3D now. After attempting to load a Stage3D .SWF I noticed that the .SWF does not render. I have discovered that this is due to the new hardware acceleration that Stage3D uses, (which due to the HRESULT on my CreateDevice() Call I assume to be DirectX) .

In an attempt to work around this issue I have a few questions, both on Stage3D and the Shockwave Player. The first question is this: Is there any way in flash or through the shockwave control to disable the hardware acceleration in Stage3D? (this would be the least prefered solution as flash finally being based in the video card hardware make everyone happy.) The second question is: Does anyone know if there is an IUnknown GUID, or other way that I can query to get the device/rendering context that the Shockwave Player / Stage3D is using?

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Flex :: Mxml - Components Bound To Empty ArrayCollection At Load Time Don't Render As Expected When The ArrayCollection Is Updated?

Oct 27, 2009

I'm new to Flex and am using TileList bound to an ArrayCollection. The array collection is empty at load time, and then updates with the results from am HTTPService call. The problem is that the item renderers aren't being rendered as expected, I'm guessing because there was no data when they were first rendered at load time. Here's simplified example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" >


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Professional :: Two Separate Movieclips Influence One Another

Jul 31, 2010

i have two seperate movie clips on two seperate layers on the front page of my template. (loaded dynamically)

the layers are on top of one another.

the two movie clips work fine one their own on the template, but when i put them both on the template and I press their respective buttons the TOP movieclip's buttons control the BOTTOM movie clips actions. it's crazy.

i've tried to move them around but then it's just the reversed - the bottom buttons control the top movieclip.

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Professional :: Directly Influence The Playing File?

Feb 26, 2010

I am trying to Pause and Play A song.Details:I made a new project. --> File > Import > Import to Library > (choose mp3 song)Drag mp3 song from Library to stage.Press (Ctrl+Enter)The result is that the song plays.Is there code to make the music "Pause" and "Play". Is there a way to directly influence the playing file?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: When Change De X Or Y Value Of This First MovieClip The Frame Rate Slows Down For During 1 Frame

Mar 27, 2012

I got a MovieClip filled with a lot of others clips... When I change de X or Y value of this first MovieClip the frame rate slows down for during 1 frame. For exemple... I created a counter that returns around 30 mseconds every frame, but when I do this X or Y change the return is around 400 mseconds... When I try to fill the first MovieClip with less information it goes faster, about 100+-200 mseconds...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Altering External Swf Render Time

Nov 14, 2011

I'm in the middle of a AS3 project and I'm stuck.In my class I'm trying to control the render speed of imported swf file.I would like to make this file play single frame and then decide when to go to the next one.Can it be done without changing the external file?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: When Time Line Reaches A Certain Frame Load Swf Into Movieclip

Jan 11, 2010

When the timeline reaches a certain frame, I want an swf to load into a movieclip in that particular frame. I need this to occur on level 1 as the root of the site is pre loader.

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Professional :: Dynamiclly Load Flv's And Play Frame By Frame

Dec 5, 2010

I'm building a flash application where the user can play multiple 30 sec .flv movies (one at a time) in slowmotion by pressing or holding down the left and right arrows keys.The user can hold/press "keypress right" to move to the next (key)frame and "keypress left" to move to the previous (key)frame in the .flv files.I have tested embeeding one .flv movie to the stage and it's working fine.But since I will be using many flv's I want to load the .flv's dynamiclly (on button clicks) using netstream or FLVPlayer. Would it be possible to step beetween keyframes in the same way if the .flv's are loaded dynamiclly? Or, must I embeed each .flv file into separate swf's and then dynamiclly load the swf's to my main stage?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Controls Don't Render In Ie8 The 2nd Time Loading

Aug 29, 2011

I find it kind of weird that IE8 would render my as3 different than firefox, and that I can't trust the movie player. I'm creating my movie object code using jquery and javascript. When I play the movie in the modal display the first time, it play and renders correctly. On the second time, the play controls dissappear.
I have spend about a 2 days on this, and have isolated it down to this object. It looks like the stage.stagewidth is inconsistent after the 1st time the object loads on a clients browser. Once the file gets cached by IE8 in the temp folder, it seems to change.
So I have replaced the stage.stagewidth with a var that is pased via flash vars, fv_Player_Width, which is 640.


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Flex :: Should UpdateDisplayList Layout And Position Every Time Render Is Called?

Jan 6, 2012

So updateDisplayList is for laying out, positioning and sizing a component's children. It seems a waste to me, however, to have all that code running every time a render is called, even if no changes have been made to the relevant properties or child properties.The way I get around this for performance's sake (working on mobile) is to set a flag inside of my overridden updateDisplayList that lets a big part of my own sizing/positioning code run only the first time.Is this a bad idea/ big mistake? I just can't see the benefit to letting it run every time otherwise if I don't expect anything that affects sizing/positioning to change.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Speeding Up The Drawing Methods - Render More Than 50 Lines At A Time

Jun 1, 2003

i'm working on a drawing tool with the flash drawing methods, but my movie starts to slow down. i'm storing the variables in an xml object and then looping through them onEnterFrame. right now i'm limiting the amount of lines that are drawn to 50. anyone have any tips on speeding up the drawing methods. as i understand it they are the same methods that flash uses to draw all it's lines. shouldn't it be able to render more than 50lines at a time.

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Inserting Old Swf Into New Fla With Different Frame Rate?

Oct 24, 2009

I'm trying to insert an old banner ad into a new Flash site  The problem is, the banner I made at 20 frames per second, and the Flash site is set to 41, so it literally plays the banner twice as fast.

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ActionScript :: Set Frame Rate In It?

Nov 8, 2010

Is it possible to set the frame rate of a movie through ActionScript 2? Is it possible to check it?

I've found many ways to check the rate at which it is playing, but I want, ideally, to be able to set the frame rate dynamically at runtime. I'm making a timer that uses flashing dots to show each unit of time, and I'd like to create a user interface so that someone playing the swf can set the time intervals without having to open the fla to change the frame rate.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Get Frame Rate In It?

Dec 30, 2010

How to get frame rate in as2, how to change frame rate

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AS3 :: Flash - Get Flv Frame Rate?

Sep 6, 2010

i have to set the stage frame rate according to the frame rate of the flv and I will have differnet flv with different frame rate so i have to get frame rate of FlV using action script ??

Is there any method available in Video Class of ActionScript??

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