Professional :: Insert A Dynamic Swf File Into A Movie

May 3, 2010

If I am intruding here with a silly beginner questions I apologize. I am new to Flash. I have purchased a dynamic flash intro sort of like this url..It came with the full package including source files and but also simple editing through an xml file. I have the video as I want it but want to put it as an introduction for a full video (in AVI or .FLA format).How can I export it as a video file without the need of anything else such as the xml?

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Professional :: Insert Advertising Before A Movie?

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I've remarked on the web that many clips are precede by an advert. Does this advert is added in the code? Or, there is a way to tell the player to play first, the advert, and secondly the movie?

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Professional :: Which Is Right To Insert Swf To Flash Movie

Apr 9, 2011

I animate flourish using adobe flash then export it as swf to use it again in another flash movie when i import it i use these steps:

1- I make a symbol(movie clip)

2- I import the swf to the stage

3-then I back to Scene1 to control its size and position in my movie

BUT when I finish all these steps and play my movie the flurish too slow and not soft as original its cracks!!

1-i make a new layer i right in action the following:
but how to change width and height for the swf??? on stage

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Professional :: Insert Flex Component In Flash .fla File

Jun 29, 2010

Is it possible to dynamically load a flex component, compiled as a swf file into a .fla file. Originally, this flex component can be loaded as a standalone flex application with parameters to connect to the appropriate server. But now a customer of mine wants to integrate this flex component (originally inserted in a flex application) in a custom flash application, thus in .fla file using Adobe Flash CS4.

I've seen that it was possible to integrate a flash animation created with Adobe Flash CS4 in a flex application. But what I need to do is the opposite.

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Visual Studio 2010 :: Insert An Ammap Flash File Into A Html File?

May 9, 2011

I'm having some problems inserting my ammap into my webpage. I've read through the documentation and it isn't helping. The map works with if I use the .html file in my original folder but all the paths are relative and I'm trying to make this work in an ASP.NET MVC project using visual studio. It's rather tough to explain the problem since I don't know what's wrong (no javascript or flash debugger).Here is the code that embeds the ammap:

<script type="text/javascript" src="../../Content/AlcoholAndWar/WarStuff/ammap/swfobject.js"></script>
<div id="flashcontent">


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Insert / Import Swf File Into Open Fla File Template?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Insert A Link Into This Dynamic Calendar?

Feb 20, 2009

I've got a flash calendar and if you click on a specific date it shows the event in a text box for that date. Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to insert a linkable text into that event area. The flash file is associated with XML files for each month and also with an XML.AS file. The calendar (FlashGordon) can be downloaded here: [URL]Here is the code for the XML.AS file:

var xml:XML;
var displayImage:String;
var scope:MovieClip = this;


If I insert a link inside the event line, for ex.: <event date="19" event="<a href="">Test</a>"/> the calendar won't show any events and obviously it's not can I insert a linkable text in the event area of the calendar?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Auto / Dynamic Insert Buttons

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Insert Images Into Dynamic Movieclips?

Sep 27, 2010

I dont know how to do this, i am trying but i cant, [code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Insert Word Before Dynamic TextField?

Apr 24, 2009

I searched the forums and couldn't find anything relevant to my issue.I'm creating 3 textfields and loading XML into them. What i need is to add a "label" before each textfield on the stage. For instance i'm pulling a city name from the XML file,i want to insert the word, "Location" on the stage before the textfield with the city's name in it. Here's a snippet from my code where i'm loading one of the variables into one of the dynamic textfields.

var where:TextField = new TextField();
where.text = eventsXML.Event[0].City;
where.x = 85;
where.y = 81;

I want it to appear on the stage as: Location: Sydney, Australia

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Flash8 :: Insert An Swf File Into Another Flash File?

May 2, 2009

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Professional :: Insert Xml Swf Into Fla?

Feb 26, 2010

I am trying to insert an xml swf portfolio into my main fla file... could some kind person talk me through it?
I have tried inserting into the stage, and inserting into a movie container but no luck.

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Actionscript 3 :: Dynamically Insert Object / Array Info In A Dynamic Textfield?

Jan 25, 2012

I have a load of objects with arrays in them.

var tabData0: Object = new Object();
tabData0.tab1 = new Object();
tabData0.tab1.names = new Array();


I want to combine this output with a few more to refer to my object / array. The remoteHolder contains the value I need to know which object (tabData0, tabData1, etc) to retrieve the info from.

tabHolder['btn' + i].titleHolder.titleField.htmlText = all['tab' + tab].names[(i-1)];

But get this:

ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property tab1 not found on String and there is no default value.

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Professional :: Publish Settings With Dynamic File Name?

Jan 27, 2011

I'm having a little trouble with my publish settings setup.Let's say that I have a file called MyFirstAnim.fla under the folder AnimSource.Then, I set the swf publish path to ../AnimFinal/MyFirstAnim.swf, and everything is great.Now, I need another file almost identical the first one, so I copy MyFirstAnim.fla and rename it to MySecondAnim.fla.hen I publish the file my MyFirstAnim.swf (under the folder AnimFinal) got overridden.So, I removed the swf part of the publish setting, leaving just the relative path (../AnimFinal/).
Am I smart or not?

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Insert An Swf File Into Another Flash File?

May 4, 2009

insert an SWF flash file (a game) into another Flash file. However, when I import the swf file into the library and drag it onto the frame (and insert the stop(); command onto the frame action to stop it playing the whole movie), the SWF file plays constantly, ignoring all the actionscript and button commands in the game SWF file.When I try inserting it using the Window component, the game SWF refuses to play at all - it just stops (clicking buttons in the game work, but it goes-to-and-stops instead of go-to-and-play like it's supposed to do). The only other component I could find was called "Loader". Using this doesn't work either, it won't play any of the animation, just like using the "Window" component

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic XML File (PHP) Does Not Work For Flash Movie

Apr 27, 2010

The static xml file works fine for my flash movie but the dynamic xml file generated with php won't. How is that even possible. The output is the same.. I get no error from the flashmovie or something

XML file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
[Code] .....

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Professional :: Animating Dynamic Text In Movie Clip

Mar 26, 2012

I've made a little file with some signpost movie clips that do a little animation on mouseover and mouseout. I then wanted to set the text on each of them via actionscript i.e. sign1.sign_text.text = "Checklist: Before you arrive"; etc. This code puts all the right text on the signs when it loads, however as soon as you mouseover it, the text reverts back to the original placeholder text in the movieclip (when it gets to the second keyframe). How can I keep the reference to the text it has at the beginning of the movie clip?

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Feb 17, 2010

I am trying to insert code from Paypal that takes the user directly to the website's paypal account with all it's pay options and I have the html code from Paypal, but my entire site is in Flash. Is there a way to insert this code into a flash file?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Insert Loader File

Jun 24, 2010

The problem here is that I have made a simple loader (by following an online tutorial). Its called loader.swf. Now this works fine for the first main swf. But I want this loader to be called in every time an external swf is loaded.This is how my website works, home.swf is loaded first, called from the complete frame of the loader. Now within home.swf there are three buttons, which load separate external swfs each.For example when you click on about button, it loads about.swf. Now I want to call the loader here, as the swf is heavy, but where do I insert the code and how do I link it to the loader??? I know I may be missing something very basic, but any help will be appreciated.

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Professional :: How To Insert Button To MovieClip

May 11, 2010

I made a little movieclip animation, it can be seen on [URL]. I have written the code for it but then have realised that I need to insert a link to the images, each image is supposed to have its own link. When I go to insert a button flash somehow decides to ignore part of the code I wrote and not function properly therefore I cannot have a link and a working animation going on at the same time. The worst thing is that I need to put two separate links in the same movie clip. Is there any way of doing it so it wont disturb the code? or maybe is there a way to insert a link to the images?

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Professional :: Insert SWF Into PowerPoint 2010?

May 24, 2010

When I wanted to insert a SWF into a PowerPoint 2007 presentation, I would use the More Controls dialog in PowerPoint's Developer tab to insert a Shockwave/Flash object. But in PowerPoint 2010, that control is missing from the dialog. Where did it go? When I click the Register Custom DLL, there's no obvious file to choose, either.

Has anyone else run into this? I'm not looking for a way to convert a SWF into a video that can be embedded or using a 3rd-party plug-in or anything like that. I know how to do those things. I'm specifically looking to insert a SWF using only what's built into PowerPoint and Flash

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Professional :: Insert Fixed Size Swf Into FLA?

Jul 26, 2011

I have converted some PowerPoints into swf files. I want to insert/link the files into the main FLA file. But when I do it the way i normally do it, it puts the PowerPoints swf at full size 1024 x 768. Is there a way of fixing the visual size (800x 600) of the swf within the FLA.

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Unable To Insert A Flash Movie?

Jul 23, 2009

Yesterday I made a nice little flash movie (a picture slideshow) and today I've looked a a few tutorials explaining how to add my new flash image. To keep it easy I made a single page, using Dreamweaver, just to display this one movie. Everytime I ruin in in dreamweaver (F12) nothing appears. Similarly, anytime I look in the properties and press play my flash image disappears.


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">


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Insert Into GSP Simple Flash Movie?

May 13, 2010

Is it possibe to insert into GSP simple flash movie?

I tried this way:

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="${resource(dir:'flash',file:'movie.swf')}" width="400" height="400">
<param name="movie" value="${resource(dir:'flash',file:'movie.swf')}" />


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IDE :: Insert Flash Movie Into PowerPoint?

Mar 14, 2011

Sometime you may need to insert an existing Flash movie to your PowerPoint presentation to enhance your slideshow. In general, there are 2 ways to do this.

1. Insert Flash movie into PowerPoint from PowerPoint control toolbox.

1) Copy your SWF file to the same folder where the blank or existing presentation was saved.

2) Open the existing PowerPoint presentation and go to the slide where you would like to insert a Flash.

3) Right click Tools from PowerPoint menu and enable Control Toolbox.

4) Click More Controls (bottom right icon) on Control Toolbox. Choose Shockwave Flash Object from the dropdown list.

5) Your cursor will change into a cross, hold mouse left button and drag to draw a rectangle. The rectangle is where the Flash will be located, you can adjust its size and location later.

6) Right-click the inserted Shockwave Flash control, and then click Properties from the pop-up menu.

7) Within the movie option, type the name of the movie without any path (since it is saved within the same folder as the presentation). Make sure that the Playing property is set to True.

2. Insert Flash movie into PowerPoint from FlashPoint.

1) Download and install FlashPoint,[URL]

2) Open an existing PowerPoint presentation, you will find FlashPoint button on PowerPoint menu (usually next to the Help option on PowerPoint menu)

3) Click FlashPoint button and select Insert Flash movie from the flyout menu.

4) Browse and specify where the target flash movie was located. Click Open to import it to the slide.

3. Can the inserted Flash movie also be captured when turn the whole PowerPoint to a single Flash movie for web distribution?

Yes, FlashPoint is a powerful PowerPoint to Flash converter, the flash inserted in original PowerPoint will be extracted and re-created into the final Flash movie accordingly.

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Professional :: Pull In Dynamic Text From A Txt File And Display In A Webpage

Oct 1, 2010

I'm trying to pull in dynamic text from a txt file and display in a web page. The text works great when I view the .swf, but when I place the .swf in a web page the text no longer appears. I'm using loadVariables("text.txt", ""); in my ActionScript and text.txt is located in the same directory. I have embedded the fonts and I'm using Flash CS5 and I have selected Classic Text/Dynamic Text.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Combine Dynamic Text From A PHP File Into A Flash Movie?

Aug 10, 2007

I�m trying to combine dynamic text from a PHP file into a Flash movie. The plan is to have a sequence of 4 different strings displayed in the dynamic text boxes delayed by using setInterval (or a better delay mechanism if anyone can suggest one). If I do this:

var txtData = new LoadVars();
txtData.onLoad = function(success){
var Delay = setInterval(txtDelay, 10000);


I get �undefined� in the Flash text fields. The variables in the PHP text file are v1 thru v4 and c1 thru c4. If, after LoadVars, the specific variables are identified like this:

Verse.text = txtData.v1
Chapter.text = txtData.c1

The correct text displays. That says the LoadVars is working correctly, right? But for scrolling through the sequence I�ve tried various methods � do/while, for, if � with degrees of failure ranging from massive to total.

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Professional :: Animating A Dynamic Textbox By Converting It To A Movie Clip?

Aug 8, 2010

I have been trying to create a die that acts as a 60 second timer in Flash CS4 using Actionscript 3.0. This involves creating a die and a dynamic textbox that counts from 60 to 0. Both of these parts of the project are fine, however I need to animate the textbox in 3D space to coincide with the die rolling. I believe it is not possible to animate a textbox (from online reading and also trying to do it myself by playing about with Flash) so I have loaded the textbox into a movieclip. As I'm having issues with this I thought it would be good practice to split the project into sub-projects in order to identify the problem. Here is the actionscript 3.0 I have used for the timer/countdown clock:

var newTime:Loader = new Loader();
newTime.load(new URLRequest("SWFs/timer.swf"));
clock_mc.addChild(newTime); //clock_mc is an instance of movieClipContainer which is a new


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Professional :: Cannot Dynamic Text On Movie Clip In Main Scene?

Sep 7, 2010

I am using Flash MX and am a complete novice to Actionscript. I created a movie clip with a dynamic text box that works fine when I test the movieClip scene.  I brought that onto the main movie time line and when I go to test the movie, the dynamic text no longer works. I have tried different actionsript options on the main time line and on the movie timeline but cannot figure out where I am going wrong. Could someone give me a very basic walkthrough as to what I need to do to get this to work?

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Professional :: Drag Movie Clip With Dynamic Text Box Inside It?

Feb 27, 2012

I can drag a movieclip with static text inside it, but when I change the text to dynamic, I get a Property Startdrag not found on Flash.text.textfield and there is no default value.

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