Professional :: Make An Object Appear On Click From Library?

Apr 24, 2011

how to make an object appear on click from library. however it never appears where i want it to on stage. very frustrating. i go to change the x-y cordinates of the object in the library to match exactly with where i have an existing object on the stage but it doesnt seem to corelate with the scene? instead it is way off course.
secondly what is the code for clicking an object on the stage to show a masked or hidden layer? or something like that.
when i get either of the above sorted i might actually get some headway LOl

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home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onOver);      
function onOver(event:MouseEvent)
var selectedButton:Object;


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I'm using a CLICK event to add a MovieClip to the stage from my library. Within the added MovieClip is a child MovieClip animation with a stop() on it's first frame.For some reason when I add the parent MovieClip to the stage on CLICK, the child clip immediately starts playing, even though it has a stop() on it's first frame. This is how I'm doing it:

Code: Select allstage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mouseClick);
function mouseClick (event:MouseEvent):void


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