Professional :: Mouseover To Change Scene And Start At Certain Frame?

Jan 13, 2010

in CS3, and preferably Actionscript 2.0, to make a mouse over a button action that would go to a specific scene and frame, depending on the button?  I have 5 buttons, and ould like, on rollover click/down, to have the playhead go to a different scene and start playing from a specific frame #.  Or do I have to do the click/down action?

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Professional :: MouseOver Change Layers?

Jan 8, 2010

I have been tasked to create banner that has four mouseover areas. The main body of the banner--which includes hyperlinks--and the background of the entire banner must change as the user mouses over the four areas. See the diagrams at the following link (it is not working properly):I attempted to complete this task as follows, but it really isn't behaving properly. I created a layer of buttons and text, and set the alpha levels to 0 for the "over" state of each button. I then created four separate layers containing the appropriate content. When the user mouses over a button on the left, the proper layer would be displayed. I planned to use Actionscript to accomplish this; pseudocode here:

IF button1.mouseover == true THEN { display layer1, hide layers 2, 3, and 4 }
IF button2.mouseover == true THEN { display layer2, hide layers 1, 3, and 4 }
IF button3.mouseover == true THEN { display layer3, hide layers 1, 2, and 4 }


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Professional :: Continuous Go To Next/previous Frame On Mouseover?

Jan 31, 2011

I have an image sequence on my timeline in Flash.I also have two buttons: forwards-button and backwards-button.I would like the timeline to play constantly forward, when the mouse is held over the forwards button.And I would like the timeline to play constantly backwards when the mouse is held over the backwards button.My attempts so far have failed: I can get the button to work only for one step at a time (and then I need to bring the mouse on and off the button again for it to move to the next frame).I need to have the sequence play forwards/ backwards the whole time that the mouse is over the button.

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Here is the action scrip that I created. Correct it if you can.

Process.visible = false;
Cycles.visible = false;


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Professional :: Start The Playhead On A Frame Other Than Frame 1?

Nov 29, 2010

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My question is can I start the playhead on a frame other than frame 1. Say frame 595, I've tried gotoAndPlay(595);, but to no avail. I've searched for a good 2 hours on this too. Is something so simple not possible in Flash?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movieclip In Frame 1 Scene 1 To Finish Before Skipping To Frame 2 Scene 1

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Professional :: Flash FLV Playback Continues When Change Scene?

Jan 26, 2011

I'm creating a programme on flash where some of the scenes have FLV players playing various videos. They all work fine, stopping and playing etc. However when I leave the scene by clicking my "home" button, the video stops, but the outline of the player stays up in the new scene!
my code is reading;
stop();button_24.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToScene_98);
function fl_ClickToGoToScene_98(event:MouseEvent):void{    MovieClip(this.root).gotoAndPlay(1, "catchup");   


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Professional :: 2nd Scene Not Working If Landing Target Is Other Than 1st Frame

Apr 19, 2010

Ok... I have 2 scenes.... 1st scene is an intro menu with several movie clip symbols (let's call them buttons for all intents and purposes) that gotoAndPlay various sections of the 2nd scene when clicked ... The various buttons on this intro screen point to different frame numbers in the 2nd scene... button1 goes to frame 1 of scene 2... button 2 goes to frame 10 of scene 2.... button 3 goes to frame 20 of scene 2 and so on....

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Sep 5, 2010

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Professional :: Loading Sequence - GotoAndPlay Scene 2 - Frame 1

Apr 5, 2011

how to code a simple load sequence scene. This is how I had it set up in AS2 -I've got two scenes, "Scene 1" and "Scene 2". I've got a 10 frame shape tween in Scene 1. On the 9th frame, I assigned actionscript that will check to see if frame 40 of Scene 2 is loaded, and if it is, gotoAndPlay Scene 2, Frame 1. Then have action in frame 10 of Scene 1 that says to gotoAndPlay scene 1 frame 1 of the current scene. This way scene 1 loops until frame 40 of scene 2 is loaded, at that point, scene 2 frame 1 plays. 

How could I set this up in AS3? Here is what I tried - I've got two scenes, "Scene 1" and "Scene 2". I've got a MC that is a simple shape tween that loops in the "Scene 1". I'm trying to assign codein "Scene 1" that will check to see if frame 40 of Scene 2 is loaded. If it is, gotoAndplay Scene 2 frame 1. If frame 40 of Scene 2 is not loaded, continure to loop the MC unitil it is. Here is the code I've got for the MC in the "Scene 1"


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Professional :: Cannot Find Scene Message On Frame Enter

May 4, 2011

I have two Scenes created as a test, as there will be many Scenes created eventually for a project.
the Scenes are names Intro and Wrong
In the Intro Scene is a Movieclip (called Yellow1) that contains all of the functionality and timelines for that Scene.
In theYellow1 Movieclip, I have a button that when clicked it goes to a specific frame in the timeline. That works fine.

Along the timeline there is a frame with Actionscript that is set to automatically go to the Scene called Wrong when entered.

The code in the frame is:

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, goToWrong);
function goToWrong(event:Event):void{ gotoAndPlay(1, "Wrong");  }
When I test the Scene Intro, everything plays fine until it enters the Frame with the above code.
I get an error of:
at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndPlay()  at FinalProject_Yellow1_fla::yellowOne_1/goToWrong()ArgumentError: Error #2108: Scene Wrong was not found.

so it cannot find the Scene called wrong.

I know it has to be something to do with the Scene Wrong being at a different level ?

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Professional :: Tell The Movie Clip To Go To  The Main Scene Frame 1?

Feb 8, 2012

I am working with an iMAC running 10.6.8.I have created a flash file with only the main scene, which has a List button and a Home button. The List button has 20 links as a scroll list, each link installs a movie clip from the library.The problem I am having is the List button works fine until I add the Home button, then the Home button works fine, but the List button only works on the frame that the action is on. Each button is on it's own layer, and runs the whole length of the show, which is 220 frames. I have a stop label at each place a movie clip is to play.
If I remove the Home button from the main scene and put it into each movie clip, how do I tell the movie clip to go to  the main scene frame 1?

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Professional :: Change Code From Flickr So It Would Auto Start And Loop?

Apr 10, 2010

I have been trying for a while to change this code from Flickr so it would auto start and loop.
Original code
<object width="150" height="150"> <param name="flashvars" value="offsite=true&lang=en-us&page_show_url=%2Fphotos%2F49111858%40N06%2Fsho w%2F&page_show_back_url=%2Fphotos%2F49111858%40N06%2F&user_id=49111858 @N06&jump_to=&autostart=true"></param> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="


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Professional :: Can Force To Frame / Scene After External Flv File Plays To End

Jul 8, 2010

lets say i want an external FLV flie to play using a component. How can I force at the end of the flv file to go to another frame/scene?So imagine an external video clip plays, once its finished your force to a screen that says "click to go to my website".is this possible? Or does the flv have to be imported to stage???

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Professional :: Why Isn't The Button Making The Screen Change From Frame To Frame

Jun 15, 2010

I've been following the book "Beggining Flash Programing for Dummies" and I have come up to a part where I create a very simple game.
The script involved in the frames are FRAME here:
btnGoThere.onRelease = function(){   _root.gotoAndStop("there");
} //end event handler
Frame there
btnGoHere.onRelease = function(){    _root.gotoAndStop("here");} // end release
When I test the movie and click the button, the frames don't seem to change.

View 12 Replies

Professional :: SharedObject Class - Movie Start At A  Particular Frame After The Initial Visit To It?

Jul 27, 2010

I don't have quite a good enough grasp on AS3 just yet, but I'm getting there.I have a movie that has an intro to it. It also has buttons that take them to subsequent pages.Once they go back, I'd like the intro portion of the movie to not play. In other words, I'd like it to start at a  particular frame after the initial visit to it.I think this can be done with Local Shared Objects,

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ActionScript 3.0 :: ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame Label Null Not Found In Scene Scene 1

Apr 1, 2010

ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label null not found in scene Scene 1. at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndPlay() at intro_fla::MainTimeline/intro_fla::frame606()[intro_fla.MainTimeline: :frame606:3]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame Label FrameThree Not Found In Scene Scene 1

May 21, 2010

I'm trying break down a large Flash project into smaller swf's using a Loader :
var reqA:URLRequest = new URLRequest("New_Inro.swf");var loaderA:Loader = new Loader();
function imageLoadedA(event:Event):void {    addChild(loaderA);}   loaderA.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imageLoadedA);loaderA.load(reqA);
Some of these swf files are animations which have code that states :


The first loader works but I cannot get that swf to move on to the next frame(frameThree) to load the next swf file
Instead I get this message
ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label frameThree not found in scene Scene 1.    at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop()    at New_Inro_fla::MainGuy_1/frame146()[New_Inro_fla.MainGuy_1::frame146:2 ]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error #2109: Frame Label <BUTTON INSTANCE NAME> Not Found In Scene <SCENE NAME>.

Sep 2, 2011

I'm getting this error in the OUTPUT window, when I PREVIEW (COMMAND + RETURN) my SWF:
ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label nGallery_btn not found in scene Scene 1.
at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop()
at BrookBrovazMusic004_fla::MainTimeline/pageSelect()
- The funny thing is that the SWF works the way I want it to. You can view it here:
- I just don't like the idea that something's wrong, according to the OUTPUT window anyway.


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Actionscript 3.0 :: ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame Label Instance121 Not Found In Scene Scene 1

Jun 22, 2010

the error is:

ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label instance121 not found in scene Scene 1.
at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop()
at Untitled_fla::MainTimeline/goLabel()

this is my code:

function goLabel(e:MouseEvent):void


i am using a movie clip button to open a swf with a loader. hope i m not missing any information/other coding....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Error - Scene=Scene 1, Layer=balls, Frame=1:Line 15: Identifier Expected

Oct 10, 2005

I've created a class which simulates an action for example a ball bouncing about a screen thus I'd create it like so:

var Ball1:ball = new ball(x,y);

How would I go about adding this to a loop, in a sense of every frame add another ball till you reach the maximum balls
currently after looking in help, google and forums this is all I could find


var ["Ball"+currentball]:ball = new ball(x,y);

but this doesn't seem to work and just causes

"**Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=balls, frame=1:Line 15: Identifier expected"

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ActionScript 3.0 :: ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame Label Contact Not Found In Scene Scene 1

Mar 4, 2011

I have created a new Flash file using A3.It has a menu system which all works, I have included trace code that outputs button pressed.So the next step is when the right button is clicked it takes them to the next scene. Please note I have coded it in AS3. When I compile it returns no error however at run time when I click on the buttomit returns the following error:

Menu 1, button 1
ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label contact not found in scene Scene 1.
at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop()
at menuformason_fla::MainTimeline/itemButtons()


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Actionscript 2.0 :: Jump From One Scene To Another Scene's Specific Frame?

Nov 25, 2009

I am making an online portfolio and I have created the following scenes:homeaboutontactright now, I have three movie clips on the home screen that I have created into buttons.

on (press) {
go to Scene 2, frame 25 ?????????????????????

What I would like to do is after someone clicks on the button, it should then jump to another scene's specific frame number. So for example when you press the "about" button, the playhead goes to the "about" scene to 25th frame. Same thing for each button

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Start Button Needs To Start Timer And Move To Another Frame?

Apr 24, 2011

I'm trying to broaden my horizons with it and so I'm trying to do an update of a quiz program my employer has. Everything has worked well, except for the timer. The button that starts the game has two options, "study" or "exam"; if the study is selected, there is no countdown, just the score keeper. If the exam option is selected, the timer is show (counting up). But, press "Start" and while the quiz begins, the timer, in either case, does not.

I'm going to post the actionscript for the timer that was already there, as well as the start button. I'm hoping someone can explain how this timer is supposed to work and why it's not; and where the disconnect lies in pressing the start button and making it run.The timer is embedded in a movie clip, with two dynamic text boxes, that are for some have no instance name; and actionscript spread out over several frames.Frame 1:

Minutes = "00";
Seconds = "00";
Centiseconds = "00";


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Actionscript :: Make A Flash Video Start Playing On MouseOver, And Stop On MouseOut

Jul 6, 2010

I'm wondering how I can make a Flash start playing a video on MouseOver, and stop playing on MouseOut.

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Start From A Label In A Scene From Movie2.swf?

Jun 15, 2009

I have 2 SWF (swf1 and swf2). I want to load swf 2 into 1, but getting it start on a label or a particular frame.

I use this to load SWF 2



How do i target it to start from a label in a scene from movie2.swf?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Asap With Error #2109 "Frame Label Instance15 Not Found In Scene Scene 1"

Jun 23, 2010

I have a movie clip button, however, once you click on it the output will say: ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label instance15 not found in scene Scene 1. at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop() at index_fla::MainTimeline/goLabel() i am new in flash and trying to learn as3. i've looked at what error this is but i cant get my head around it. what i m trying to do it if you click on a button, a swf file will load on the the page. but it is not loading and the error comes up!


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