Professional :: "movie Not Loaded" Error

Feb 11, 2010

My flash files work fine in test mode on my desktop. After I ftp them to my site, they don't show up. I get the "movie not loaded" error if I right click. The swf is referred to in the same folder. I've tried it with an absolute url, and that doesn't help. I've been working with flash for a while and have never had this problem. I'm publishing in flash 9 Actionscript 3. The files are there, the background color referred to in the html is correct. The swf is not showing up.

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Professional :: Added A Movie Clip To A Loaded .swf And Now It Won't Load Get Error #1056?

Mar 4, 2012

was all working fine until I added a simple shape movieclip (rectangle that I want to have visible and invisible) now just by adding this MC I get this error..

ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property largeframe on aavariable.
at flash.display::Sprite/constructChildren()
at flash.display::Sprite()


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Why Is Swf AS2.0 Results In Error 'Movie Not Loaded' On Player10

Oct 14, 2009

i created swf file on flash 7 and when i loaded it on my webpage it does not work, all i get is "movie not loaded".

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Actionscript 3 :: Getting Error #1009: But Buttons Loaded On Movie Load?

Dec 28, 2011

In my 1st frame I have the following action script and it works fine.

cal.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(){gotoAndStop( "cal" )});
trucks.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(){gotoAndStop( "truck" )});
raven.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(){gotoAndStop( "raven" )});
frank.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(){gotoAndStop( "fr" )});


I've posted a lot of code below. It still loads / traces fine on frame 1. On other frames only the last two come up in a trace (though they should all be the same). Then when returning to frame 1 they are all null.

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Professional :: Dreamweaver - SWF Movie Not Loaded

Jul 22, 2010

Go to this site: [URL]. I got my flash intro onto the site and I got the HTML code from dreamweaver. I use 000webhost for hosting. HTML code is:
<script src="Scripts/swfobject_modified.js" type="text/javascript">
</script><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="720" height="480" id="FlashID" title="kevin">
<param name="movie" value="intro done 2011.swf">
<param name="quality" value="high">
<param name="wmode" value="opaque">
[Code] .....
Why doesn't my flash load up? When I upload them to other sites they playback fine.

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Professional :: Closing Swf Loaded Into Movie Clip?

Mar 16, 2010

I have built a movie clip on my main flash file that I am loading separate swfs into. On the separate swfs I have a close button, but do not know what action script to attach to it to make the movie clip go away? I want these to go away every time you hit the close button on the separate Flash swfs loading into the main movie clip.

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Professional :: Change Loaded Movie From Child?

Oct 31, 2010

Here I want to ask how to change the loaded movie from child?
Here is my working code, but it doesn't works...

var contentMovie:MovieClip = new mcMain;"content_mc";addChild(contentMovie);


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Professional :: Control Transparency Of Loaded Movie?

Jun 6, 2011

I have used a loader to play a swf, and I've managed to scale it like I want it - now I would like for it to fade in and out. How do i do that? Below is the as3 script I am using:

var loader:Loader=new Loader();loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,f);loader.load(new URLRequest("BldgBanner_r3an.swf"));addChild(loader); function f(e:Event):void{loader.scaleX=.80;loader.scaleY=.80;}

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Professional :: Getting Error When Trying To Test Movie?

Apr 6, 2010

When i click Test Movie no compiler errors,But when my scene finishes, On the bit where all my actionscript is..And output tab pops up with this error:TypeError: Error #1009:Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at JoeTorranC_fla::MainTimeline/frame160()I have 3 Layers,Layer 1 has the actionscript code and some text,Layer 2 has a button and a motion tween,Layer 3 has a button and a motion tween,The actionscript code in Layer 1 is this:stop();

tutorials.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, myBtnHandler1);
function myBtnHandler1(event:MouseEvent):void {
gotoAndPlay("Scene 59");


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Professional :: Passing Variables To And From Loaded Movie Clips

May 7, 2010

I have a movie clip where I store a value in a variable called "yourname" and then load a different .swf file in level 1. I display the value of "yourname" in a dynamic text box, that works fine. I then move on to a frame where the user has an input text box and can re-enter a value for the "yourname" variable, and then clicks a button symbol to reassign the value. Bear in mind, "yourname" was not originally stored on this level and this movie clip, it is stored on level 0 on the first (main) movie clip.  Here is my code in the button:
on (release) {
_level0.yourname = String (inpt_newName.text);
inpt_newName is the input text box. My intent here is to have a "main" timeline where variables are stored, and then load and unload various .swf movie clips as needed, storing and variables (i.e. decisions) that the user makes.

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Professional :: Stop Preloader Frames When Movie Already Loaded?

May 27, 2010

I have a CS5 FLA file with AS 3.0 with the following code for the preloader:

var pct_load:int = Math.round(framesLoaded/totalFrames*100);
if (pct_load == 100) {


The preloader is in the first four frames -- it's just the background photo, a graphic logo, and the loading numeral text.

Everything runs great the first time it's loaded; then if you refresh the page, the graphics in the first four preloader frames flash on the screen before the movie plays.

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Professional :: Control The Swf Movie Loaded In Loader Component?

Oct 13, 2010

I have an external swf file loaded in loader component. The external swf loaded in loader component is stopped initially. I want to play it by a button outside the loader component which is located in the main swf movie.

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Professional :: Sound Does Not Stop If I Exit A Pre-loaded FLV Movie?

Nov 10, 2010

I have an FLV video loaded as an "external video with play back component" in my Flash site. It works pretty well, even loads fast regardless its 15MB size. The video located on its labeled section which has an "X" button which closes this section and brings a user back to the page with all the video sections. However once the labeled section with the video is closed the sound is still playing.Does any one know how to make it stop if the section with the video has been exited?Then go to HOW TO section and click on the link "here" for "The Arrangement" show it will bring you to the section with the video loaded as an "external video with play back component" in my Flash site.

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Professional :: Error When Trying To Play Embedded Movie?

Apr 20, 2010

SecurityError: Error #2148: SWF file wf cannot access local resource D:UsersMatthewMy DocumentsMS Data Systemswings-of-lhe-zodiac-code.flv. Only local-with-filesystem and trusted local SWF files may access local resources.



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Professional :: TEST MOVIE Error Message?

May 31, 2011

I am using CS5 Flash and have developed a very large system with several thousand lines of code, a main timeline, and some dozen classes. Sometimes when I test it, I get get the error message below.Error creating SWF fileBe sure the destination file is not read-only or opened by another applcation. Also check that the file name is not too long.It appears to happen at random. Many times it doesn't appear at all and the FLA simply complies. Other times it may appear several times before the FLA complies. If there are errors in the FLA file, normal error messages are displayed. If there are no errors in the FLA, I get this random error message.

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Professional :: Seamless Transitions Between Externally Loaded Movie Clips?

Apr 1, 2010

I'm building a flash player that loads various movie clips in succession  depending on user input. The player should continue to play seamlessly  when one clip ends and another starts playing, however there is always a  slight noticeable delay between the COMPLETE event for one clip and the  actual playing of the next clip. I am using the FLVPlayback component to  load the video clips, with successive clips loaded in different players in the component.
I've tried playing the next video a short duration before the current video finishes by adding a cue point just before the end of the currently running clip (about 200 - 300 ms before the end). This improves matters somewhat, but it is not a reliable method as the timings are different for different browsers and computer specs. I was wondering if anyone here has any experience with smooth  transitions between external video clips and could suggest possible  optimizations I could use to improve the transitions.

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Professional :: Make A Loaded.swf Stop Looping Inside A Movie Clip?

Oct 20, 2010

I have a .swf that loads into a movie clip in a Flash website. The .swf has all necessary stops to play once and stop once loaded. When tested outside of the movie clip, it does what it should, but once loaded, it loops forever and the speed is faster. How do I make this stop looping?  (This only happenes to .swf that were made in CS4, doesn't happen with older .swfs that were made in Macromedia)

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Professional :: Change Settings And Export The Movie To A .swf - Getting A Syntax Error?

Mar 24, 2010

play ();ifFrameLoaded ("content", "loader") {    gotoAndPlay ("content", 1);}downloaded = math.floor((_root.getbytesLoaded()/_root.getbytestotal())*100) add "%";;bytesloaded = math.floor(_root.getbytesloaded()/1000);bytestotal = math.floor(_root.getbytestotal()/1000); = bytesloaded add "Kb"; =  bytestotal  add "Kb";
this is for a loader on an already created flash. Which I am updating. All I am doing is changing a picture that has no coding with it, and changing the publish settings. The publish setting for the original was set for flash player 5, however I need it set to flash player 8. After I change these settings and export the movie to a .swf, I get the errors.Has the action script changed that much from flash 5 to flash 8?

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Professional :: Error #2044: IoError No Controlado: Text=Error #2032: Error De Secuencia. URL: Send_email.php

Jan 17, 2010

I am always getting the same error:

Error #2044: ioError no controlado: text=Error #2032: Error de secuencia. URL: send_email.php    at Alvaro_Veronica_v0105_fla::contactform_11/frame1()The code from the php file in charge of sending the email is the following:
<?php$contact_name = $_POST['name'];$contact_email = $_POST['email'];$contact_subject = $_POST['subject'];$contact_message =


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Professional :: Error #2044: Unhandled IoError:. Text=Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: File?

Dec 7, 2010

i'm trying to make a contact form but it gives me this error and the messages are not being sent.

"Error #2044: Unhandled ioError:. text=Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: file:///Ana%20Valente/Snowflake/site%20snowflake/contact.php  at index_fla::MainTimeline/sendMessage()"


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. Text=Error #2124: Loaded File Is An Unknown

Nov 23, 2009

i am making flash web site with flah cs3 as3. everythig was perfect but nnow codes are getting crazy.  there is a photo gallery that has little picture  thumbnails on right and when one of them is clicked , that photo is loaded from out of swf and appear in big size on left. today as i was fixing last little things codes gave me errors..Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2124: Loaded file is an unknown type.
i changed fle types i saved pics in jpg, jpeg, bmp, png. but nothing works.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. Text=Error #2124: Loaded File Is An Unknown Type

Jul 12, 2009

in Flex I'm able to load a Image into an Image component (mx:Image) via a URL and it will display it, however in Flash if I try to load the same image via URL I get an unknown file type error. If I browse to the URL in a broswer, I can view the image.

Code: Select allFlash Error;
Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2124: Loaded file is an unknown type..

image url trying to load in flash;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. Text=Error #2124: Loaded File Is An Unknown Type Keeps Appearing

May 9, 2011

I've tried to load my xml but to no avail.Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2124: Loaded file is an unknown type keeps appearing. I have a lot of loader in that flash. could it be the problem?
Below is my code and xml info for your reference.


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Professional :: Adobe Flash Player "Movie Not Loaded" On Browsers?

Apr 20, 2011

On Browsers (Firefox, Chrome) Adobe Flash Player does not display and only shows a white empty space that, when right clicked, says "Movie not Loaded".

View 5 Replies

Professional :: Error - TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot Access A Property Or Method Of A Null

Feb 28, 2010

Starting new thread for this topic as suggested by forum. I have a website which tweens movieclip pages (named home, bio, music, video and contact). Love the effect and trying to keep it.  Main timeline contains the main buttons (home_btn, bio_btn, music btn, video_btn, contact_btn).  Music page has a XML mp3 player contained in it with button control.  Video page has an encoded video with no code. 
I need the following:

1 - Music and video to shut off as those pages/movieclips tween off the stage.  Gets annoying with them playing especially at the same time

2 - Music player to play correctly.  It is not with the new code.
I have the following code.  The "Tween Code" is on frame 1 of the main timeline of the movie.  The "MP3 code" is on frame 1 of the music movie clip. I am getting the following ERROR message when running my movie.  I ran the Debugger as I publish and it points to music.my_channel.stop(); in below code.  My thought process on this was that it would reach out to the music movieclip, find my_channel and stop it.


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Professional :: CS5 Message Error : "the Video Player Is In The Connection Error State?

Dec 24, 2011

I am trying to and I have the following message error:"the video player is in the connection error state. It enters this state when a video stream attempted to load but was unsuccessful. There are two possible reasons for the error: no connection to the server or the stream was not found."

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Professional :: Getting Error ... 1084: Syntax Error: Expecting Leftperan Before Colon?

Apr 8, 2010

I am trying to learn flash and make forms with them. I keep getting this error... 1084: Syntax error: expecting leftperan before colon here is my code function sent:(e:Event):void why am I getting this error?

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Professional :: TypeError: Error #1009 - (Null Reference Error) With Flash?

Jun 13, 2010

I am not an expert in flash, but i do work with AS and tweak Flash projects , though not having deep expertise in it. Currently i need to revamp a flash website done by one another guy, and the code base given to me, upon execution is throwing the following error."--- TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null objectreference.atNewSite_fla::MainTimeline/__setProp_ContactOutP1_ContactOut_Contents_ 0() at NewSite_fla::MainTimeline/frame1() --"The structure of the project is like, it has theifferent sections split into different movie clips. There is no single main timeline, but click actions on different areas of seperate movie clips will take them between oneanother.All the AS logic of event handling are written inline in FLA , no seperate Document class exists.

Preloader Movie clip is the first one getting loaded. As i understood the error is getting thrown initially itself, and it is not happening due to any Action script logic written inline, because it is throwing error even before hitting the first inline AS code.I am not able to figure Out what exactly it causing the problem, or where to resolve it. I setup the stuff online, for reference if anybody want to take a look at it, and here is the link.You need to have flash debugger turned ON in your browser, if need to see the exception getting triggered.

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Professional :: Hit Test Error :ArgumentError: Error #2015: Invalid BitmapData?

Oct 23, 2011

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, Pixel_Perfect);
function Pixel_Perfect(e:Event):void

Enemy1 is a class is that makes a difference

I didn't write this code as i am not this advanced yet but really needed this script, this script normally works but now i am recieving errors
Error: ArgumentError: Error #2015: Invalid BitmapData.
    at flash.display::BitmapData/ctor()
    at flash.display::BitmapData()
    at IceMountain_fla::MainTimeline/Pixel_Perfect()

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fresh Movie And Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. Text=Error #2036: Load Never Completed?

Mar 8, 2012

I was working on a project and Error#2044 was driving me crazy, I try to catch all errors, review and over review my movie loaders but nothing, that error does't allow me to use preloader because it fires off from the begining. When I was totally on my knees I decided to start the whole project from scratch, but, just for the sake of it after making a new flash document I try to simulate downloading and the SAME error fire off!, What? there is nothing, not even a line of code, a pure fresh movie and this errors lurks in my movies.What could It be, it is just my Flash?, this has no sense, It is an empty (fresh movie), why does this error fire off?

Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2036: Load Never Completed.
Fresh Movie.
Flash CS5

Last flash player at today.

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