Professional :: Possible To Make A Searchable Database In Flash?

May 23, 2011

I need to create a page on a site that has the ability to search a database of inventory items, but one that searches based on certain selections (such as a maximum and minimum price, size and things like check boxes to choose a shape like round, square etc.. and only should the matching items).Is this kind of thing possible in flash?If it is, does anybody know how I would go about doing this

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DisplayNodes = function (nodes, field_txt) {
item_xcount = 0;
item_ycount = 0;[code],,,,,

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var planet_title = new Array();
var planet_subtitle = new Array();
var chevron1_txt = new Array();
var chevron2_txt = new Array();
var chevron3_txt = new Array();
[Code] .....

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Lessons under the course


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String.prototype.contains = function(searchString){
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Mar 1, 2011

Allow this binary data to be extracted via a http request to be dynamically loaded inside of a web page.Now the first part was easy. I have all of my swf's uploaded and stored inside of the database. I have code that can make a request for the binary and write it to the response, so far so good. Now this is where I am stuck.I thought I could dynamically load the swf binary data by creating a very basic swf that simply contains a movie clip holder and for now a simple loadMovie statement. My idea being that I can could provide a url for the loadMovie statement that returns the swf binary data. This is where I have ground to a halt.

I can see the call being made from the swf, I can see the data being returned but I cannot get it to render. I remember seeing an article some time agao where someone stated that they had used this method with success but I cannot find now

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Edit: The synchronisation can be done on a daily basis rather than real time. The data will be read only from a front end perspective with a CMS to do updates on the website.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Generate Array Whose Elements Are Each Arrays To Make Quick Loading Database Of Sorts

Jul 7, 2009

I'm trying to figure out how to generate an array whose elements are each arrays to make a quick loading database of sorts.the main array could essentially be something like "employees" while each employee would have demographic data like age, salary, gender, etc.In some cases the information on some employees would be greater than others, and options created by "push" would imply the number of elements within each employee array would be variable until generated.[code]But I get the feeling this type of array as it is currently described doesn't lend itself well to adding new elements in the way I've described.My goal is once an employee's information has been entered and saved, I can call up their info by array number like aEmployee[2], and if employee 2's name is Bob, then Bob's name would appear in the text field, along with all the other fields related to Bob's array, such as being male, 42 years old, and living in Witchita Kansas.Would I modify a multidimensional array, or do I want an array within an array, and is there a way to add "arrays" as elements?

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Professional :: Ql Database And Display Results Based On The Data?

Jul 4, 2010

Is it possible for recent versions of flash to directly (or thru Php) access (& update) data from a mysql database and display results based on the data?
So if my database were like this (math scores):User 13Jerry | 20Kane | 7 the flash output would be a bar graph like this (those hyphens would be bars in flash)
Is this possible these days? Google analytics does something like similar to this.
I last used flash somewhere in 2003/4. Never after that :-) I've completely lost touch.

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Php :: FLEX Database Will Not Refresh After Updating Database Unless Browser Is Restarted?

Jun 7, 2010

I have researched this issue all over and most people say use the .refresh() method to update a datagrid after updating or adding a new record. This does not do anything. So, my issue is this. I have a mySQL database hosted I am connecting via PHP, I have 1 mxml file and 2 php files (I know I can use just 1 but I am learning and this was easier for me to use for troubleshooting). The issue is no matter what I change on the datagrid the update does not show on the datagrid unless I close out of IE and reopen it. I can refresh or open the page in another window and the update does not show. I have to exit entirely and restart in order for any updates or additions to show.Here is my licenseTracker.mxml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""


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Database :: Save A Form To The Database Without Knowing The Field Type?

Jun 17, 2010

I am working on a function to generate a form at runtime in Flex based on a call to the DB. The call to the DB returns the field types, id, tooltips etc as an arraycollection, the arraycollection is then parsed in order to ascertain what control to display based on the type field in the array - this bit works fine.However, i am stuck on trying to save the form fields back to the database using a form rendering code is as follows but how do i save values entered back to the database? rendering code..

public var getglobalprofileb:ArrayCollection;
public function init(event:ResultEvent):void {[code].......

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Php :: FLEX Database Will Not Refresh After Updating Database Unless Browser Is Restarted

Aug 31, 2011

I have updated the mxml code to only show the needed code for the program to run the update.

I am new to Flex and have an issue I hope you all can help me out with.

I have researched this issue all over and most people say use the .refresh() method to update a datagrid after updating or adding a new record. This does not do anything.

So, my issue is this. I have a mySQL database hosted on, I am connecting via PHP, I have 1 mxml file and 2 php files (I know I can use just 1 but I am learning and this was easier for me to use for troubleshooting). The issue is no matter what I change on the datagrid the update does not show on the datagrid unless I close out of IE and reopen it. I can refresh or open the page in another window and the update does not show. I have to exit entirely and restart in order for any updates or additions to show.

Here is my licenseTracker.mxml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""


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