Professional :: Watching Videos On Brand New Laptop - Picture Is Badly Distorted
Oct 20, 2010
I just received a new Dell Studio. I have the latest Flash installed. I can view Flash websites fine, and I can watch videos on all sites... except, [URL]. In fact, the video loads and a picture is displayed. The problem is that the picture is badly distorted. See the screenshot below. The top of the image is crystal clear, but the bulk of the video can not be viewed. This is different than the other threads with Flash/NHL problems. I can see something, and hear the videos fine. but... Its as if the video is in digital purgatory.
Why can't I watch youtube videos on my laptop? It's brand new. I can go to the website and the video loads just fine. It starts to play but then shortly after it quits. The monitor flickers and then goes black. I don't think it's the Adobe Flash player.
I am trying to deactivate Flash CS3 on my laptop so that I can install and use it it on my desktop machine. All I can find on this subject is the instruction to select "deactivate" from the "help" menu - but the help menu in my version of Flash CS3 doesn'tcontain this option. Is there another way to deactivate Flash?
The options in my menu are as follows:
- Flash Help - Help Resources Online - Whats new in Flash CS3 - Flash exchange - Manage Extensions...
Will there be any issue with Flash running off a laptop form a different country it was developed on? We just want to be able to open the html page and have everything running locally off the laptop. The application was made in USA and the laptops it will be running off of are from The Netherlands.
I brought my son a mini laptop for xmas that runs Windows CE , some of the websites he wants to go onto require "flash" , but when I try to install flash laptop says its not a valid Windows CE file.
Is it right that I need to install "flash lite" if so what version and where can I obtain it as I cant find download link on this site. If not is there any other way I can get these websites to work.
I've recently picked up the opportunity to develop a simple little application for a company that makes cupcake wedding cakes. They want to be able to take a laptop to a client and sit with them to design the look of the cakes - colour, topping, etc. End result is a saved written preference, along with an image of their design. I've assumed Flash is the best bet for something like this. Although I've dabbled in Flash and have experience in coding, I've yet to pick it up fully. The version I have is Flash MX. I've assumed I could create a movieclip representing a single cake, that is then replicated over the stack of cakes? A simple set of options on a side panel would let the user pick colour, amount, etc. Firstly, will Flash (MX) let me save out a 'screengrab' of the movie as something that could then be saved to, say, a JPG? And I assume that writing the variable choices to something like a text file would be no problem..
I've put together a little flash activity for my educational website, and although it works perfectly on my PC (I also zipped it up and passed it onto my laptop, where it also works perfectly), when I try to open it after uploading it to the website, all it shows is the background.
To download the ZIP file I passed onto my laptop: [URL]
I have Windows 7, 64bit and Flash V 10,1,102,64My problem is with watching a Ustream live webcam on an Eagle nest in Maine, USA,Whilst I can watch it, the streaming keeps on and on buffering, or just stopping and starting. I don't lose the picture but it plays and freezes and then plays and freezes every few seconds. It's off more than it's on.Is there something wrong with my version of Flash, my video card, my computer? I've tried it with Internet Explorer 8, Firefox and Google Chrome and still have the same issue
I created a site for a client and they are experiencing something weird with the top links in the base SWF. The links appear to be distorted or doubling up. I don't have anything extra in the MC. And what's worse is that I can't see this effect on any of the computers I have. They see it on their laptop.
I have an mp4 file with the audio sounding perfect that I'm running through Adobe Flash CS3 Video Encoder to convert to an flv which I'm trying to then embed in a fla.My problem comes in the fact that after its embedding when previewing it, the sound quality has -significantly- deteriorated to the point where it sounds crackly and echoing. I've tried changing the sound data rate to maximum, but it makes no difference at all.
I have imported voice-over into my flash animation project as a WAV file. When I test it within the library, it's perfect. When I play it back using "Play" under "Controls" it is slightly degraded. And then when I play it back using "Test Movie in flash professional" under "Control" and when I publish the file, the audio is severely compressed and distorted. Why does this happen and how do I fix it?
I have a couple of Flash projects that were originally built in CS3. Last year I upgraded them to CS5 without trouble. Recently I have upgraded my Macs to Snow Leopard, and when I open both of these FLA files in CS5 on Snow Leopard, some of the fonts are insanely distorted.
I have been working on an animation. I have imported my sounds to the library and streamed them live to the animation. They dont sound as good (muffled and distorted) when I publish the preview (flash or html). They sound fine within flash. When I switched the properties from "stream" to "event" it seemed to work great in the preview. I added a few more sounds and now only the first two mp3 clips sound clear and the rest now sound not so clear. They sound okay but I cant figure out why the rest sound bad? They now all have the exact same settings as the first two..
My first time making anything in flash, so go easy on me. I made a set of navigation buttons for a website I'm building for a friend of mine.
When I make it in Flash, everything looks perfect. When I save it as a movie and run on my computer (in Flash Player 6), it still looks perfect. But when I put it on my website, the "M" in "HOME" gets distorted (on all browsers). See here: [URL]
Using Flash MX, can't afford the upgrade to CS right now!
i have been working on a project that involves 6 buttons on the stage (although they are actually movieclips with button mode set to true). Under button 6 there are actually 4 sub buttons. When you rollover the buttons they animate in a certain way. The image that is loaded into the buttons comes from a path in an XML file, and eventually so will the links for when you click on the buttons.I have all this working (although my code is a bit of a mess), but my problem is the tool tip i have displaying when you roll over the buttons. They cause the buttons to flicker really badly and it is ruining things. I thought it might be because i had the MouseEvent set on ENTER_FRAME so i changed it to MOUSE_MOVE and it still flickers really badly.I have attached my code, can anyone suggest something that would stop this flickering.
I am really excited about the development for iOs devices on the brand new Adobe Flash CS5. I tried searching a documentation for this, but I cannot found. How can I view the possibilities and documentations for that?
Can we customize the flash player in Flash Media Server 4 like putting branding name (say some corner) like that? I am thinking to put my brand (my branding name) on a flash player while I streaming live event is it possible?
I want to make a picture gallery and use buttons that move you from picture to picture and backwards, but I don't want to tell button 1 to go to frame 2 and button 2 to got to frame 3 and so on (I hope you know what I mean)Can I use on button on a separate layer with the same action set? I tried something like that, but it didn't work:
on (release) { thisframe =+1 } [code]........
but it didn't work. I'm kind of new to any action script other than gotAndPlay, easy functions and all that.
I cant install flash builder trial on my laptop winXP prof as I get an error message after I click on setup and about a few minutes into installing. It says to restart the PC ?
THat same trial download I used to install on my PC fine?
I have one PC and one laptop. Both of them are connected by wire to my linksys router and I can copy files between two systems without any problem. I have FMS running on my laptop and I have Flash Live Encoder 3.1 on my PC. I want to use Flash Live Encoder 3.1 to stream live webcam to FMS on my laptop via rtmp://[mylaptop-ip]/live. The ip address here is the address assigned to my laptop by my router. But I keep getting "Problem with Primary Server" error message.
We are developing a video chatting application on flex, it works well on Desktop systems and while running on a laptop the sound is loop backed and becomming a large noise, Please help me to fix the problem.
I have developed a Flash projector to play video files from a DVD. The presentation runs fine on Mac desktops and laptops. Also runs fine on PC desktops but not on some PC laptops. The videos are encoded at 772 Kb/sec. This seems very low for DVD delivery. What is the recommended setting for encoding video for a PC laptop? What other factors could be a factor?
Is there a way to find out when someone is watching to the swf? For example i have a swf loader but it preloades all swf behind each other [swf]-[swf]-[swf]
I can slide between each [swf] but the swf contains animations, they start playing when he preloads the [swf]'s. Is there a way i know when someone is watching the swf and then start the animation?
My first solution was a onmouse but it doesn't work when you don't have your mouse on the [swf].
Any software to convert .mov and mp4 videos to flash? I have adobe video encoder cs4 which people swear by from articles I read, however I do not see where I can add a player nor add a thumbnail for the first frame. I need something that will produce high quality videos and give me the option to select the thumbnail shot and player selection while not being overly expensive.
i have a movie that has a next button on it that if clicked its going to flip/rotate and play the other movie,, here another problem if i click the next button it flip but the second movie clip is keep on pausing and playing how can i fix this?
watch this Flash file I've created that includes a video.
When importing the .flv file of the video into the Flash project, I chose the imbedding method. I realize this increases the size of the overall .swf file when doing so. On the first watch (before the file is cached) it tends to pause while loading and/or jumps. I've tried other methods (like choosing the file has already been deployed to a web server, and play methods such as progressive download from a web server, stream from a Flash video streaming service, and stream from a Flash communication server). When choosing those other methods, the video loads nicely but the audio sounds a bit more distorted while playing. So, at present, I'm using the embed video in SWF and play in timeline option. Does anyone have any other suggestions to improve the video buffer speed, performance and the overall loading and quality of the Flash file? I'm still using Flash Professional 8.
How can i embed images and videos in swf through actionscript in flash? I am reading an xml through actionscript (3.0) and loading the content But is it possible to embed them and when a compile it , i get swf with content embedded in it (this possibly eliminates the need of giving the content separately with swf )?
I created a photo gallery using flash and I can't get it to work on my web page.I am using Flash CS5 and Dreamweaver CS3.If I just open the html file (the one Flash created when I published it) it works just fine but, when I put the Flash video on the page I created in Dreamweaver, it plays, but without the images.