Professional :: Flash On International Laptop?

Mar 21, 2011

Will there be any issue with Flash running off a laptop form a different country it was developed on?  We just want to be able to open the html page and have everything running locally off the laptop. The application was made in USA and the laptops it will be running off of are from The Netherlands.

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- Flash Help
- Help Resources Online
- Whats new in Flash CS3
- Flash exchange
- Manage Extensions...


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To download the ZIP file I passed onto my laptop: [URL]

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Professional :: Unable To Take A Laptop To A Client And Sit With Them To Design?

Feb 4, 2011

I've recently picked up the opportunity to develop a simple little  application for a company that makes cupcake wedding cakes. They want to  be able to take a laptop to a client and sit with them to design the  look of the cakes - colour, topping, etc. End result is a saved written  preference, along with an image of their design. I've assumed Flash is the best bet for something like this. Although  I've dabbled in Flash and have experience in coding, I've yet to pick it  up fully. The version I have is Flash MX. I've assumed I could create a movieclip  representing a single cake, that is then replicated over the stack of  cakes? A simple set of options on a side panel would let the user pick  colour, amount, etc. Firstly, will Flash (MX) let me save out a 'screengrab' of the movie as  something that could then be saved to, say, a JPG? And I assume that  writing the variable choices to something like a text file would be no  problem..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending By Email (Flash Form / PHP) International Characters

Jan 29, 2004

I made a flash form to send variables by a php file for my mail..the fact is that when I receive the mail characters. This is what i have in flash:
1. Input textfields with several variables, and I already choose all kind of latin characters, and it isn't working!
2. The code for the send button is:

on (release) {
if (!from.length || from.indexOf("@") == -1 || from.indexOf(".") == -1) {
status = "Insere um email volido!";
} else if (!nome.length) {
[Code] .....
And this is working! I still don't know if the problem is in flash or in the php file..

And this what I have in "mail.php3":
mail("", $subject, $message, "From: beAgency
Reply-To: $from
X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());
I already tried to save the php file in dreamweaver encoded in UTF-8 but it didin't worked, actually the mail never came!!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Syntax For Displaying International Characters?

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Flex :: Clock Animation Showing International Time

Jul 29, 2009

In my application I want to show 5 clock. In the clock shows international time depend on country based But Normal clock time I will get sytem time (getmintues and gethours) and show. How can show all country time? I tried below code for animation.

public function createChildren() : Void {
border_mc = createClassChildAtDepthWithStyles(
DepthManager.kBottom, { styleName : this });
// create the empty movie clips in the order
[Code] .....

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THat same trial download I used to install on my PC fine?

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Professional :: Possible To Load Html Page Inside Adobe Flash Professional

Aug 26, 2010

Is It possible to load Html page inside Adobe Flash Professional or Adobe Flex.

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Professional :: Can't Get Transparent Background In Adobe Flash Professional CS4

Jul 29, 2010

I'm wanting to create a moving object that will be exported into a tv commercial. Object has already been created in Adobe Illustrator, and now will be dropped into flash for adding movement. The destination commercial will be created in Sony Vegas, with the settings of (Australian) PAL television (25 fps, 576x720 pixels, lower field first).Thus keeping it simple, I want to set Adobe flash with the same output format, meaning that the canvas will have to be 576x720 pixels at 25 fps.  So far this seems to have worked okay.Now I'm wanting to get rid of the canvas colour, just like I have here in this photoshop screen shot.
Judging by the colour palette in Flash Professional, it looks like it can't be done.  I've checked "transparent palette" through yahoo and google, and had no results.  The adobe documentation only details how to remove a background in Photoshop.

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Professional :: JPEG Gets Messed Up When Saving In Flash Professional CS4

Sep 1, 2010

I have created drawings in Adobe Flash and saved them as .fla files. However, when I try to save the files as JPEGs beyond a certain resolution (such as 4000x4000 pixels), the image gets altered. Essentially, it get's cropped, but some background is left in the  remaining pixels.
Original image (.fla)
Jpeg image (with the saving problem):

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Sep 20, 2010

I'm a bit confused with the purpose of these programs. For example if I want to create a game or utility app that runs on air. Can I design it in Flash Professional and later open in Builder for more heavy coding? Or is Catalyst supposed to be used as the design program?
I used to think that you design stuff in Flash Professional and then open the project up in Builder to do more deep coding.

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Professional :: Flash MX Professional 2004 Fails To Open On Mac Osx 10.6.7

Apr 27, 2011

i am trying to install a copy of Flash macromeadia 2004 mx profesional. the software installs fine when i go to open it it apears in the dock and nothing happens. right clicking on the icon in the dock the program says it's not reasponding.
on the box on my flash it syas made for mac osx 10.2.6 and my mac is running mac osx 10.6.7

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Professional :: Save When Use Trial Version Of Flash Professional CS5?

Sep 21, 2011

I downloaded the trial version so I could work on the final project for class but for some reason when I tried to save it my computer froze up. Is this because the save feature is turned off for the trial version or was it just my computer? If I can't save using the trial version than I wasted memory on my computer and a lot of my time downloading the trial version that isn't going to be very useful to me.

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Professional :: Correct Failure Of Flash CS4 Professional?

Sep 25, 2009

I recently purchased and installed Flash CS4 Professional on my home computer (HP Windows XP Media Center Edition).  AS2 works as a Publish Setting, but AS3 does not function in any way.After my initial installation, I ran a CS4 update of all programs, including updating Flash CS4 to 10.0.2.I have uninstalled the software and re-installed it in the "simplified" mode.  Updated to v10.0.2; no change in AS3 failure.  I have run the Adobe Support Analyzer, and an error has been found in the installation log file (for both the initial installation and the re-installation).  But use of the Package for Support button (repeatedly, over 4 days) fails to upload and fails to produce a "key", yielding this message: "The storage server is unavailable! Please try again later."Here is what I mean by ActionScript 3 failure:With any script in the Actions-Frame panel, clicking Check Syntax produces this message: "This script contains errors. The errors encountered are listed in the Compiler Errors Panel."  The Compiler Errors Panel is always blank.  When I am working in AS2, an intentional script error immediately is identified correctly in the Compiler Errors Panel.With any script in the Actions-Frame panel, clicking Auto Format produces this message: "This script contains syntax errors, so it cannot be Auto Formatted. Fix the errors and try again."Any .swf produced with CTRL+Enter sits in its initial state and does not run or otherwise have interactivity..

fla files I have found the failure with include:  AS3 examples from the Adobe Flash website; AS3 files I produced with Flash CS3 Professional on a previous employer's computer; a simple "stop();" in the Actions-Frame panel for the first frame of a movie clip.I have also made sure that my computer has updated versions of the Flash 10, 9, and 8 players.  A .swf file (AS3, Player 9) I made with my employer's Flash CS3 software runs fine on my computer.  But producing a new .swf from the same .fla file on my home computer with CS4 yields an inactive file.Adobe technical support is unable to deal with ActionScript problems and referred me to the community of Adobe expert users.

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Professional :: Flash Professional Adding Swf Files?

Dec 19, 2011

i am new with adobe flash and i have made 2 swf files that need to link to one main one, i am not sure what the actions should say. so far my programming for my main swf where i want all the other swfs to open from are:
var movieLoader:Loader = new Loader();function addMovie(event:Event):void {var movieRequest:URLRequest=new URLRequest ("slideshow.swf");//define a loader to load a movie to the stage//Set the loaders load property to the the var movieRequestmovieLoader.load(movieRequest);//add the image to the stageaddChild(movieLoader);//set its x and y positionsmovieLoader.x=0;movieLoader.y=0;}PictureSlideshow.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,addMovie);
function activateButtons() {  removeChild(movieLoader); }


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Professional :: Flash Professional CS5 Freezing?

Jun 10, 2010

I'm running Flash Professional CS5 on Windows XP OS. When using Flash the program is freezing on me. So far this has happened when importing images to the stage, publishing the file and testing the movie. My only option is to force Flash to close. Sometimes, this freezing is accompanied by the standard "Adobe Flash has encountered an error and needs to close" message, but this is not always the case. This is my first time using Flash, and I'm creating a video using ~400 BMP's so the .fla file is quite large (12MB).

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Professional :: "Download Now" Button Not Working For Flash Professional CS5.5 Trial

May 30, 2011

I was going to download the trial version of Flash Professional CS5.5 but when I got to the download page it wasn't downloading. The "Download now" button was there, but it was unclickable, when I clicked on it it didn't work, plus it was a little dimmer than I remember it was when I downloaded another trial. I'm also using the latest version of Google Chrome and I tried downloading it on IE and Firefox.So, is there any solution to this?

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Flash 10 :: Converting Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5 .fla To Adobe Flash Professional 8

Jul 29, 2011

I'd like to convert a Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5 .fla file to an Adobe Flash Professional 8 .fla file. Is this possible without downloading Adobe Flash Professional CS4 and CS3?

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Professional :: Flash / Flash Player Will Not Open Link To Web Page When Clicked

Mar 19, 2010

I am testing a FLASH animation ad that has links to a website.When I click on the links, it opens firefox but it doesn't go to the link!I have added the links and the file names in the Adobe Flash Settings Manager, restarted several times, restarted in Safe Mode and it still does not work!I cannot find any information on this. My coworker also tried it and it does not work for him on IE on Windows.HOWEVER, If I have SAFARI open it works fine, and If I drag and drop the .swf file into either browser and then click on the links it goes to the web page.

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Professional :: Text Rendering In Flash Authoring Tool And In Flash Player?

Apr 15, 2010

i have found that:

1. There has a subtle difference between a static text field in flash authoring tool which has been set to use the device font when it's got focus(state that user can type character in) and lose focus;

2. There also has a subtle difference between when it is being rendered in flash player and in flash authoring tool.(Note that the key factor here is setting the text field to use device font.)

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Professional :: Make A Simple Flash Website Video Intro In Flash CS5 Pro?

Jul 31, 2010

I am new to flash and trying to make a simple flash website video intro in Flash CS5 Pro.I have a flv viedo on the stage, under an image with a trasnparent center.I have the video on the bottom layer, the overlay image on the middle layer, and the top layer is my AS layer (AS3).

The video is currently autoplaying when i export.All i want is for it to open my website in the same window as the intro played when the video ends.I dont need a "skip intro button" or anything.I just want it to play the intro when you go to my site, and then bring up the index page of my site after it plays.

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