Professional :: Unable To Take A Laptop To A Client And Sit With Them To Design?

Feb 4, 2011

I've recently picked up the opportunity to develop a simple little  application for a company that makes cupcake wedding cakes. They want to  be able to take a laptop to a client and sit with them to design the  look of the cakes - colour, topping, etc. End result is a saved written  preference, along with an image of their design. I've assumed Flash is the best bet for something like this. Although  I've dabbled in Flash and have experience in coding, I've yet to pick it  up fully. The version I have is Flash MX. I've assumed I could create a movieclip  representing a single cake, that is then replicated over the stack of  cakes? A simple set of options on a side panel would let the user pick  colour, amount, etc. Firstly, will Flash (MX) let me save out a 'screengrab' of the movie as  something that could then be saved to, say, a JPG? And I assume that  writing the variable choices to something like a text file would be no  problem..

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Jun 28, 2010

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Aug 3, 2010

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Feb 13, 2011

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Can't Load Trial On My Laptop WinXP

Sep 26, 2010

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THat same trial download I used to install on my PC fine?

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Flex - Loop Back For Laptop?

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Jun 2, 2010

i am completely new to the whole aspect of flash and dreamweaver etc. and have recently been given a project of editing an interactive CD rom which was produced for a client by an outside company.
I have managed to grab the basics of changing the text and the images and stuff, but when i export it as a .swf flash movie, when i view the cd, all of the slides come on in very quick succession,it is supposed to be the first slide and then you click on a "next" button for each other slide,i know i've messed with the interactive elements somehow but i don't know how, or how to fix them as i haven't got a clue about the interactive aspects to flash.

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