Professional :: Flash Professional Adding Swf Files?

Dec 19, 2011

i am new with adobe flash and i have made 2 swf files that need to link to one main one, i am not sure what the actions should say. so far my programming for my main swf where i want all the other swfs to open from are:
var movieLoader:Loader = new Loader();function addMovie(event:Event):void {var movieRequest:URLRequest=new URLRequest ("slideshow.swf");//define a loader to load a movie to the stage//Set the loaders load property to the the var movieRequestmovieLoader.load(movieRequest);//add the image to the stageaddChild(movieLoader);//set its x and y positionsmovieLoader.x=0;movieLoader.y=0;}PictureSlideshow.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,addMovie);
function activateButtons() {  removeChild(movieLoader); }


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//VolumeControl Play Stop
bgSound = new Sound(soundLoader);
bgSound.loadSound("sound1", true);[code]....

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I created a empty folder on my desktop "Test" and then in the create a new project thing I linked it to the test folder, and then in the settings I clicked on delete project folder and it gave me two options and by mistake I selected the second one and then my worst nightmare, all my multimedia files which were on my desktop got deleted. I tried running 5-6 data recover softwares but none of them and I mean none of them found the files deleted by flash. All were showing me the files those were deleted by Shift+Delete, but that I dont want. How can I get those files which were deleted by flash cs5.

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I'm using Flash 8 which I know is ancient tehnology but more then adequate for my simple banner ads. The site I put my banners on has recently added an option to provide banners exactly twice as wide as the ones I have been providing. Until I have time to create entirely new banners is there a way I can merge two of my existing Flash files into one and thereby position two of my existing banners side by side? This would give me the new size I need without creaating a whole new banner.

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Chapter 11: Basic Tasks: Create a Presentation with Screens.
I'm having trouble how to add PDF files into a slides: I want insert a whole pdf file as separate slide, without splitting pdf file into separate elements: pictures, text, etc. I tried import pdf file into Flash, wheen import there is shown prompt how program should process this pdf file(add in stage, library, as keyframes, etc) , not clear which option is correct for my task. What I got is pdf file splitted into multiple images, text, - which is not what I want. I want keep PDF files without changes, preserve original design and formatting, just convert this pdf into flash, so presentation will consist of PDFs organized in correct order, then add navigation buttons and some effects. How to solve this task?

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Apr 26, 2011

CS 5 made the most terible thing I ever could imagine. I saved over the last files and some temp files in order to have backup of my project. I saw something is wrong and don`t open the first file, so I saved 3 more times. I restart and now Flash don`t open those files. The flash open old files, but I`m going back for three days.

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Jun 20, 2011

I work with Adobe Flash Proffessional (CS4). I now have an assesment piece that I can work on home with. I promptly downloaded CS5.5 (thinking that was the right one) and spent hours on my animation. Oops, is it possible to open these CS5.5 files in previous versions? is there a converter that can fix this?

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