Professional :: Write A Draw Graphic That Is A Tweak Of DrawRoundRect?

Apr 16, 2010

I'd like to write a draw graphic that is a tweak of drawRoundRect. I can work with curveTo, the problem is I end up drawing all sorts of wierd shapes since I don't understand well the metrics. If I could look at the code for drawRoundRect, I could easily tweak it to my needs.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Draw Graphic Into Movieclip?

Feb 10, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Draw Thousands Of Graphic Objects On The Screen?

May 29, 2011

I'm wanting to develop a game where at times thousands of graphic objects are displayed on-screen. What better way to do this in terms of performance and speed?
I have some options below. Do not know if the best way is included in these options.
1 - Each graphical object is displayed on a MovieClip or Sprite.2 - There is a Bitmap that represents the game screen. All graphical objects that are displayed on screen have your images stored in BitmapData. Then the Bitmap that represents the game screen copies for themselves the BitmapData of graphical objects to be screened, using for this bitmapData.copyPixels (...) or BitmapData.draw  (...). The Bitmap that represents the screen is added to the stage via addChild (...).3 - The graphical objects that are displayed on screen will have their images drawn directly on stage or in a MovieClip/Sprite added to this stage by addChild (...). These objects are drawn using the methods of the Graphics class, as beginBitmapFill and beginFill.
Recalling that the best way probably is not one of these 3 above.
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An example is her[URL]

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Are they just constantly adding MC's to the display list as the mouse is moved around? Doesn't that kill memory?

Is there a way to draw lines with Flash's core graphic class but attach a custom bitmap to that line?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use Bitmap As Background With DrawRoundRect?

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var sTab:MovieClip = new MovieClip();;, 0xFFFFFF);, 0, 81, 50,


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I don't know why when I use a size of (40, 20) I get a smaller rectangle than that size.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: DrawRoundRect Method - Any Way To Smooth Out Corner?

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In drawing a rounded rectangle using the drawRoundRect method is there anyway to smooth out the corner. In my example the corners look like crap.
var rect:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
var color:Number = Number("0x"+listColor);;, 0x000000);,0,w,h,5);;

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Actionscript 3 :: DrawRoundRect Rendering Inconsistent Corner Radii?

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var sq:Shape = new Shape();,1);,20,20,20,4,4);[code]....

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Professional :: Virtual Graphic For Donations?

Jul 13, 2011

I'm not sure if I'm posting in the right area or even able to describe clearly what I'm trying to accomplish.I want to create a graphic (as an example, let's say a Christmas tree) where stars can be purchased as a donation via PayPal to light up the tree.  Once the donation is made, PayPal needs to return to the Flash graphic with the new star and message attached to it  I'd like to do this for various holidays (Valentines, Easter, etc.)

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Professional :: Button Or A Graphic Symbol A Class?

Feb 6, 2010

Im just learning classes and objects.... and read that a movie clip is (or has) a movie clip class... So I'd figure that buttons and graphic symbols also are classes? If yes, why are they called 'symbols' instead of 'classes' by Flash dialog?

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Professional :: Graphic Symbol First Frame With Tweening?

Mar 10, 2010

I'm working on some fairly detailed character animations, and accordingly have made most of the characters parts into graphic symbols. For instance, his hand is a graphic symbol which has multiple frames for each perspective or pose of the fingers, and I set the symbol to the proper frame in the characters main timeline. I've been having issues, however, when tweening these symbols. I noticed this first when I was working on a jump animation and I just wanted the hand, once its pose is in a state which will be used for the majority of its frames, to tween up and rotate with the arm and body. When I create this tween, however, it forces all other frames of that graphic symbol to be set to that same frame. The start and end frames of the tween are set to the same first frame, and even after trying to manually fix the subsequent frames of the symbol, it wont let me. I've triple checked all my symbol names, frame numbers and settings, and anything else I can think of and everything is in place, so I really have no clue why this is happening

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Professional :: Difference Between Graphic And Movie Clips?

Jun 18, 2010

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Professional :: How To Change Reply Text To Graphic

Jul 23, 2010

When a user finishes a drag and drop activity, they get a text that says "Congrats, you're finished". How do I change the congrats text to celebratory image/graphic pop-up that appears after they've finished the activity?

Below is the script I'm using...
var startX:Number;var startY:Number;var counter:Number = 0;
Cls_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pickUp);
Cls_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropIt);
[Code] .....

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Professional :: Flashing Graphic In Drag And Drop SWF?

Jul 26, 2010

I've built a drag and drop project with 9 elements in Flash CS5 using AS 3.0. Using code from an AS3.0 4 element drg&drp tutorial (which worked) I copy/pasted the code into the new project, renamed graphics in AS where necessary and added the additional code required to accomodate the additional graphics.When playing the test I get no errors however the first logo (element) and it's invisable target just flash on and off 11 times, then I see a frame of the whole project (for 1 frame) and then the cycle repeats.

I've double checked all naming conventions and everything is correct between movie clips and code. I've even simplified the code to just 1 element to see if I could track down where the problem starts and I get the same thing. The strange thing (to me anyway) is if I change the name of element to be dragged/dropped (in the code) to a different element on the stage I still get same original graphic flashing. So I don't think it's the code at all I think there is some weirdness in the graphic setup.

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Professional :: Changing A Graphic To A Movieclip Kills Swf?

Dec 14, 2010

I have a graphic sitting on my stage that I want to convert to a movieclip so I can change it's alpha with as3. If I change it from a graphic to a movieclip my swf stops working. I have a bunch of code which constructs a dynamic menu and it stops working when the graphic is changed to a movieclip. They aren't related in any way so why would this happen? As a graphic it doesn't have an intance name and nothing is happening to it. It's not animated or anything. It's just sitting on the stage.

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Professional :: Moving A Graphic Across The Stage, Using A Png Image?

Mar 15, 2011

I am trying for moving a graphic across the stage, using a png image of a vehicle created in photoshop. Top to bottom travel takes 2 secs and stage is 767 pixels height.24fps is default and I have timeline at 48 frames long.Test movie sees very noticeable jerkiness in the motion, I expected one smooth movement up the screen, I sort of see two windscreens etc. Now I seem to recall that 25fps in video editing sees smooth motion as the human eye cant't perceive individual frames at that rate. What should I be doing to get a png to run smooth ?I tried doubling the fps and timeline length, it got a bit better, I kept doubling such and each time it improved, I hit the limit at 120fps. Its acceptable now but that seems wrong to have to do that, Timeline is going to be massive as actual movie to be 20 secs. Are there settings to be made somewhere to smooth things and use 24fps ?Png is 20kb, background image is 1.28Mb as a png. Envirographics

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Professional :: Blur Filter On Graphic Symbols?

Jul 8, 2011

I'm trying to export my flash animation to quicktime, but because for some odd reason the normal .mov exporter on flash corrupts the images, I'm exporting to .swf, importing to premiere pro, then exporting again to .mov.  The problem is that .swf import on premiere pro only captures the first layer of the timeline, so I have to use graphic symbols in order to get all the animations out on the first layer.  Now I'm trying to do blur on some of the symbols, but graphic symbols can't have filters, and movie clips won't show up on premiere pro.

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Professional :: Imported Graphic From Photoshop Is Pixilated

Jan 16, 2012

I have a problem when trying to import any graphic file, even a .psd file, in flash pro. The problem is that when imported, the graphic gets pixelated and the edges of of the graphic does not look smooth (not curves but pixelated lines). Interestingly the problem only occurs when I test the movie, but while editing it the graphic looks fine. I am using windows and have flash and photoshop cs5. How can I transfer my graphic from photoshop to flash without the pixelation of the curved lines?

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Flash :: Tweak A Lightroom Page

Sep 16, 2008

does anyone know if you can import a Lightroom flash page into FLASH or Macromedia? I am trying to tweak a Lightroom page.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Xml Calendar Compnent Needs Tweak

Dec 14, 2003

I have this xml calendar component I downloaded form flash components. It works great but I would like to change two things and can't figure out how/where.

1. It displays the first event/menu item from the xml file into the current date.

2. If you click on a date that doesn't have an associated event it doesn't clear the text box.

Whatever was last in there stays in there.The component is on frame 4 of the calendar fla on the left hand side. The xml load AS is on the first frame.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Xml Calendar Compnent Needs Tweak?

Dec 14, 2003

I have this xml calendar component I downloaded form flash components. It works great but I would like to change two things and can't figure out how/where.1. It displays the first event/menu item from the xml file into the current date.2. If you click on a date that doesn't have an associated event it doesn't clear the text box.Whatever was last in there stays in there. Does anyone know how I can fix this?The component is on frame 4 of the calendar fla on the left hand side. The xml load AS is on the first frame.

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Professional :: Change The Tool Tip (or Alt ) Text On Graphic Buttons?

Feb 17, 2010

All my image buttons show a "home" tool tip when the cursor sits over them in the SWF file.How do I change the tool tip (or alt ) text on graphic buttons in Flash CS4?

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