Running Flash On A Web Server

Mar 5, 2011

I work on a lot of digital media projects; which often require dynamic graphics. I find flash to be a great tool for this purpose. It's very easily to dynamically change text inside a swf, compensate for text overflow and apply lots of nice filters and effects. Not to mention font embedding. This technique works great for web pages, however quite often we want to use flash generated artwork in a html email. How can we do this? Well, we can use as3corelib to generate a jpg from a swf, and then use the generated image in an email.This is fine, so long as we can pre-generate all of the images, before sending out the emails. But say we need to generate the dynamic jpeg on the fly from a webpage? If the user on the webpage has flash installed we could configure a swf to generate the image for us.But what if the user has flash disabled? Maybe they are using an ios device or simply don't like flash. What I would like to do is set up a server side fallback that could run a swf, replace text in the swf based on supplied variables, generate a jpg using as3corelib and save the jpeg somewhere. The trick here is running flash player on the server. It would also need to run in a multithreaded way in case the server needed to process multiple requests.

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request.url = "myJSONFeed.json";
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, decodeJSON);


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//Display subtitle
function loadSubtitle(subtitlePath){
startTimes1 = new Array();


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Feb 22, 2012

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Apr 21, 2010

I came across a very strange issue. There was a session in which no fso has been recorded. It was a session of around 110min with more then 10 users as per the logs. Flv have been recorded for the session and I can see the chat text file which has been written from server side script but no fso has been recorded for the whole session. While cross checking the logs access log and Master log i saw that the last message recorded on that particular session was around 14:47 and in master log i see following lines:

2010-04-18 14:52:56 52768 (i)2581223 Core (56012) is no longer active. -2010-04-18 14:52:56 52768 (w)2581256 Core (56012) _defaultRoot_:_defaultVHost_:::_0 experienced 1 failure[s]! 56012 is the core process on which this session was running. So is it somehow related? I mean no fso being recorded on server with core recycling? In access log these are the last 2 messages on this core:disconnect session 2010-04-18 14:52:20 Central Daylight Time 56012connect session 2010-04-18 14:52:46 Central Daylight Time 56012 FMS server version is:FMS is 3.0.2Windows server 2003.

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Mar 9, 2011

How to let my local running swf-file access a xml-file that is on a server?

I have been to the "Global Security Settings panel" but dont really understand.

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Apr 8, 2010

I'm wondering if there is a way for a SWF to check at runtime whether it is running as an online SWF or an AIR app? I need to use the same SWF to run both online and locally, however when running as an AIR app, external assets are located in a different directory. I'd like to check whether a SWF is local or online so I can change the source path for external assets accordingly.

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So I am writing this action script program that will call a php file which will return the filenames inside a folder.[code]...

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Mar 18, 2011

Is it possible to get bonjour running in as3 in flash?

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