Json :: Flash - No Feed When Running On DoubleClick Server?
Feb 23, 2012
I have a Flash Ad which makes use of a JSON feed. The Flash file is hosted within oubleClick Studio.The call works perfectly locally but when I upload it to DC Studio the load Event.COMPLETE does not file neither do any IOErrors which is leaving me with no feed and no errors!I have tried making use of the StudioLoader which is supplied by DC which returns that the file is an unrecognised format. Would it be that DC just wont read JSON at all?
request.url = "myJSONFeed.json";
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, decodeJSON);
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May 22, 2009
I'm dynamically loading images from a JSON feed into individual movie clips and then adding the clips to the stage(both by addChild)--basically creating thumb tiles. I've added a click handler to do something when the MC is clicked. WHAT'S MY PROBLEM: The problem I have is that the MC is clickable, but the content is not. For instance, the clip has a white box in it, and the loaded image is made slightly smaller and centered to give a white border around the pic. An empty clip loaded to the stage works fine, and the white border around the image is clickable, but the image is not.
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Nov 5, 2010
I'm working on a Flash AS2 application that needs to post JSON data to a web service.In previous projects, I've used LoadVars.send() or LoadVars.sendAndLoad() successfully to manage this:
var send_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
send_lv.data = JSON.stringify({some json object});
var response_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
response_lv.onData = function(rawdata) {
In somepage.php, I can grab that JSON data using $_POST['data'].However, on this project, the developer of the web service requires the JSON content to be the BODY of the request (i.e., not a name/value pair). Is this possible with LoadVars?
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Jan 30, 2011
I have been working on a Flex application that sends a feed from my webcam to the Flash Media server. The application connects to the server fine but for some reason the camera is not sending anything to the Media Server. I am pretty sure that the answer to my question is really simple but I need another set of eyes to llok at my code and tell me what I am doing wrong.
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Mar 5, 2011
I work on a lot of digital media projects; which often require dynamic graphics. I find flash to be a great tool for this purpose. It's very easily to dynamically change text inside a swf, compensate for text overflow and apply lots of nice filters and effects. Not to mention font embedding. This technique works great for web pages, however quite often we want to use flash generated artwork in a html email. How can we do this? Well, we can use as3corelib to generate a jpg from a swf, and then use the generated image in an email.This is fine, so long as we can pre-generate all of the images, before sending out the emails. But say we need to generate the dynamic jpeg on the fly from a webpage? If the user on the webpage has flash installed we could configure a swf to generate the image for us.But what if the user has flash disabled? Maybe they are using an ios device or simply don't like flash. What I would like to do is set up a server side fallback that could run a swf, replace text in the swf based on supplied variables, generate a jpg using as3corelib and save the jpeg somewhere. The trick here is running flash player on the server. It would also need to run in a multithreaded way in case the server needed to process multiple requests.
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1) Can I run Flash from the command prompt and pass parameters to it?
2) Can I detect when the Flash has finished running, or a way to communicate with the command prompt from Flash (to inform it once the operations has finished).
3) Can I close the flash application from the command prompt?
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Sep 11, 2007
I guess this is more a question about PHP and MYSQL, but since Im using flash as the interface, I wanted to know if anyone knew this. Is it possible for someone to basically trigger one of my php documents that inserts variables to the Database through an swf ran outside my server? I know for example flash has a security feature built in to prevent flash from loading xml files from server to server. If anyone knows more about flash security issues and tips let me know
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Jul 7, 2009
I have installed the FMS 3.5 Server on a separate IP from our main Apache Server: The server is running Redhat Linux 2.6.18-128.1.10.el5
FMS 3.5 running on ***.***.**.138 using ports 1935, 8080 (Admin Server using port 1111)
Apache 2 running on ***.***.**.139 using port 80, 443. (several sites setup on this IP)
However, when accessing the fms_adminConsole.htm in the root directory of one of the domains on ***.***.**.139, all login attempts fail. I am connecting to localhost and using the assigned user and password set up in fms.ini. Using either IP fails as well. The FMS server is set up to listen to all hosts as no specific IPs were set.
/var/log/messages show that FMS and the Admin Server are up an running and listening:
Jul 7 12:15:37 228215-web1 Service[28196]: Server starting...
Jul 7 12:15:37 228215-web1 Service[28196]: Server started (/opt/adobe/fms/conf/Server.xml).
All other settings for FMS are default. This is my first time setting up FMS as a fresh install on a new unknown server and I am at a loss as to what settings to check or which files I may need to modify to get it to connect properly. It is a managed server is hosted by rackspace.com if that makes any difference.
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Sep 28, 2009
Right now I do not have "server". Example: I do not have anything like windows sever 2000, 2003 etc. but I have and running IIS server on the same Windows XP Pro. On this very same machine I installed FMS server with the Apache that came with the FMS. I have read and followed the instructions time and time again in deferent ways to deploy my video on the server but no idea I used is working so my clients could view my videos. Looking forward to have site like "hulu" / "You Tube".
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Jan 19, 2011
Is it possible to have multiple FMS installation running on 1 linux server?This mean that each fmsadmin, fmsmaster, fmsedge, fmscore will run under a specific user. (not vhosts of a single FMS install)How will this impact the performance of the other FMS instances in case there are more of them running on the same server?
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Jan 23, 2010
I am new at ActionScript. I'm trying to use it with Flare visualization package, but truth is, I don't know what is due to my ignorance of Flare or my ignorance of ActionScript. I am trying to use JSON to get some data from my server. Near as I can tell the data are arriving properly at my ActionScript, but then I get lost.
public function buildGraph(num:int) : Data {
var dataata = new Data();
var nodes:Array = new Array(num);
So, it must have gotten something from my server. What I want is to get the nodes from the nodes list and edges from the edges list, which is also in the json package. The server (running Python / TurboGears 2.0) returns
return dict(nodes = nodeList, edges=edgeList)
nodeList, in turn, is a list of dictionaries of the form: dict(id="node"+"%03d" % n).I tried ds.nodes, ds.nodes.data, ds.nodes.valueOf, etc. What am I missing?
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Apr 15, 2010
connect to online web service to retrieve data using as2. while I am able to connect and send data successfully, I don't see the response. This is what I am trying to do:
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Sep 10, 2010
I'm trying to load JSON data from another server.
It works when I test i Flash - but in Browser it doesn't work.
Is there something I have to change before publishing?
ActionScript Code: import com.adobe.serialization.json.JSON /*Path to the JSON class (in JSON.as). NOTE: make sure to keep all the classes in the original json folder together and that at the very beginning of each class file in the json folder, the file path after the word 'package' accurately reflects that path to the FOLDER in which all the classes are located. E.g. package [URL]
/*Create the objects you need*/
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader() ;
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest() ;
/*Connect to and load the data within the numbers.php file*/
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Sep 24, 2011
sendInfo = new LoadVars();
sendInfo.addRequestHeader("User-Agent", "myagent");
sendInfo.onLoad = function()
sendInfo.load("url");//for getting JSON data
My Result is false and the firefox browser is still loading data from server. how to use useragent in actionscript2 and also how to get json data. I don't know is it json data problem or another
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Jun 17, 2010
I have found little to no flash to C++ documentation, let alone Flash to C++ over the internet. What I want to do: -Have flash send a string (or number) from a website to a server running a C++ program -The C++ program will receive the data and do something with it -After that, the C++ program would send back a response -Flash would then accept the response My goal is to make a simple MMO, but I can't start it without a server program to handle the players. I don't need a super-complicated example, just something simple, kinda secure and coded in AS3 and C++.
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Dec 22, 2011
In an asc file, I am trying to retrieve some data from a server that uses JSON as its exchange format each time someone connects to a specific application. ( I can't control the exchange format)To do that I send a POST using the sendAndLoad method of a LoadVars ObjectSo far I only managed to get the HTTP header. The target object from the sendAndLoad method seems to be empty .he response format from the server is like this :{"result":{"uid":"24947431041778945007157724608309","sid":"20825068196 030559827758762683967"} (I got it by doing a POST with cURL)ince the data doesn't have the attribute=value&attribute2=value2..."format, I think I will not be able to get themoes anyone know if it is possible to first get and then parse these data using either ServerSide ActionScript's API
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Nov 16, 2011
I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place to post this, but I was wandering its possible to build your own Player in Flash? The situation is: I have an external digital camera, and i need to capture its contents and display it in a player/window. This will all be on a local machine. I don't need to record anything, or stream it to other machines..... I just need the player to be able to display what ever the camera is displaying. Kind of like the Live Encoder (input and output views). With that I could hopefuly embed the player into other applications.
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Nov 28, 2011
Created an editable flex grid which exposes a method called getGridData() to javascript. I am using the JSON.encode() method of the [url]....library to convert the grid object's dataProvider into JSON before returning it.
ExternalInterface.addCallback("getGridData", getGridData);
public function getGridData():String
However, when I sort a column in the user interface, the encode method is failing throwing the following error
Property usingCustomCompareFunction not found on mx.collections.SortField and there is no default value.
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May 9, 2011
I have a html page on my c drive (it will not be hosted online, ever) which embeds a swf from a server, with swfObject, allowScripAccess is true. I need that swf to invoke some calls to the html's js funcitons. I get an error stating [code]...
I know i can solve it by going to settings mamager and adding my C to my "trusted sites".... I, however, need a different solution, that does not involve tweeking settings manager. Tried adding a crossdomain to the root of the directory on my comp, with no luck - im assuming for crossdomain to work it must be hosted on a server - and my local directory is not a server, and cannot be one ( no localhost is allowed as per requirement).
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Oct 14, 2011
I'm new to JSON. This is the .json I want to decode but I always get this error:
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Feb 23, 2012
I have a pure ActionScript 3 problem, but the simplified test case I've prepared is in Flex 4 for better visibility (the source code is below): Since Flash Player 11 / AIR 3 support JSON natively, I've decided to move a multiplayer game, which used XML for communicating with server, to JSON. But I have a frustrating problem, that given two Objects like
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Jan 10, 2011
There's just one thing I still don't get about the sample app: As a client, you always have to check the checkboxes (send/receive Audio/Video) in order to define who is sending/receiving what kind of stream. How is it possible to manage the feeds from the FMS server? So the clients can't set the checkboxes, but the server determines who is sending and who is receiving?
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Nov 16, 2011
Is there anyway to export JSON data to CSV/Excel without any interaction with the server side? Using Javascript only? or Flash? I'm currently using ZeroClipboard to copy the value into the clipboard but I'd like to open directly the generated value into Excel from the browser (FF, Chrome, IE, etc...).
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Jul 30, 2009
I installed FME 3.0 + FMS 3.5, and can get live stream on clients.
Now I want to record the live streaming from FME on FMS, I changed the fms.ini:
LIVE_DIR = d:Program FilesAdobeFlash Media Server 3.5webrootlive_recorded
but the streaming didn't be recorded in this folder.
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Mar 9, 2010
I am thinking of an AIR app that I can use as an RSS feed widget like stuff. In which I can post news and updates etc..using FMS.
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Dec 9, 2010
I have installed flash media server, flash cs5, media live encoder to be able to view my webcam feed via my website. Now in addition to these, i started streaming to localhost, and installed a dns updater which updates a name server according to my current ip. Then i wrote this dns address in the feed's source from flash 5 as rtmp://thednsname.somedns.net/live/livestream
so far so good, i also forwarded the ports 1935 incoming and outgoing from modem to my computer as well (because 1935 is said to be the default port number for media server). firewall -> closed (just in case); and my internet provider doesn't block ports...started the media server (with admin privilage in 7), started the live encoder, connect to localhost, start live feed.
NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound : Adobe Flash tried to play a live or recorded stream that does not exist. Source can't be found.
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Dec 7, 2011
I'm trying to use Flash Media Server (on Amazon) to read in a video feed from a user's webcam, process it via my own executable, and return processed data (not video) to the user. For simplicity, let's say my executable finds the darkest pixel in the image and returns its coordinates, and I want the client to draw a cross at this location.
The client-side is working fine. It can send the video stream, and receive vertex data to draw. The server is half-working. It can accept connections, and send fake vertex data to the client. However I can't find any way to access the webcam stream.
Ideally, I would pass each frame from the stream into my executable for processing, with no saving to disk (or perhaps minimal saving to disk as a cache for P-frames). I've got the impression that this is impossible though, so another acceptable solution is to save the stream (live) to disk, and read it (live) from my executable.
Also, somewhat relatedly, I would like to secure the video feed as much as possible. Eventually I'll use SSL to secure it in transit, but for now I have the more serious problem of FMS sharing every stream it recieves. I'm sure there's an option to disable this somewhere, but I just can't find it.
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Sep 22, 2009
why DoubleClick not work in mc with Loader?
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.display.Loader;
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