SWF Not Working After Upload

Oct 10, 2009

I created a custom movie clip to use as my header. I export it as a movie. And it plays fine on my dashboard, but once I upload it to my host [URL] and play it from the directory, it comes up as a white screen, and nothing happens.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: SWF Not Working Properly After Upload

Dec 29, 2011

I have a Flash gallery that works locally but not after upload.I added several photos to the xml file and only the original 8 jpgs are displayed.URL...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: SWF Not Working Properly After Upload?

Aug 18, 2004

I have a Flash gallery that works locally but not after upload. I added several photos to the xml file and only the original 8 jpgs are displayed.Here is the html file.[URL]portfolio_residential_ fireplaces.html

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Php - Upload File Functionality Not Working In Ubuntu?

Mar 4, 2011

I have made a Flex+PHP based application in which there is a functionality to upload a picture to the server. The application uploads a picture fine if run on Windows. But on Ubuntu, file is not getting upload at all. Can it be permissions related issue? Here is the log maintained while uploading a file:

Uploading 5408_1243356204478_1246540615_30751024_3730562_n.jpg...
File opened
File upload in progress (349 of 31340)
File upload in progress (349 of 31340)
File upload in progress (31340 of 31340)


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Flex :: File Upload Not Working - IOError

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I have now ran into Flex Fileupload problem on ssl as many others have. I simply get an IOError, no other information as to what caused the error was given, ssl handshake or something else. How do I nail down the cause of the error? I tried using the ';jsessionid=' trick, still no luck. FYI, I am running on local https server, with self signed cert. Everthing works fine without ssl. With ssl, it only works on IE (FF, Chrome, Safari fails on https). With other browsers, server doesn't even get the request.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Carousel Not Working When Upload On Server?

Jan 21, 2011

I made my carousel,everything worked fine on my pc.but when i uploaded it on server it show stage but no pictures.i tried all.to change path's in xml to [URL] and all other versions of absolute paths.than i tought something is not ok in my fla.so i tried to change path to xml.not working also. and after 4 days of trying i am freaked out.i cant make it work.i know it has stupid solution but i can't make it work.i read forum and there is no answer to this.or i didnt find it.i read almost 100 topics related to carousel.my carousel is coded in AS2.

on server swf,xml and pics are here /www/Novi/flash/ page that swf was embeded is [URL]

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Data Integration :: File Upload Using FileReference & PHP Not Working?

Mar 21, 2007

server, the swf is in the same domain as the images directory andthe PHP file. It's exactly as laid out in the Unleashed book: (see ). However, I get an HTTP 406 error whatever I do. I've checkedfile permissions. I suppose it is some sort of security problem butI can't see what. I tried the same thing on my local PC apacheserver and there I got an IO error can point me to more details onthe FileReference error handling

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PHP :: Multiple File Upload With Parameter Passing Not Working

Apr 7, 2010

I have created my own file upload flash app that has been working great for me up until this point. It uses PHP to upload the files and sends back a status message which gets displayed in a status box to the user. Now I have run into a situation where I need the HTML to pass a parameter to the Actionscript, and then to the PHP file using POST. I have tried to set this up just like adobe has it on [URL] without success.

Here is my Actionscript code:
import fl.controls.TextArea;
//Set filters
var imageTypes:FileFilter = new FileFilter("Images (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif, *.png)", "*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.gif; *.png");
var textTypes:FileFilter = new FileFilter("Documents (*.txt, *.rtf, *.pdf, *.doc)", "*.txt; *.rtf; *.pdf; *.doc");
var allTypes:Array = new Array(textTypes, imageTypes);
[Code] .....

The flashVars variable is the one that should contain the values from the HTML file. But whenever I run the program and output the variables in the PHP file I receive the following.
//Using this command on the PHP page
//I get this for output
Array (
[Filename] => testfile.txt
[Upload] => Submit Query
Its almost like the parameters are getting over written or are just not working at all.

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Flex :: Html5 - File Upload Not Working Using URLRequest

Feb 13, 2012

I used upload functionality by html . using given code it's working fine .


BUT GETTING Bad request error . so anybody know , what did i wrong in code.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: OnProgress Upload Listener Not Working In Browser?

Aug 28, 2007

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 : File Upload Not Working With Flash Player 10.1 In Firefox?

Jul 14, 2010

I have a file upload script to upload pictures to a server. It has been working fine in all browsers but when I upgraded the flash player to 10.1 in firefox 3.6.6 yesterday it stop working.I retested with another computer and as soon as i installed the flash player 10.1 it stopped working.I did some debbuging and noticed that the error return from the FileReference listener is I/O error.It doesnt make sense because the file is in the server and it works fine in all other browsers.I changed allowScriptAccess from "samedoamin" to "always" without luck. it works perfect in other flash player versions.the HTML that embeds the movie:

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" width="550" height="300" id="test" align="middle">
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />


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Flash 10 :: FileReference Upload Not Working On Firefox 3.6.6 Flash Player 10.1

Jul 14, 2010

I have an app that uploads pictures to the server. When I upgraded Firefox 3.6.6 FP to flash player 10.1 the uploaded stopped working. It still works perfect in other browsers. It works fine in Firefox 3.6.6 but different Flash player version. I did some debugging and noticed that it works fine when I run it in my development environment (Localhost). In the production server it returns I/o Exception but it doesnt make sense because it works for other players and also the file is there. I changed the permissions on the file to 777, the allowScriptAccess to always, tried to make the php path absolute also and no luck. The php file does not use sessions or cookies.


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Flex :: Use The FileReference.upload() Function To Upload Files To Sharepoint Or Have To Use The SP Web Services

Feb 5, 2010

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Jan 18, 2012

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Actionscript 3 :: Change Single-image Upload Into Batch Upload?

Feb 28, 2012

EDIT: Reworked my code a bit and decided to throw out URLLoader in favor of the ile.upload() method.Now I'm stuck again >_<Here's the code I currently have, stripped down to bare-bones:When I drag-drop image files onto my app, here is the trace log that gets returned to me:

[object Document] called.
doDragEnter() called.
doDragDrop() called.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using FileReference's Upload To Call A PHP Script From One Folder & Upload Elsewhere?

Sep 9, 2009

Okay, so I am calling my scripts from the folder "php/" Thus, my FileReference calls "php/upload.php" to upload. However, my uploads are in "uploads/" and not in "php/uploads". When the PHP script is called, it apparently ignores the caller (the SWF file) and looks for uploads in its own directory (the "php/" folder). It may be a PHP question, but how do I reference the uploads folder as being in the parent directory of the php files in my PHP script?

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Php5 :: Upload Error 500 When Using Flash To Upload

Dec 1, 2010

I've been trying to configure uploading and I've been getting an error 500.I'm running a server on Apache2 with php5+ installed. I'm curious to why i keep getting an error.[code]I added those to my .htaccess file

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using A PHP Upload To Upload Files To Server?

Nov 8, 2011

I am using a PHP upload to upload files to server. I have a loop for the 5 files to upload....

ActionScript Code:
if (PDFFiles[i] != false){ 

As the loop runs quicker than PHP can upload, the success of....

ActionScript Code:
function fileUploaded(e:DataEvent):void {
trace "Success"}

....can get out of synch. It doesn't cause me any real problems but is this bad form? Or am I better to upload one file the wait for the PHP to return success before uploading the next one?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: File Upload - OnComplete Fired Without Any File In The Upload Dir?

Aug 31, 2010

my listener.onComplete = function(selectedFile:FileReference) is fired without any file in the upload dir. if the file is small and I wait a bit I can see the file (through FTP) coming up on the server, but most of the times the "onComplete" if fired without any file being saved.

can I add something to this php code to make sure the file is uploaded?


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Actionscript 3 :: Image Is Working After Compilation But Not Working Once The Executive File's Location Is Changed?

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import flash.display.DisplayObject;[code]....

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Flash :: Working Fine In Local System ... Not Working In The Live Site

Nov 5, 2009

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Flash Working Fine In Local System / Not Working In Live Site

Dec 14, 2009

I have a flash project, its working fine in local system and checked this file with uploading in someother websites, its working fine there too, but the same file is not working in live here is the link of the site, its showing blank page, the flash contents are not loading.URL...and here the same file which i have uploaded it in other server its working fine.URL...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: UTF-8 French Characters Working Locally, But Not Working On Server?

Apr 21, 2009

I missing a file that needs to reside on the server to get this working?

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Professional :: Button Link Not Working In Safari, But Working In Firefox?

Apr 18, 2011

The ad on the bottom right of the screen (the one with lightning flashing) has an invisible button in its Flash file (CS5) linking to [URL]. This file is imported as SWF in Dreamweaver CS5.
The hyperlink works in Firefox, but not in Safari. Maybe it is just my computer.

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Actionscript 3 - Flash Player Is Not Working In Domain / But Working If I Provided IP

Oct 14, 2010

I have developed a player in AS3. It is working if i provide the IP of the website. But, it is not working when i provide the full domain name. Even, i provide the crossdomain.xml for global access.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Url Picking Not Working On Server But Working Locally

Mar 17, 2012

i have a "swf" file which is picking url from xml & displaying the image, when i tested it locally it works fine, which means it picks up URL from XML & displaying corresponding image. After i uploaded it on server, it doesn't show anything.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Working Script Moved - Stopped Working?

Apr 22, 2009

I had a button when clicked, it would replace a different moviclip.This worked until I made the bulk of the code into a function and moved it to the layer, and then tried to call the function from the previously mentioned button. It generates no errors, but it stopped working.Hierarchy:Layer 1 > U1 > image

Original button script:
on (release) {  var theDepth:Number = _parent.U1.image.getDepth();  _parent.U1.attachMovie("K3E", "image", theDepth);


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Professional :: Animations Are Working Fine But The Audio Is Not Working?

Apr 23, 2010

I am creating a website that has links to flash animations. i have created a folder called flash in the root folder and copied the relevant .fla, .swf and the  .mp3 files into that folder. the animations are working fine but the audio isnt.it all works fine in flash itself.

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Flex :: 9scalling Is Not Working At Runtime (although Working In Flash)?

Jul 10, 2010

I created a 9-scalled background in Flash CS5 which is working fine in Flash CS5.But when i imported it as embeded graphic in Flex, and change dimensions in runtime, 9-scalling doesnt work.Here is my code.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Full Screen Tiling Working But Not Working Right?

May 16, 2003

am using bitmapdata to make me a nice lil' background image, and it works great...until it's resized. Whats happening is it's creating a new bgHolder clip on the resize, NOT resizing the current empty clip "bgHolder"Here's the code(taken from various posts)

import flash.display.BitmapData;
#include "mc_tween2.as"
Stage.align = "TL";


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