Silverlight :: Get Video Streaming Data From Flash Player To View On Phone?

Jan 30, 2012

Is it possible to investigate an html page that views a video streaming data using flash, and then use these data to view it on the phone? For example Al Jazeera website has a streaming service. I've looked through the html page and other resources using chrome developers tools. I found a lot of data, but couldnt figure it out which data I need.

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C# :: Develop A Silverlight Or A Flash Player Capable Of Reproducing The Stream Audio And Video?

Feb 20, 2011

I have a VLC player streaming my webcam video through RTSP on 5544 port, the video is encapsulated with MPEG-TS and compressed with MPEG-4 for both audio and video (as is VLC's default I suppose)You can access the streaming video with the following URL:[URL] All is working till here. I could also change transport protocol/incapsulation, that's not a problem since VLC allows me to do it.I want to develop a silverlight player (preferred) or a flash player capable of reproducing the stream (audio and video).I don't know how to do this.The question is: I could not find a link on the internet on how reproducing a VLC stream with a silverlight(preferred) or flash applet in a web pageSince I'm not a Silverlight/Flash developer.

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Flash :: Play Smooth Streaming Video From Iis 7 For A Video Player?

Jun 10, 2011

I want to play smooth streaming video from IIS using the flash video player like e.g. jw flash player instead of silverlight player?Which video format should I use in this case? Can flash then play e.g a video via smooth streming encoded with microsoft encoder?Do you know some alternative video players, that combines flash and silverlight functionality (selected per java script) to use with flash and silverlight?

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Flash :: Video Player For Video Streaming?

Oct 31, 2010

I need a flash video player for our public site where users will share videos.The video usage model is similar to youtube as far as video part is concerned.Users will upload and share videos. Users will browse and play all shared videos as well.The videos will be streamed from the server and our app is a .NET/C#/JQuery application.We have 3 options:

1) Either buy a commercial flash player

2) Customize a open source player or use free player and customize its gui

3) Develop our own (time consuming and last resort)

I am required to find a flash video player with these requirements:

Player should work in all major browsers (IE, FF, Chrome, Safari)

Player should have way to inject Advertisement clips when playing a video file

Light weight and easy to integrate

Must support streaming and scale

Plus all other basic features of a flash video player.

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Flash :: Video Player For Video Streaming ?

Apr 11, 2011

Possible Duplicate: Flash video player for video there any good and open-source video player to be embed in as3, no flex, html, and js.i tried

https:[url]....but i found tons of bugs,if you know any comercial player, that would be awesome too.

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Its been two years since I built a video player and back then Flash was the only choice (just about). My question is if I want to stream a .h24 video over the web that is cross browser and platform compatible, has anything the ubiquity of Flash? How about Flowplayer?

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Flash :: Getting Error While Trying To Seek In My Streaming Video Player

Jan 28, 2010

I'm building a video player here[url]...

It's streaming RTMP, and I'm trying to get my video to seek correctly if the user clicks on the groove bar (gray bar under the green progress bar) Currently it does not seek and gives me a NaN on my duration variable and an error on my progress bar width variable, which is puzzling me.

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Javascript :: Flash Video Player That Supports Streaming M4v Files

Nov 30, 2010

I'm looking for a Flash video player that is able to stream m4v files on all browsers. Example file: [URL]

Unfortunately, I can't convert the format since it originates from 3rd party servers. I can't rely on HTML5 video since not all browsers support this format and the encoding it contains.

I've already tried several players such as JW Player, Kaltura, Video JS, Projekktor, and more. Testing them with Firefox and IE, some of them couldn't play the m4v file at all, while others downloaded the entire file before starting to play it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 : PHP Streaming FLV Video Player Works Fine Standalone Not As Well In Flash Site?

Mar 2, 2009

I am using a flash website template (basically stripped of 95% of the code they provided, and just using their graphics) from [URL] I needed to add streaming video, and I elected to use PHP streaming found on; as modified by lance of courierwebcasts [URL].

The problem I have is that when I use the scrubber.swf to play a video, updating variables and addresses as appropriate, it works fine. However when I take it and recreate every element of the player in a movie on the timeline of my template site, everything but the time counter works fine. It plays fine, it scrubs fine, etc.; it just always displays 00:00/00:00. I am guessing it has to do with variable definition or somethingbut it is beyond me... any help?

Here is just the bit that I am pretty sure is the issue;

code: ns["onMetaData"] = function (obj) {
duration = obj.duration;
durationMinute = Math.floor(duration/60);


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Professional :: Downloading Free Flash Player To Phone?

Jun 10, 2010

Just got a samsung impression. Not very good with displaying webpages and won't accept flash player. Found Flash lite 2.1 while searching for solutions on my laptop. Found a freedowload link, but when I go there on my phone, the site won't give me the option to download. The spot where it's supposed to be says, "wait for download link." Tried it several times.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Video Player - Streaming Or Progressive Download?

Jul 20, 2011

I've developed a video player using NetConnection/NetStream that works fine, in as2 and also in as3. The peculiarity of my player is that read an xml file (editable by a cms) that sets if needed some "cuepoints". In the stream version it's not possible to inject ascuepoints in the video file, so i read the xml and with a listener i set a menu that sets the seek point of the video. Also the user when watch video sets an exit point by closing it. From the second time the user lands on the player, my code put the seek point in the last position seen.

I've seen youtube player and I know that youtube uses progressive download. It's awesome to know that because you can jump from one position to another like a streaming service. It seems an hybrid version with the capabilities of the streaming and the band saving of the progressive download. There's something that i can't imagine..

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Media Server :: Streaming To A Mobile Phone

Feb 9, 2010

I have bee trying to stream to mobile phones.. I have installed flash lite on the phone, I dont know what to do

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Media Server :: Fail To Use Video Player In Live Dynamic Streaming?

Apr 22, 2011

i want do live dynamic streaming for FMS. i have refer [URL]. But the sample player show blank.
i using Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder 3.2, Adobe Flash Media interactive Server 3.5.3 and sample file "".
1. I setting up my FMLE and set FMS url and stream name

2. I monitor connection in fms_console.htm

3. I run DVRController

4. i configure and play the video with livedvr

but my video player is show blank

5. in my fms_console.htm show 3 connection

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Javascript :: Feed Video Byte Data To Flash Player?

Jan 21, 2012

Is it possible to, using javascript, either create video data on the fly, or more likely download pieces of video data from various sources and feed them to a flash player instance.

Even better, is it possible to feed a html5 video stream from locally executed javascript?

View 1 Replies :: Push Data To Flash/silverlight Client?

Nov 18, 2010

I'm developing chat application. I use flash as front end and back-end. My question is: can my web app send data to flash app in browser without post back ?actually it mean push data to flash client.

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Javascript :: Put Silverlight Application Inside Flash File(swf - Browser Independet Which Run With Flash Player)

Sep 30, 2010

i have created a silverlight application , but i need to embed it to a Flash file(swf) which it runs with Flash Player ( whithout using browser), I had found a solutions to call it using javascript, but it still needs my flash file run inside the browser, dose any one can help me, Either to run js inside swf (without need of browser) or any other way that i can embed my Silverlight application inside Flash.

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Mar 30, 2011

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Media Server :: FMS Interactive With Data Events - Camera Streaming Video

Sep 15, 2011

I'm completely new to FMS but a seasoned Flex developer. We're building a Flash Builder 4.5 application which will be deployed to iPads. The basic functional requirements are as follows:

1. Presenter in a room has a camera streaming video of themselves2. Participants in the same room have an iPad - there are 30 participants and the stream is sent to all 30 iPads simultaneously.3. There must be lowest delay possible with good quality video - we understand this can be achieved with RTMP and that VP6 has to be used (as there is no H.264 support at present in AIR on iOS)4. The presenter will trigger certain things from their iPad which will then display certain alerts, content on the partcipants iPad (from server connection the participant iPads are listening to)

Firstly, I'm interested to know your thoughts on this current spec. This was put together from zero initial experience with FMS and having read a lot online and creating a proof-of-concept. Secondly, with regards to the two-way interaction: Is this something FMS handles? Previously I have used LCDS or BlazeDS for the data events & streaming aspects of our applications. Initially I was planning on using BlazeDS again, in addition to FMS. But from what I have read FMS possible handles data push too? Does FMS have LCDS/Blaze built in in some way?

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Flex :: Streaming Server (for Pushing Data Not Video) Setup With GraniteDS

Apr 21, 2011

I have a streaming server (for pushing data not video) setup with GraniteDS and it works great. I have to include multiple swf files in a web page. Each of these swf files has a data table which includes streaming data(this is a specific requirement - so I really cant combine all data tables into 1 huge data table/swf file). All the swf files however, connect to the same gravity channel/streaming endpoint.

How many connections are there from the web page to the streaming server? Does each swf file start a new streaming connection? Or do all them share the same connection since they are just connecting to a single channel?

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Silverlight :: Play Mp4 Within Webpage Via Silverlight Or Flash For A URL Hosted On Amazon S3?

Feb 7, 2011

i need a webpage (host on my website) that can play the following mp4 file either via silverlight 4 or flash[URL]..i tried various solution like flowplayer and silverlight but none of them work with the URL above. I can play the file fine using Windows media player or VLC.

For silverlight, i always get AG_E_NETWORK_ERROR exception within MediaFailed event. For flash, via flowplayer, IE page is just blank

Can someone tell me what am i missing? i am very frustrated as I have finished encoding, upload, cataloging my videos and now I am stuck at the last step.

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Flash :: Silverlight - Resources For Cool Silverlight Image Animations?

Sep 5, 2011

I found Vectorlight which is quite good, but are there any tutorials or books about doing cool effects with silverlight. I'm after for resources focused more for a designing and presentation. Mostly the books about Silverlight is focused on doing boring business applications like making grids and forms.

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Silverlight :: Comparing Flash, HTML, Silverlight, X3D And Unity 3d?

Mar 5, 2011

I have to prepare a comparison between the following technologies to present it to my Project Manager, but I fell that I'm lost I want to compare between them in the following areas:the support of online video streaming the budget of using each one Learning Time will be needed to learn the technology Which one is the standard and will target a lot of users The support if I found any problem Bugs and security issues connection to DB, SOA and web services supporting of multi player

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Silverlight :: Hire A Flash Or Silverlight Developer?

Feb 14, 2011

Is there a website where you can go to find developers?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Streaming Flash Video And The Dimension Of The Video Is 1280 By 720?

Apr 10, 2011

I am streaming flash video and the dimension of the video is 1280 by 720 (same size as the stage)
but just before the video streams, there is a quick flash of the video (about 320px by 240px) at the top corner of the stage, and then it plays the videos at the correct size (which is 1280 by 720)  .... a quick flash is the best way I can explain it.
This is my code:
function clicked(event:MouseEvent):void {
var video:Video = new Video();

is there anyway I can stop that quick flash of the video .... so when I click on the button, it just plays the video, at the correct size?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Streaming Video - Change The Location Of The Video Without Flash?

Jan 30, 2004

I am trying to make a flash movie and have it find a external movie to show. I also need to be able to change the location of the video without flash, so I think I have to use a seperate .as file.

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Silverlight :: RIA Using Flash Or Silverlight Vs JS Framework

Sep 14, 2010

In creating a RIA, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: View Counter For Flash Media Player?

Jan 29, 2010

I have created a customized media player in flash:And now I want a view counter, much like youtube. The problem is, I don't want it to count only the visitors to my homepage, but also those how view the movie when it's embedded on somebody elses homepage.Is there a way to do this?I have tried searching the forum, but It's a bit problematic becasue I don't now what to search for.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Video Player - Clearing Data (Playlist) In URLloader

Jul 7, 2009

I am a fairly new as3 user and am working on a video player that loads an xml file into a URLloader as a playlist. I have everything working but I want to add a few buttons to change the content of the playlist. All of the data will come from the same xml document, so I don't think i have to reload the xml. I can get the content to load when the button is pushed, but it jsut adds to the previous content instead of replacing i. How to clear the content before adding?

Here is my code (that relates to this) so far....
public class playlist_controller extends MovieClip {
private var xml_loader:URLLoader;
public function playlist_controller():void {
////load the xml file
xml_loader = new URLLoader();
[Code] .....

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