I have a setup a PageHolder class (based on MovieCLip) that displays a doted area with a (page) number in the middle.
Now attempting to populate my LayoutPane, I create new instances of of PageHolder whose constructor is tasked to set the text value of its only Texfield to the value specified in the new PageHolder parameter.
The problem here is that only the character present in the Library Object will display at run time.
For example, I have setup my PageHolder object with a text field containing the number "0". Now at run time, every instance of PageHolder is blank except fro the one that I passed a "0" as part of the init parameter (10,20,30,...) and on those pages, only the "0" is showing. If I change the original object to display a "1" instead, then every "1" of the page number that contains a "1" show ups.
Can somebody shed some light on this?
package { import flash.display.MovieClip; public class LayoutPage extends MovieClip
i'm loading a dynamic text, but some spanish characters like " and " (i hope you see the characters in "") do not appear. Por example, the word "drsticas" which has the special character over the "a" appears "dricas", that is, it skips the letter with the special character and the 2 following letters.Anyway, i've tried using the embed option for dynamic texts, but may be i'm using it wrong.
I posted this in the wrong place (not sure how to move or delete the post). I am actually working with AS1
I could use some help figuring out how to limit the number of characters I get on a simple math function. The line of code I am working with is below. it sends the result to a dynamic text box. How can I make it so no more than 4 characters show in the dynamic text box results?
I'm new to this community and to AS3. I'm working on a project which involves some arabic text.I was able to load succfuly arabic text from external XML, also I could set a dynamic text field with an arabic string. the player shows everyrthing perfect. However when I try to to use the appendText function, it gets ugly
SWF file does not display special characters in dynamic text let alone cyrillic font. I do have all kind of fonts in Flash and they work fine in static text.
I can write the text I want to display in xml file however upon saving it I etheir loose the special characters or they still dont display correctly in SWF. Enconding is UTF-8. Tried changing it but to no effect.
I know that I can send this html to a dynamic text box and it works correctly: < a href="http://www.djlex.com" target="_blank">Click< /a>
But, why does it not work to replace the quotation marks with & quot; ? < a href=& quot;http://www.djlex.com& quot; target=& quot;_blank& quot;>Click< /a>
(BTW, the extra spaces are intentional so the html does not render as html in this post)
The following code does what I want (i.e. any key I press on the keyboard displays the character in uppercase format in the dynamic field on the stage) except that it does not properly restrict the characters to A-Z and 0-9. I can still press the <,.>?!/ keys and each of these chars shows up in the dynamic text field My dynamic text field is txt_BoxWhat is wrong with the following code?
var varKeyListener:Object = new Object();varKeyListener.onKeyDown = function(){ txt_Box.restrict = "A-Z 0-9"; txt_Box.text = String.fromCharCode(Key.getAscii()); txt_Box.text = txt_Box.text.toUpperCase();}
I used tutorial to dynamically load text from a txt file. I put the following code into frame 1: loadText = new LoadVars(); loadText.onLoad = onText; loadText.load("TEXTPERSO.txt"); function onText () { // QuotesBox.html = true; QuotesBox.htmlText = this.myNews; }
And I added the following variable into my txt file: myNews=... ... This works fine as long there is no special character such +, etc. How to display all the caracters included in my txt file?
Dynamic Text in Flash ActionScript 2.0 not showing when published
When published all else shows up except the dynamic text. The properties have been set on "Bitmap Text (no anti-alias)" and fonts not seemingly embedded..
I have a main SWF that loads a child SWF that includes a form and a dynamic text box for displaying errors. However, when people type into the form, the text is not visible. However, if you type something, then do select all and copy it copies text. It's there, just not visible.
I'm new to flash and actionscript. I have a .fla file for my movie and a seperate .as file for the actionscript/package. I'm having a problem with dynamic text where in the text is not showing.Code:dynamic_txt.text = "some text here";I tried to run a trace on it and the text string is correct. I also tried putting an event listner to the dynamic text and the event listner is working. Does anyone has an idea why the text of the dynamic text is not showing?
There seem to be a lot of people with my problem but all sorts of different things fixed their issue. None of that has worked for me:
Embedding the font rendering text as html making the font _sans changing AA method
im sure I've tried some other random stuff as well..
Basically I've created an order form over multiple pages for products.. everything works.. on the last page which i have named overview I have a script on the top layer which basically fills out 3 dynamic text fields with the products they have ordered.
The script works.. it loads the text into the textfields they are just not visible.
I can even select the text when I enable "Make text selectable".
I have a dynamic text field that is not displaying foreign characters properly. They appear as boxes.
Here's what I've tried.
Under properties for the text field, I clicked on the embed characters button. In there, I pasted all the special characters I would need and clicked okay. Shouldn't this be enough for the text to display properly?
I have a Flash file which contains some dynamic text boxes. ActionScript is being used to fill these boxes using strings. However, I can't seem to get Chinese characters to appear properly. I've tried the actual unicode character as well as their unicode-escaped equivalent but when I export the movie, nothing shows up (blank - it was assumed that the characters are not even present).
I am trying to limit then number of characters in a dynamic text box, but its just not working. I am loading the text from an external xml file and thought that this might be the problem, but to be honest it shouldnt be really... I have put this code inside the movie clip:
I've had this problem with a couple of different files. Whenever I contiuously change variables that define Dynamic Text using ActionScript, the text begins to appear with square characters in front of it. Note: This doesn't happen on the computer that I made the Flash file on, just every other computer I've tried it on.
A have a big chunk of dynamic text (from a db). From this text i am making a .pdf. So i would like to limit the amount of outputted text as a page can run out of space.
I have tried to do it with search and replace. But the problem is that it counts only characters instead of characters in combination with whitespace and the number of lines.
There is space for 100 characters/spaces on each line, and a total of 38 lines on one page.
So i am thinking of something like this: * count all new lines represented by
* count all characters/whitespaces dived to the number of lines to check if this fits the number of (as it uses wordwap)
Anyone with bright ideas on how to approach this?
(btw. TextField.maxChars will not work as it's dynamic text...)
Has anyone else ever had or heard of this situation? Its only happening around the edges of link tags,Code:Hello <a href="">world</a> my name is george.renders asHelloworldmy name is george.The link still works fine, Ive tried putting the spaces outside the link tags but it still happens.Im having to put double spaces in to get only one of them appearing its so wierd.I dont remember this happening when I was working in AS2 but cant isolate the problem at all.
I got my dynamic loaded text files into my flash files down...but the problem is it does not show characters such as the % sign.I thought I just had to add a slash before it like /% but it still doesnt work. All it shows is the slash.
I have taken a dynamic text field with HTML property = true;
Some of the characters are working fine. But some of the special characters are not. For example the angle symbol "∠" is not working.
I found out the Decimal code for angle symbol (∠) and used it. It is working fine if I don't embed the font but when we embed the font (even with all the characters that flash support), it is not working.
I've discovered the joy that you cannot display dynamic text boxes if they are masked.After browsing the internet I found a few things to try, first embedding the font, which I have done, and that didn't work.The other solution involves setting the mask to a display object, which I've done, sort of.I create a Sprite() in code (I use Flex Develop, and never code on the time line), then use the Sprite.graphics to draw the mask, then set my main stage movieClip's .mask property to equal this layer.
I have a series of dynamic text fields that do not show text when published. The fonts for these text fields are embedded and I do not get any errors on publishing. The project worked perfectly in CS4, but now in CS5, I had to re-embed all of the fonts in the dynamic text fields, but they won't show. What could be the problem?
I have a preloader and with that I have a Title Dynamic Text, and a Percent Loaded Text.Its seems that with more then 1 Dynamic Text my Percent Loaded Text doesnt show the full text.[code]...
My dynamic text box won't show the last line of text, no matter how much or how little text I am feeding it. The text box has an instance name, set to render html, set to multiline.My code is getting the text into the box, but it keeps clipping the last line.
And my problem isn't the mask but the dynamic text is not loading from the XML file anymore.I think this is because in the tutorial the first thing you do is make the dynamic text field a movie clip. As soon as I do that the text data doesn't load from the external XML file. The code that previously worked was:_root.prompt = this.firstChild.childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue; prompt_txt.text = _root.prompt;But now I made the dynamic text field prompt_txt a movie clip named prompt_mc and it doesn't load. So I realize now that prompt_txt lives inside prompt_mc but how do I get the text data from the XML file there???
I'm having trouble getting an external.swf to show dynamic text in the parent swf. When I run the external swf by itself the text shows up fine, but when I try to load it into another swf using the MovieClipLoader the dynamic text doesn't show up.