TileList Component In An Application
Aug 2, 2009
I'm working with the TileList component in an application, and loading in an MC from the library to display multiple times across some columns and rows.How do I make an event function for the MC in the TileList, so that when a user clicks it, it will trigger a custom function? I do not see that the TileList has something like this inherently for it's source item.I made an external class for the MC being used in the TileList, but my standard "addEventListener"s are not working.[code]}
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<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
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import fl.controls.TileList; import fl.data.DataProvider; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.events.Event;
function TileListExample() { var dp:DataProvider = new DataProvider(); var totalEntries:uint = 3; var i:uint; for(i=0; i<totalEntries; i++) { dp.addItem( { source:getTf(), scaleContent:false}
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
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com:FileUpload id="fp"
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Feb 7, 2011
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I'd like to be able to click a photo to run a function that loads the large version of the photo into a separate element that is contained in the main application. So I created a Photo component in my main application, but how, using actionscript, do I change the 'currentphoto' variable in my main application from inside the tileview component?
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