Java :: Embed A Flex Component In A Pure Android Application?
Sep 7, 2010
I know it is possible to develop a full flex application using AIR for android but what I need is to embed a flex component into an already existing classic java android application.
I found some flash players in java but they all either require a JFrame or include of specific windows dlls.
I have a great idea and I want to build a flex application around a .jar file. Is there a way I can go by embedding a jar file into the flex application?
Is there any way to embed YouTube video/video player into Android Flex AIR Mobile application?
I tried to use SWFLoader(...) but since its MX library class only works on the desktop runtime environment, but fails to work on actual Android device when debugging the application.
Maybe it's possible to embed HTML that contain YouTube video into some Flex media container like TextArea or something?
I'm working on a AS3 project that required a lot of UI, since Flex was used for time-saving for this part we ended up having a Flex Project (UI) and pure AS3 one (All BackEnd) or, in other words, two different .swf files.Currently I can successfully comunicate both of them using a common interface and by loading the UI .swf into the AS3 .swf using a Loader class:
var loader:Loader = new Loader(); var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("CustomUIModule.swf");
The actual code contains listeners for SystemManagerHandler so Flex doesn't complain.Since we are delivering two different files it is not really practical whenever we release a build of the project. For this case the meta tag [Embed] seems to be a better way to achieve this (With no satisfactory results to date).
With the above information (hopefully I made myself clear enough) what would be the best approach to ultimately generate a single swf? Or how should we properly implement the [Embed] tag for Flex swf?
I would like to develop applications for iPhone and Android devices. Which language it is better to use Java or Flash? I have read that Adobe Flash CSS 5.5 support compatibility for ActionScript on both devices. Will be interesting to know plus and minus sides for both languages? Remember that we have to develop application for both devices, and we have a small part of that application already written in Java.
We know that, with Android NDK we can use .C files along with .java files in a single android application. Similarly, is it possible to use Adobe Flash and Java files in a single android application ?
Did anyone integrated Amobee SDK into Android application on ActionScript or Java?I have AmobeeTracking.jar file, I have to write native extention to integrate Amobee SDK into Adobe AIR application for Android. But I don't know what to really write.
I developed a Adobe Air Application and I discovered that the Mobile I am trying to install the application is not compatible with the Adobe Air's supported devices because this wasn't launched yet.
I have some ideas:
Is possible to change the Mobile Name to fake another device and Adobe Air not refuse the installation? Is possible to convert AIR to Java? s possible to run Air without Java? Abandon Flash and do it in Java or Javascript.
In Flex3, I could compile pure as3 code and use "embed" tags to load in images. This was done by Flex making a BitmapAsset class.I can still do this in Flex4.
However, there was a trick to fakeout flex3 and use my own mx.core.BitmapAsset class to remove some of the extraneous stuff Flex's BitmapAsset brings in with it. This is described here: [URL]..Unfortunately, I cannot get these tricks to work with Flex4 and get smaller file sizes. I end up with the error "VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::BitmapAsset could not be found."[URL]..Following this advice, I add -static-link-runtime-shared-libraries=true, and my swf loads without an error... but this means I am loading in the pieces of the flex framework I wanted to omit (and the file size says so too).
Is there a better way to fake out flex4 when it comes to using Embed?
I have an Adobe AIR application for Android. Using for this AIR 3.0 and Flash Builder 4.6. I need to make MyANEFile.ane - which must include 2 external .jar files: Flurry.jar + Tapjoy.jar. But when I made .ane file - it does not work. How can I add this 2 jar files to my main application jar file to make .ane file properly? It shows me such errors in dalvik:
I want to load a flex application in mobile flex application and also i want it to interact with the parent application. Right now I am trying to load the swf with swfLoader in mobile app, but it gives me security error. And also should I want the parent application to be generic in terms of child application as in down the line if someone wants he can have another child application with same name run.
I have a native (Obj-C, standard Xcode project) application and I'd like to integrate a partners iOS application (or specifically, it's functionality) into it as just another view in my application. The problem is that their application is a Flex/Air app. I really don't understand the Adobe compilation process on how it gets from a bunch of flex code down to an IPA. I don't see intermediate projects, shared objects, etc on the disk to produce that IPA. It looks like it doesn't rely on the Apple tool chain... as I understand it, you can produce the IPA on Windows as well. Is there any way to build that Flex app in such a way that I can import it into Xcode so I can link against it and use it as a library from within my application? While I specifically used iOS as an example since that is the most important platform, we'll want to apply this solution to our respective Android and Blackberry 6 apps as well.
I'm trying to create an app that multiple users would log into a server hosted over the local network. When testing the app in Flash Builder it connects, but when I run it on my phone it does not. I'm using XMLSocket like so:
I have a client-server multigame suite for PC ("kind of" cross-platform using cygwin), which is developed in Java(game menus and database management), C++ (server side), and adobe Flash (game graphics & interaction).
I have never tried to develop for android, so i have no experience.I am thinking of migrating this suite to google TV. So i would like someone with android experience to give a clue on the following :
1) Is it going to be easy to migrate the Java application to an Android application?
2) What kind of Flash support does Android have? Can it load directly swf applications? Does it have to load swf's through browser?
3) Can i find any kind of performance indexes for google TV hardware?
I'm going to embed Flex components into Java app, just embedding swf into JFrame. Does anybody know how to use EZ JCOM ? I don't know what is Flash COM or Flash ActiveX.
I have an Android AIR application (developed with Flex SDK 4.5.1) for which I need to block the Home Button, as the app is used by patients in a hospital without supervision, i.e. it is crucial that they cannot leave the app.
It seems that the only way to hijack the Home Button is to be registered as the default launcher, so that your own app gets the focus when home is pressed. This is easily achieved in the manifest, such as:
I'm building an Air for Android App and I'm having problems loading a flex module. Does anyone know if loading modules is possible???
I built a simple app with just a ModuleLoader in it, which loads a mx:module. The module has only a simple mx:Label with a "Hello World" text.I build a .air with this. Then I build a .apk with the followin adt command.
I gone thorough the adobe flash builder video tutorials and did the same thing to create an application for android device, but when i run the application it is showing Sorry dialog box saying that, The application Test1-debug(process air.Test1.debug) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again. I tried many times but it is not working. Initially i thought no Adobe-AIR in my device, but it is there. I am using Reliance 3G Tab. I don't why it is not working, if anybody know this please reply me.
One more thing, i downloaded one APK (which is designed with adobe flash or flex) file from [URL]..and installed on my android device. When i run that application only blank screen is appearing, but in video they shown, it is working. Why it is happening like this?? Is any problem with my tablet ?? or application ?? or adobe AIR not installed properly on device ?? Like this i am getting too many doubts.
Can Flex be used for a desktop application whose business logic is written using Java? Everything I've read about flex uses a remoting or http protocol to communicate with the backend via a J2EE server, so I'm not sure how that would work for a desktop app (unless an embedded j2ee server was running in the app).
I have a flex app using the 4.5.1 sdk and AIR 2.7 running on an Android 3.2 tablet. During use, I can get it to crash fairly regularly. It's usually when I'm rapidly scrolling around in a List control. I can't seem to find the cause.
The application will just suddenly close. It happens in both debug and release builds.
When in debug mode, it just disconnects from the debugger and doesn't give me any useful information.
I'm at a loss on how to debug this. What are some techniques I can use?
I found the "adb logcat" command. Relevant info from the log below, unfortunately it doesn't mean much to me.
What is the best way to display a large amount of text (5000-10000 words) in a Flex mobile app?
I have been loading text in through an xml file using itemrenderer. It works totally fine when I run the application on my PC but when I load it onto my Android phone it crashes. Looks like my phone can only handle loading in about 3000 words using this method without crashing.
Anyone have a suggestion? Also, HTML isn't going to work for me. I want the text built into the application, which is why I have been trying to use the xml file.
I need to delete all the application data directories on the exit of an application: /data/data/air.<appID>/cache/.AIR /data/data/air.<appID>/cache/webviewCache /data/data/air.<appID>/databases
But I get each time the "directory not found error"
This is from my application descriptor: <id>test01</id> <filename>test01</filename> <name>test01</name>
I know also this is not a best practice, but for security reasons I need to delete all the stagewebview cache and autofill form data.
I'm just learning about Flex and I'm loving it. Unfortunatly I still have to make the decision on which RIA technology to use and its dependent on, among other things, from the following case: How can we wrap a java applet around a Flex application? More specifically, I would like to wrap/integrate NASA's World Wind applet in a Flex panel, similar to what Adrew Trice did with the Google Earth API.
An alternative would be id Flex would support direct access to the 3D hardware through OpenGL or DirectX. But I do not think that that is the case yet, not even through AIR.
What's the best way to secure a Flex-BlazeDS application? I've googled it an several solutions came up.UPDATE after question from jsight:Flex would login, so on the RemoteObject I'll set Credentials I don't know if there comes authentication and authorization with BlazeDS (WebORB for instance does and WebORB looked at BlazeDS for their product) SSL not needed 've seen some links on the internet talking about spring security, so I'll check that out.
I developed an application using flex+java+blazeds with tomcat that provide flex enviroment.I want to deploy my application using tomcat but I can't, how can I deploy my app?