Android :: Possible To Use Both Java And Flash In Single Application?

Nov 30, 2011

We know that, with Android NDK we can use .C files along with .java files in a single android application. Similarly, is it possible to use Adobe Flash and Java files in a single android application ?

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Java :: Migrating Existing Java And Flash Applications To Android (Google TV)?

Aug 9, 2011

I have a client-server multigame suite for PC ("kind of" cross-platform using cygwin), which is developed in Java(game menus and database management), C++ (server side), and adobe Flash (game graphics & interaction).

I have never tried to develop for android, so i have no experience.I am thinking of migrating this suite to google TV. So i would like someone with android experience to give a clue on the following :

1) Is it going to be easy to migrate the Java application to an Android application?

2) What kind of Flash support does Android have? Can it load directly swf applications? Does it have to load swf's through browser?

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Android :: Flash - Back Button Unloads Application After Changes CurrentState Of Application AIR?

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Java :: Android Flash App Architecture?

Jun 17, 2011

I am creating an app in flash for Android. What would be the correct architecture for this? Would I wrap the flash in Java, and the java would control the adverts and menu?

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Android :: Flash - How To Create Options Menu In Adobe AIR (not Java)

Oct 29, 2010

I would like to create an Options Menu in my Flash AIR application for Android. I've figured out already, that this ActionScript code could be used for capturing the hardware Menu button press event:

stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, _onKeyDown);
function onKeyDown(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
if(event.keyCode == Keyboard.MENU) {
trace("Menu Pressed");

But how do you create the actual menu? If you can't do it with AIR, then has anybody tried to recreate/mimic it manually already and could you please share the properties (colors, transparency, any gradients?) and transitions (sliding in/out) you've used? I've found some guidelines already, but any Flash-specific tips/properties (like which easing to use for sliding transitions?).

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May 17, 2011

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How i can achieve this? I want to make dashboard for Android.

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Java :: Java, BlazeDS And Config File For Application?

Nov 11, 2010

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Flash :: Swf File To Run As An Application On Android

Nov 22, 2011

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Aug 10, 2011

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Oct 26, 2011

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-> list with some tags
-> single view with movie

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Mar 2, 2010

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Flash :: Flex - Embedding A UI In A Java Application

Oct 10, 2010

What's out there that lets you do this? Are there any OSS projects or maybe something a little more popular than this:[URL]? This does exactly what I'm suggesting (i.e. cuts out the need for Swing UI for the most part) but for a number of reasons I'd be interested in any better alternatives. alternatives would need to support the Flex SDK.

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Dec 27, 2010

basically, what am doing is that am running a flash file (playing music) in the background of the app using webview, and when I want to stop the music , I just load "about:blank".I want to keep the flash file running (music) when my app gets paused (which works fine so far) the problem is when the app resumes, pressing on pause button launches a new webview instead of changing the link in the previous one and the sound doesn't stop.the only solution I found was to kill the process and restart the app, but that's not practical, any idea of how to still be able to use the same webview when resuming the app ?

Update: guess I wasn't clear enough, I have a webview widget stated as "gone" , I only need the audio form the flash file I'm running in the webview so the "play" button loads a URL that contains the flash file (so the user only hears music, and doesn't notice that I'm using a webview), when I press the back/home button the music doesn't stop (I like it that way) but when I go back and press on play again it loads another url in a new page, you get double music

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Jan 5, 2011

I have an enterprise Flex web application, served up over https, that runs fine on Flash player 10.0 and beyond on a desktop computer/browser.

However, when I run it from my HTC Incredible with Android 2.2 the app loads fine, but there is no on-screen keyboard and so I cannot log in. I can see the blinking cursor inside the username and password text fields. I can switch between them. I can even hit the login button and see an authentication error!

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Android :: Use A Global ArrayCollection In Flash Builder Mobile Application?

Aug 27, 2011

I am currently developing a mobile application using the latest version of Flash Builder and I need to create a Global ArrayCollection to store information in that is pulled from a local DB. I can pull back the data from the DB fine however I cannot seem to access the Global variable when I try. I have the follng .as file called "" which is located in a folder called valueObjects and that file contains the following code:

package valueObjects


Then in a private function I try to access the ids ArrayCollection and populate it however I get the following error:

-1120: Access of undefined property ids.

-Access of undefined property ids

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Flash :: Application Is Not Working Correctly After Java Update From 6.21 To 6.31?

Apr 13, 2012

e an application which is talking with Flash clients through sockets. The messages are in XML and not too long, up to 1000 chars. After the update the messages aren't received correctly at the client side - one byte is missing at the end. The first message is correct, the byte is missing from the end of the second message and the Flash stops because of the parse error.


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Flash :: Creating A Java Policy Server For A Application

Apr 3, 2010

I'm trying to create a simple Flash chat application for educational purposes, but I'm stuck trying to send a policy file from my Java server to the Flash app (after several hours of googling with little luck). The policy file request reaches the server that sends a harcoded policy xml back to the app, but the Flash app doesn't seem to react to it at all until it gives me a security sandbox error.


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Flash :: Java - Content In Micro Edition Application?

May 11, 2011

Despite my luddite tendencies, I now have a phone with Java support - but no Flash support. I also have a copy of Macromedia Flash MX2004, though I'm unlikely to upgrade any time soon. What I'd like to be able to do is develop some content (including vector animations) in Flash, then use those resources in a Java Micro Edition application. I don't need all features of Flash - in particular, I don't care about ActionScript support. But I do want to be able to load a SWF file (or, perhaps better, an alternative file format that can be generated using a converter tool), and to be able to display animations and use other resources (particularly play sounds) from in that file.

Is there a good library and toolkit to support this kind of thing? Obviously (from the MX2004) it doesn't need to be completely up to date. On knowledge level - I've been a programmer for decades, and my everyday language these days is C++. However, I have a very limited knowledge of Java, and virtually no knowledge (yet) of Micro Edition and its libraries. I've already heard of Flash to J2ME converters, but so far as I can see they generate complete applications in one step, rather than treating the SWF file as a source of resources to be controlled from separately written Java code.

EDIT I get the feeling that this is (with slight modifications) probably quite easy. Java Mobile Edition supports SVG vector graphics. SVG supports animations. There are (I'm pretty certain) ways to convert flash animations to SVG - probably a simple export-to-SVG in the application, though I've not checked. This in itself doesn't give me a convenient bundle-of-media resources file format, but that's a relatively simple problem to solve, so long as there's a way to "load" SVG and other media files from some kind of non-file stream class that gets its data in turn from the bundle-of-media file.

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Java :: Android - Is There A TweenMax Equivalent

Feb 10, 2011

I'm still relatively new to Java and Android development, so I'm still unfamiliar with the multitudes of libraries available for use, particularly for animation. Where I'm from (the Flash world), we have access to several 3rd-party tweening engines that make life very easy for us when we want to programmatically move things around the stage without relying on the (vastly inferior) built-in Adobe tween APIs. One of the most popular is Greensock's TweenMax

Looking at the way Android handles tweening natively, it appears to be very cumbersome compared to what I'm used to. I'm curious if there's a TweenMax-equivalent library out there for Android that makes animation sequencing equally easy to write in-code, with the benefits of smart intellisense, rather than having to write them all out in an external animation.xml file in the res folder.

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Java :: Fullscreen Flash Application Test Needs External Pokes

Nov 28, 2009

I'm testing a full-screen Flash application. My preference is to drive the process with Java and I've had a lot of luck with the java.awt.Robot class. I'm looking for ways of modifying the test's behavior while the app still occupies the full screen. So far, I've found one "outside control", the caps lock key. If I see the process go horribly wrong, I turn on caps lock. Toolkit.getLockingKeyState notices that caps lock is on, and the test is terminated.

I need additional ways to change test operation, like "pause test" and "next test case." It looks like I could use num lock and scroll lock, but my tests need to run on Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux, so I can't count on having those keys. This is a small operation, so it's ok if the method isn't refined. But not as kludgy as overloading the caps lock key with 5 different operations. I have no internal control of the application; I'm supposed to "test" just like a user.

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Java :: Embed Adobe Flash Player Into Desktop Application

Aug 9, 2011

How can I embed a adobe flash player inside a java based desktop application? Can I be able to load and run an on-line flash game in it?

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Android :: Possible To Install And Play Adobe Flash Application/executable/.exe File In Ubislate 7+?

Mar 18, 2012

I have developed a small adobe flash application (a parent .exe file which loads several child swf files). I can play it in almost any computer. My question is: Can I install and run the application in Aakash or Ubislate 7+ ?

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