Actionscript 3 :: Adobe AIR System-wide Storage

Jun 30, 2011

I'm working on an AIR app that will have a free basic version and a more advanced paid version that's unlocked with a license key. Ideally once a license key is entered I'd like it to unlock the application for all users of the computer. However, I haven't been able to find a suitable system-wide location for storing the license key file. All of the preconfigured locations in the File class (e.g. File.applicationStorageDirectory) are either user-specific or read-only.

Is there a standard system-wide location in AIR where I can store things like this? If not the file system, maybe shared objects, or SQLite, or the encrypted local store? Failing that, are there standard locations on each system (Windows, Mac, Linux) that I could hardcode that are guaranteed to be writable by all users? The last option is made more difficult by the lack of access to any environment variables.

If all else fails I guess I could just require the application to be unlocked per-user, but that doesn't sound like a recipe for happy customers ("What do you mean I have to buy it twice for my wife to use it? We only have one computer!"). (Okay, yes, it it's per-user I'll probably let one key unlock the app 3 or 4 times to be nice about it, but it's still less convenient for the user to activate multiple times).

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