Actionscript 3 :: Check An Array For A Match
Jan 12, 2010
If you have an array with six numbers, say: public var check:Array = new Array[10,12,5,11,9,4]; or public var check:Array = new Array[10,10,5,11,9,4]; How do you check for a match (of a pair?)
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var re:RegExp = /([%&]?w+)/g;
var a:Array = s.match(re);
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Is there a way to get the index of each matched string in one call? I know I can walk the original string using the resulting array and get indexes, but was hoping there was something similar to MATCH(). Something like:
var array:Array = s.index_match(re);
and the results would be:
array[0] = 0
array[1] = 9
array[2] = 18
array[3] = 24
array[4] = 31
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getData.load("whatday.asp", getData, "GET");
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private function readHandler(event:Event):void{
_str = _readStream.readUTFBytes(_readStream.bytesAvailable);
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[Code] .....
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} else {
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// do something.
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ActionScript Code:
if(array[5].exists()) {
// Do something.
else {
// Do something else.
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Feb 18, 2009
Well, I looked at the example, and looks like that was still not what I wanted. Interestingly, I took the middle for loop out and now it appears I am not having issues anymore.[code]
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Nov 4, 2009
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Feb 4, 2005
is there a way to check an array to see if an element has already been added? I'm working with an XML document where there are 4 possible variables, but these 4 vars are repeated several times over. It's reading in fine... I just want to pull those specific variables out of the XML and add them to an array, but I do not want them to duplicate. To say it another way... I don't want my array to be more than 4 items long (it is possible to be less) with a max of those 4 different vars.
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Feb 4, 2006
if (t1 or t2) = ar[0] or ar[1] or ar[2]
ok = false
else ok is true
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