Actionscript 3 :: Dynamically Get A Variable From HTML In Flash

Feb 27, 2012

I have a case where I have a "drop-down box" in an HTML webpage with some JQuery calculations, looks something like this:[code]What I'm trying to do is have this Flash ActionScript 3 Application (embedded on the same HTML page) grab a variable from the drop-down box. Now, using FlashVars is fine, except it doesn't account for when the selection is changed (obviously), but..Is there a way to reload the variable into Flash real-time when the user changes the drop-down box selection?

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Javascript :: Dynamically Assign Variable From HTML To AS3 Variable

Sep 12, 2011

I have an HTML button that I need to dynamically assign to an AS3 variable when clicked (in order to load an .mp3). I am using to collect javascript variables - I am just unsure how to change these dynamically when a button is clicked.

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IDE :: Load Panghat Spa.swf As A Variable By Pasing Variable From Html Page In To Flash

Sep 15, 2009

var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.load(new URLRequest("panghat spa.swf"));

want to load panghat spa.swf as a variable by pasing variable from html page in to flash

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Flash :: Php - Create Html Page Dynamically?

Feb 3, 2010

I have a flash movie with a button to 'view items in new browser window.' These items are all dynamically generated in flash. So the html has to be dynamically generated as well. Can any sugest a way to do this? Do I need to use php or some server side script?

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As3 :: Flash - Dynamically Name A Variable On An Object?

Feb 11, 2012

So, if I need to give a custom variable name to an object how would I do that?

For instance, if I have a gameID that is 12345 and its rating is 3 I want to save a variable called gameRatings_12345 thats value is 3 in my shared local object.

//share object
protected var mySavedData:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("mySavedData");

I have the game id in a string

var gameID:String = "12345";

Then when I try to assign the value like this... = 3

I think it's literally reading it as "" instead of ""

How can I give the variable a custom name?

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Html :: Create A Page Which Contain A Flash Can Be Add Text Dynamically

Mar 4, 2011

I have to create a web page which can be set to full screen(I mean the real full screen,not like press the F11),in the full screen there should be some words displaying.

Take the [URL]

Normally,it show its contents(the questions),but someday,maybe a VIP come to visit the page,so we want to replace the whole page with a welcome screen.

Of course we can replace the [URL] (suppose it is the index page) with the welcome text(welcome xxx to our site...) in the server side.

However this is not convenient,and the text can not be full screened.

So I thought the flash,I can add a controller button at the page,when required,I click this button,and set the welcome words,then a flash will start to play with the sepcified words in a full screen model. It would be better if the flash can show the text with a Animation.

I have never did the flash development,so I want to know if this is possible?

BTW,can all the clients change to flash with juse one click?

I mean I click the controller button,then all the client who is visit this page should see the contents replaced by the flash at the same time.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - AddChild Dynamically Using A Variable?

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I want to addChild to stage dynamically using a variable. In AS2, i would have done it using eval().

In the attached file, I want to be able to use the for() loop instead of the commented out code.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Html Data From TinyMCE Dynamically Into Flash

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HTML Symbol In Flash Variable

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I got a Flash variable:<param name="flashvars" value="title=$title" />title is a string, but in this string I want to put: ë or in HTML &euml;.But flash doesn't like it.

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Php :: Passing Variable FROM Flash To HTML?

Mar 7, 2011

I have a rather simple flash application users can make a quick username when connected, and the username is created inside the flash swf.

Now, I have a cron job deleting inactive usernames every ten minutes (on my mysql database where these usernames are all stored and accessed by the other people online) which is fine. But it can still get cluttered up if a bunch of people sign off at once, there is still that 10 minute window before the cron job clears them.

The users have an option to click log out in the flash application which is fine and works great. But of course many choose not to click log off they just click the browser x.

I've looked into onbeforeunload and jquery's .unload but I still need a way to get the username variable that's IN flash INTO the HTML, then use a php script to run the delete username mysql query.

If not, any insight on how I might pass the username variable to the html to hold onto it after the user makes their username so it can be involved with the .unload function running the php script?

EDIT::::: Maybe is there a way to create a UNIQUE string of numbers with php then pass that var to flash to include with the mysql row then since i already have that var since it was created on the html side, just along with the unload, have it delete the row that has that unique id?

If anyone things this idea would be the best approach, and if i used something like md5(uniqid(microtime()) . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) to make a random iD how could i go about storing the result in a var i could place in the flash vars param then again in the jquery unload or javascript onbeforeunload if that would be better .

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Assign Value To A Dynamically Created Flash Variable?

Jun 27, 2009

I want to change the value of a variable which is inside another flash movie .I have loaded the swf file.Inside the 'onLoadInit' function i wrote the code like below.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending Variable From Flash To HTML?

Feb 16, 2009

I have an issue on sending variable from flash to HTML. For example I have a main.html page with flash Object. In this flash there is a search text field. When you enter some text and click on Go button, It will go to search.html page and it should show the text value in this page.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Send A Variable To Flash Via Html?

Jun 4, 2005

How can I with the html-code include a variable that you can take out in flash?
PHP Code:

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="


Also, just a little variable. (xmlfile=text.xml) (I want to have the same swf-file but use it in several html-files (and I have one xml-file to every html-file))

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pass A Variable To Flash Through Html?

Dec 30, 2010

I have this website that has several sections(Abouts Us, Projects, Services ect.) in it and I want it to automatically go to one of them(Services) if people enter the website through a url I am sending through a email campaign about Services. I know I can just attach a variable to the url but it seems I have to specify the .swf so that the url just loads that .swf and not the webpage.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Dynamic Variable From Html To Flash

Jun 6, 2011

I know this is pretty simple but all that I have read doesn't make much sense to me. I have one swf calling another swf that I have embedded into an htnl. In other words just calling another html page in a seperate window. In one.swf (runing in broswer) I use the below to call another html page passing the variable NewLessonArray. This contains an array of completed chapters.


All that is returned that I can see is object Object. But since I am passing on a address line into another swf embedded in a html page I am unable to determine that correct syntac for retrieving the information.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Variable From Flash To HTML Form?

Oct 16, 2009

An AIR application that load an html page which contain some forms. I want to pass values from flash to html and then submit data. Don't suggest other possible variants, i have experience using URLLoader, amfphp, blazeds e.t.c. Idea it's to pass that from flash to html form, and then submit that information to server using html page. How can be do that? Or maybe in an web application (not desktop)?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Variable To HTML Javascript Function?

Jan 30, 2009

I have a flash SWF that passes a variable as a parameter to a javascript function in my HTML page. Somehow I need to put that value of that parameter into a global variable I can use outside the html javascript function that actually receives it from the SWF function that passes it. Ultimately I will store that value in a hidden form field in the HTML so I can reuse it elsewhere.

Using an alert box, I can see my desired variable data is being passed by the AS2 function but I can't figure out a way to access it from outside the javascript function. Here's a screen print of the alert and what I see when I try to reference it outside the function. Here is a link to a screen pic that demonstrates that

This is a code snippet that starts with the javascript function that receives the variable. YES, I know the"mailLink = str" is not valid. It just demonstrates how off the mark I am.

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var mailLink = null;
function callJavascript(str) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adhere A Variable To A Variable, Dynamically?

Sep 19, 2009

I have 14 buttons, and each one declares a variable; example:


On the next frame I have another 14 buttons, and on Release I want to create a new variable with the content of _root.competencia; example:


Instead Flash tells me this: Left side of assignment operator must be variable or property.Its what Im trying to do possible? Hope somebody can help me, has been 2 days, and I cant understand what is going on, I have tried a lot of ways without positive results, I know I have a long way to go to learn actionscript, Im to new in this!

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Feeding Variable In Flash From Html Via Dynamic Text Boxes?

Aug 10, 2009

I have to dynamic text boxes; one is for articles and the other is supposed to bu for navigation of the articles. I have a variable set up for the article dynamic text box and I want the navigation part to be filled in via text file. so I need to find a way for the information that's fed in to the navigation part to functions as buttons and when they are clicked a variable should pass though flash telling is what story to display. for instance if you click stereohype then storyvar == stereohype. see what I mean? I could do it all in flash but i'm trying to make it where I don't have to touch the flash file after it's completed and everything can just be manipulated via text files with html php xml you name it, what ever works.

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Data Integration :: Get The Html To Pass The Url Variable It Receives On The Flash?

Oct 9, 2006

this liveDoc covers getting a url variable into flash:http:/[url] can pass data to a flash movie by doing the following:[url]....this will create a variable: _level0. variablename with the data: far so can then embed this in the published html doc by including your data string in the object/embed so:

classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=" version=8,0,0,0"[code].....

not to bad, so now your html is loading the swf with the url variable. the problem is this data is hard coded into the for the question. how do i get the html to pass the url variable it receives onto the flash?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Pass Variable Into HTML To Play A Flash File?

Feb 17, 2010

I'm trying to create a simple SWF file that can receive the name of a FLV file in the HTML file and play it since I have many FLV files.  Basically using the technique of FlashVars.  I've set the contentPath/source in the components to be blank, and set my actions in the first frame to be player.source = filename, as was instructed to do so in a Flash book I am reading. I then set the "filename" variable to a file in the same path as the web page in the HTML file, however, all I get is a blank Flash player skin.  The FLV file will not load.  I also tried setting the "filename" variable to load the FLV from a public website in the same domain and on another domain, but it still doesn't work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Html Text When Php Send Variable To Flash

Dec 5, 2010

i'm having a problem when php send variable to flash for example ("notlogged") , it's being send like that :


i know i need to convert it to htmlText but i can't find a way to do that

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Html Post Setting A Flash Variable In The Next Page?

Feb 18, 2007

Is it possible that I go to an html page , (which contains a flash movie) and let the movie start playing in a certain behaviour according to a parameter passed in the URL?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Send A Variable From An HTML Into Flash In Order To Modify It Based On The Value?

Feb 11, 2010

I'm trying to send a variable from an HTML into Flash in order to modify it based on the value. I generally know how FlashVars works in AS3, so I did some quick reading for AS2 and made a test swf.


In my swf, the first frame only has this code:

if (_root.tester == undefined) {
var passed:String = "Nothing Passed";
} else {
var passed:String = _root.tester;
texty.text = passed;

According to what I've read and what my code is, this should work. It should read the value of video as the value of _root.tester (check the HTML code), yet it's always listed as undefined.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Code To HTML Link That Passes Variable Into Flash?

Oct 4, 2006

Is it possible to add code (...html or php?) to an html link (i.e the link will be featured in an html website) that passes a variable into the flash site it links to (just something simple like '_root.pageChoice = "home3" '? So when the site opens the swf turns to a certain page?This will be necessary as there will be links to the site from different html sites and each will need to see a different version of a certain page.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Taking A Textfield Or JS Variable From HTML Page Amd Putting It Into A Flash String?

Dec 23, 2010

I have a variable called AICC_Student_ID, which is talking to an LMS to pull in a student's unique ID (usually the same as their NTID). I need to take that JS variable value, and slap it into a String for treatment.I looked at the work it would take to use SWFObject, and since this little swf is going onto literally thousands of pages, manually hacking each and every one is just not worth it.

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Data Integration :: Use Flash To Dynamically Load XML Data Via A FlashVars Call In The HTML?

Jul 18, 2007

Im new to placing external data into Flash. I just got CS3 and Im trying to use Flash to dynamically load XML data via a FlashVars call in the HTML.

The problem is I have followed the very straight forward AS2 Help files for using FlashVars and URL variables.I have placed the code directly from the Help file into the Html between
<noscript> <noscript>and i keep getting undefined.I have tried saving the file as flash 8 and i am publish flash 8.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Loaded HTML Text Bug?

Apr 8, 2003

I keep on running into weird formatting problems when working with external text files loaded in dynamic text boxes. the latest is with the attached txt file. It stops displaying the text right before the first href HTML tag...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add Image From An HTML File Dynamically?

Mar 4, 2004

I am trying to dynamically load a HTML page into a textfield and I want to use <img src='something.jpeg'>, but it does not work.

Everything else seems to be loaded on the page but the image. No Errors nothing but no image neither. how to add image from an HTML file dynamically?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Variable Value Dynamically?

Apr 13, 2011


need a way to change from tile0 to tile1 through variable [code]....

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