Actionscript 3 :: Dynamically Add Datacolumn Of DataGrid?

Dec 28, 2011

I got a dataColumn already defined as [code]...

All I want to do is, to create this data dynamically depending upon the conditions I placed.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Add Columns In Datagrid?

Feb 20, 2009

I have a problem with the data grid in flex 2.0 , i want to add columns and header of the columns dynamically as it reads the text from a file .

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Set DataGrid Row Colors Individually?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a datagrid. It is populated dynamically by an XML file. I need to be able to set each row's text color seperately. For example, if my variable "type" is "urgent", it would be a red text color.I've spent almost 2 hours trying to figure this out. I've tried setStyle, setRendererStyle, setTextFormat and many more and dozens of combinations.

PHP Code:

import fl.controls.DataGrid;
import fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Creating DataGrid Columns?

Sep 27, 2010

How can I dynamically create my DataGrid's columns? Right now I'm using the following code in flex, but would like to create the columns to look a little different, depending on certain criteria in AS.
<mx:DataGrid id="dg" editable="true" left="10" right="8" horizontalCenter="1" bottom="16" top="86" includeIn="State1,notes,options" top.options="88" left.options="10" bottom.options="14" right.options="8" horizontalCenter.options="1">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Adding New Columns In Datagrid?

Dec 20, 2011

I am dynamically adding columns based on values received from an array. The columns are getting generated properly.But the problem is when I try to insert values for each column, I have to specify each column name in the addItem function.So the addItem function accepts only hardcore values which match my column names --- but it does not accept dynamic column names.Since it does not accept dynamic column names, it can't populate appropriate values related to each column.scoreBoardData is the instance name of my DataGrid component

Here's the code:
import fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn;
var obj:Object = {"systime":1323323297534,"id":1,"dest":"123234","source":"1983","ack"


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Flex :: Dynamically Creating Datagrid And Its Columns?

May 1, 2011

1) Using datefield as item renderer in flex.I am dynamically creating datagrid and its columns. like

dataGridColumn=new DataGridColumn();
dataGridColumn.dataField="invoiceDTO.invoiceDate";// I read this value from XML
dataGridColumn.itemRenderer=new ClassFactory(DateFieldRenderer);

But when UI is generated i get the error invoiceDTO.invoiceDate not found on the TestDTO

//Test DTO

public class TestDTO
public var invoiceDTO:InvoiceDTO;

My objective is my dataField should be binded with datafield inside the datagrid.How can i do it in actionscript

2) I need to present combobox as item renderer. (same like case 1). But how can i assign dataprovider in the combobox which is present inside the datagrid.

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Flash :: Dynamically Add Columns To Datagrid In Flex

Sep 22, 2011

I am trying to make a datagrid, that will dynamically add columns to it based on some condition. Now, I am able to add the columns, but I want the newly added column to have button using itemRenderer. I am unable to achieve this though. Getting this error on line 1


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Flex :: Dynamically Change The Width Of Datagrid Column?

Jun 16, 2009

Can we change the width of the datagrid column dynamically by clicking on the border of the column in order to display the complete string which is too long to be displayed and needs to be scrolled ? If so, How ?

Also, how can we ensure that the column width changes dynamically based on the number of characters / length of string; since many a times the data is too long to be displayed. Can we set the column width to take the length of data into consideration before displaying onto the datagrid ?

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Datagrid - Increase The Panel Height In Flex Dynamically?

Oct 7, 2009

I have a panel inside which I have a datagrid and a button. The functionality is that when I click the button, an row gets added to the data grid. I have described the pane height and width in %. But as the number of rows in the data grid increase, due to fixed panel height, a scroll bar appears in the data grid. But I want the panel height to increase dynamically as I increase the data grid rows.This is my flex code:

import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;[code].........

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Flex :: Dynamically Change Background Colour Of Datagrid Row?

Mar 7, 2010

It seems like there are various hacks out there to change the background colour of the row of a datagrid but all of them seem to happen at render time.See: http:[url]....I have a datagrid where I need to change row colours to red then back to normal frequently based on changes to the bound ArrayCollection. So I'm looking for a way to change the row colours dynamically.Obviously as the changes are happening frequently it would be nice if changing the background colour of the row wasn't an expensive process.

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Flex :: Change Datagrid Cell's ItemRenderer Dynamically?

Mar 20, 2010

i have a simple datagrid having 2 columns named as image and place. where image column has mx.controls.Image itemRenderer and place is simple. my requirement is to change itemRenderer of image cell when it will be clicked. i means to say when user click on any image from image column than i want to show that image path in editable mode and when user edit that path then the selected cell will start displayed the updated image.

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Actionscript 3 :: Assign DataProvider To DataGrid Dynamically In Flex?

Jul 19, 2010

i have a method with brings data of particular table, as given my parameter to that method,

now i want to fetch data from corresponding table and it too list, and send back flex and form dynamically Grid & add dataprovider dynamically as for its corresponded table colomns in flex side ?

Remote objec(java class)
public List<List<String>> getMasterTableData(String name)
String designMaster = "tbl_design_master"+name;


Now i want this create a Datagrid in flex dynamically by using its design & master data table in action script i done everyting , my dataGrid had formed as for his master design,but data is not showing ?

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Flex :: Change Font Size In Datagrid Dynamically?

Oct 22, 2010

how do i change the datagrid's font size on the click of a button. size will be an input from a text box.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Dynamically Set DataGrid Row Colors Individually

Mar 17, 2011

I have a datagrid. It is populated dynamically by an XML file. I need to be able to set each row's text color seperately. For example, if my variable "type" is "urgent", it would be a red text color.

I've spent almost 2 hours trying to figure this out. I've tried setStyle, setRendererStyle, setTextFormat and many more and dozens of combinations. I know its simple cause I think I've done it before.


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Flex :: Select - Datagrid Dynamically Adding Rows Via Checkboxex

Dec 9, 2009

Does anybody know how to add a new row to a datagrid via a checkbox.


checkbox 1 : label (PS2)
checkbox 2 : label (PS3)
checkbox 3 : label (PSP)

By selecting one or all of these checkboxes i what to add a new Datagrid row.


Console price
row1 PS2 $20,
row2 PS3 $30,
row3 PSP $15,

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Populate An Embedded ComboBox Inside A DataGrid

Feb 4, 2010

URL...In this demo I have a Datagrid populated from a php script.I also have a ComboBox embeded in the datagrid. In this example I am reading the ComboBox data from an array within a ComboBox CellRenderer.The question I am posing is how to dynamically populate the embedded ComboBox's from a php script with data retrieved from a mySQL table.

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Flex :: Override The Column Item Renderers For The Datagrid Component Dynamically

Feb 24, 2011

I have a view component called viewBase where I defined a advanced datagrid with few item renderers for datagrid columns. Now I have a requirement where I need to use the same view viewBase component, but not required to use any item renderers.

how to override the itemrenderers which are declared in a view component?

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Actionscript 3 :: Unable To Change Column Width Dynamically In Flex Datagrid

May 17, 2011

I am using a singleton class (popup, which means it doesn't forget the last used variables) which contains a datagrid. I am making various columns visible/invisible, setting the widths and headers in accordance to data received from a database call. Everything works fine except that when I put the breakpoints before and after the point where I change width of columns, I do not see the change in width of datagrid at all! Instead I see some values totally out of sync as widths of datagrid column! However, since it is a singleton class, the next time I call this popup, I see widths which I did set up in last call.

I must be messing up in calling the setWidth() function (which is my custom function which changes the width of datagrid in action script). What should be the point where I should call this function? I tried in creationComplete, show and in the setter of dataprovider.

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Actionscript 3 :: Datagrid Freeze Pane / Always Show Column In Scrollable Datagrid

Feb 28, 2012

I have a datagrid with some custom renderrers and I'm just curious how I should approach the ability to freeze and always show the left 3 most columns at all times when scrolling left/right.

I thought that I might have to resort to 2 datagrids, side-by-side, the first showing the 3 columns that I want at all times, and the ability to scroll the rest. Only issue then I guess is linking the row selection to select that row in both and to tie the column sorts together...

Or would it be better to try and take columns 4+ and shrink their width to 0 as a person scrolls right, and then increase it back to the max width as they scroll left? Though that would cause funny issues to happen as the content of the datagrid would get smaller and smaller until you were 100% to the right and the scrollbar would disappear.

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Flex :: Adobe Flash Builder DataGrid DataProvider CollectionEvent.COLLECTION_CHANGE Handler's Access To DataGrid??

Feb 14, 2010

I've added an eventListener to the COLLECTION_CHANGE event that is fired when the grid is finished resorting the items in its dataProvider, after the user clicks on a column header:MyType (myDataGrid.dataProvider).addEventListener(CollectionEvent.COLLECTION_CHANGE,onDataGridResort);

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Flex :: Datagrid Selects The Wrong Custom Cell In Datagrid

Mar 15, 2010

I am working on a problem since a week soon, but I still couldn't make it work as expected. I have a DataGrid which has HBox with a CheckBox an a Label as itemRenderer (see Code below). When I tap in to the Cell the standard itemEditor pops up and lets you enter the content of the label. Thats the standard behavior. I works fine except for 2 problems:

If I enter to much text, the horizontal srollbar pops up, and the cell is filled with that scrollbar. As you see I tried to set the horizontalScrollPolicy to off, but that doesnt work at all... I tried to do that for all the different elements, but the failure is still existent. When I have filled more than one row, there is an other mistake happening. If I tap on a row, the datagrid selects the one below that row. That's only if one line is already selected. If I tap outside the datagrid and then, tap at any row the itemEditor of the right row will show up... Is there anything now wright in the setup of my set data method?

package components
import mx.containers.HBox;
import mx.controls.CheckBox;


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Flash :: Turn Flex MXML DataGrid Into Something Like Horizontal DataGrid?

Mar 24, 2010

From this (normal dataGrid)

into this (horisontal data grid)

How to turn Flex MXML DataGrid into something like Horisontal DataGrid? (may be some how with Flash builder 4?)

Keeping all stuff DataGrid has like eating data from data provider sortind dragging - droping items etc

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Flex :: Changing Dataprovider Of A Datagrid On Change Event Of Another Datagrid?

Oct 15, 2011

I have two datagrids:

- Division
- Members

Both have single columns. Selecting one item from Divsions datagrid should display members of that Division in the Members datagrid. But following code has some problem and Members of a particular division do not show up when respective Divsion is clicked.

Following are some snippets of the related code. Hope someone can spot an error in it.


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Flex :: Improve Datagrid Performance When Using Itemrenderer With In Datagrid?

Jul 31, 2009

For poor performance reasons, the DataGrid will cache checkboxes and reuse them for different rows. If you have 50 rows, it won't create 50 checkboxes. It will create as many checkboxes at are visible, plus a few more for padding, and then reuse them as you scroll. This is why you need to explicitly manage their state. How can improve it ? How can fixed checkbox value ? i used checkbox like below But checkbox doesnot remembering the values


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Flex :: "Type DataGrid In CSS Selector 'DataGrid' Must Be Qualified With A Namespace" - Warning

Feb 4, 2010

I am attempting to style the headers in a flex datagrid and I keep getting the warning:

Type DataGrid in CSS selector 'DataGrid' must be qualified with a namespace

What does this mean? I have gone through a bunch of tutorials and none of them have worked. It seems like changing a the colors in a datagrid should be relatively simple.

Here is a code sample:

fontWeight: "bold";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Adding Random MC's In An Array And Removing Them Dynamically Again

Oct 27, 2011

I have a game where i add some cartoonish ants, that when they are clicked, they need to be removed from stage. There are 4 differend kinds of ants, so im doing a Math.random for picking which one to add. (ant 1+2+3 have 50% chance to spawn and 4th 50%)

rnd_nbr = (Math.random() * 5)+1;

I have a timer doing 10 tick, and i reset the timer to make neverending. Then i have a math random and if sentences adding mc' to the stage with movement from Tweener, and event listeners for clicks. But i cant figure out how to remove them when clicked. I have done alot of failed tries right inside the click_candy_anty function. I've left them commented out.

import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
var ant_index:Array = new Array(10);//index for ants
var ant_number:int;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Loading External Jpgs Into A Dynamically Created MC?

May 18, 2009

Essentially, I've got a MC container that's created dynamically based off an XML file (basically for every <title></title> I've got, it makes a new "card"). Now within the context of each <title></title> grouping I've got <imgs></imgs> in which I specify the path to images that are related.All of that works perfectly, save for the external jpg files actually appearing on the stage. The MC I add them to does, but the external image doesn't.My problem is- I can't add the external images until they're completely loaded (or so it appears). The thumbnail BG I use is blank. So I know for a fact that the thumbnail BG isn't occluding the loaded thumbnails.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Write To Several Textfields That Exist On The Stage But Have Not Been Dynamically Placed There

Apr 2, 2010


That's the correct syntax for this? I want to be able to dynamically write to several textfields that exist on the stage but have not been dynamically placed there.

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Flex :: Assign DataGrid To Other DataGrid In Flex

May 13, 2011

in Flex I have something like that: [code]and dg is ALWAYS pointing at DataGrid (even if dg1 has name DataGrid_test and dg2 = DataGrid_test2) and finally action is made on my first DataGrid (DataGrid_test).[code]and search still points at ColorColumn :/ My problem is really easy- I just want to pass to search different dataGrid on each state.But still I don't understand why it doesn't work. My search function uses algorhitm Boyer-Moor for searching through dataGrid.dataProvider for some text. If it find something then it is pushed into new array and after passing whole dataProvider I colorize rows with searched word.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Targeting Dynamically Created MC Within Another Dynamically Created MC?

Feb 17, 2010

I'm dynamically creating movieclips with dynamically created movieclips inside them and am having trouble with targeting them.Below is a simplified example of what I'm trying to achieve, in the real file there are a lot more movieclips and I'm creating and naming them with a for loop.

This one is just one Sprite created inside another sprite. I can target the top level sprite named "testname". However when i try target the nested MC it throws an error.The bottom couple of traces are just test MCs I've made to make sure i got the syntax right, on targeting nested movieclips.

PHP Code:

var holder:Sprite = new test1(); = "testname";this.addChild(holder);var holder2:Sprite = new test2(); = "testname2";holder.addChild(holder2);trace(getChildByName("testname").x); //this one traces finetrace(getChildByName("testname").getChildByName("testname2").x);//this throws up an errortrace(testclip1.x);trace(testclip1.testclip2.x);

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