Actionscript 3 :: Flash - Button Control - Mouse_out Part Is Unresponsive?

Jan 21, 2010

I am doing a simple Flash button that controls the playing of a moving clip.I want the movie to go to frame one and play when I mouse over the button and I want it to go to frame 12 and play when I mouse out. I have stop(); at frames 1, 12 and 25 to prevent looping.The mouse_over part works fine, but the mouse_out part is unresponsive.Here is my actionscript:

button_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, playMovie);
button_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, unwindMovie);[code]......

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homeButton.alpha = .75;
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Convert The PNG To A Button Then Even The Transparent Part Becomes A Button

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on (rollOver) {
if (<>p) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip Unresponsive To Mouse Over?

Mar 19, 2009

I'm loading an image into a thumbnail button in flash from an XML file.

The button will scale up when it is mouse-over'd (is this a word?)

Here is the loading of the image into the movieclip

imageLoader = new Loader();
//imageURLArray[i] = "image.jpg"
imageLoader.load(new URLRequest(imageURLArray[i]));


Without the image loaded in it works fine. But with the image loaded in, the image is on top of the button so the scale event triggers the Loader object to scale ( instead of the button it is parented to). Is there a way to make the Loader object or the moveiclip it's parented to (imageHolder) unresponsive to a mouse over so only the thumbnail will scale (and its children as a result of course).

Here is the parenting if you need help visualizing it:

[ thumnail:MovieClip ] --child--> [ imageHolder:MovieClip ] --child--> [ Loader:dont know]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Interdependent Button Control

Jun 10, 2010

1.I have three buttons aligned horizontally.

2.When clicked, a button visually eases up (say 10 pixels).

3.Only one of the three buttons may be in the up position at any given time.If any button is in the up position when another button is clicked, it will ease back into its original down position. It may not be directly returned to the "down" position by clicking it while in the "up" position.

4.The leftmost button is initialized in the up position.

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Actionscript :: Application Becomes Unresponsive During Directory Listing In Flex 3

Jun 11, 2011

I have designed an AIR application that displays a list with all txt files located in C: directory. I have used following code:

var videoListsArr:ArrayList = new ArrayList();
var folder:File = new File(driveName+":\");


This function works fine but it is being executed the application is hang and become unresponsive. how to resolve this problem that it displays the list of txt file without making application unresponsive ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Website Buttons Unresponsive (seemingly At Random)

Sep 14, 2011

Now my website is up and running, (functionality wise, not so much with the content yet), but I've noticed a problem with the buttons.They work for me on my Mac in Safari and Chrome, but not in Firefox. On my PC the buttons work in Chrome but not IE. They work sometimes, on some computer/ browser combinations, and not on others. On my friends mac, they would not work in any browser, chrome included.(Even the same computer/browser combinations don't seem to have continuity).It's seemingly at random when they do or don't work.I went ahead and added html links to to the top of my page, so people could still get around without being able to use the buttons, but its really is a drag that i've worked on this so hard and yet they have less than a 50% working rate.I have tried using flash help, tried researching the topic in forums, debugging, etc, with no luck! I have no errors in my code.I have no idea what is causing their limited functionality. Here is my website URL so you can take a look at my site and my html for embedding the flash if you want: [code]my site has a preloader, so i don't think its an issue of the page being loaded fully. My links are absolute/concrete html links. They are not relative to any folder structure nor are they pointing to files on my hard drive. I almost feel like it's a security setting on some browsers not to let flash take them to external websites.Is there some way for flash to override browser security settings?I'm just using the wrong keywords?about the extra script on my buttons; I have them set up so that they load and unload a movie clip appropriate to each respective button inside of a frame on the stage, each time you mouse over and out of them.

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Feb 8, 2010

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Flash :: Attached Movie Control With Next/forward Button?

Oct 4, 2011

I use attachMovie to call movie clips succesively on the stage. I use a forward button to slide them in progression but when I want to go back in the same order everything gets messed up. You can see the swf playing here, [URL]..I numbered each frame so you can see when clicking on back button it gets messed up.

// Each of the button functions here call the add_page() function and pass the Identifier of the page that they will display b_0.onRelease = function() {


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Part Of The Animation To Be Skipped When I Click One Specific Button?

Jun 29, 2009

I have a swf file "home" that has a series of animations that are button controled.I want part of the animation to be skipped when I click one specific button, for instance.Most of the time I want frame label:"1 out" to play all the way through to the last frame (20) and on frame (20) there is an action sending it back to frame 1and stopping, but I need to have a button that when hit plays frame label 1: "1 out" and continues to frame (19) and does not utilize the action on frame (20) sending it back to frame (1), or in other words playing through "1 out" and then playing "2 out" which occurs on frame 21 without returning to frame (1).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text On Buttons Disables Button Part 2

Jul 1, 2009

I've created a 3 state button, then imported it to a movie clip. I want to use a set of 6 of the identical buttons as navigation controls, so I've created 6 instances all named uniquely. My problem seems terribly simple, but I can't find an answer anywhere and I've spent hours going in circles.

No matter how I put a text label on the button (right now it is built into the button as dynamic text), when running the final file when the user's mouse is on the text the button cannot be clicked - it disables the button. So I have 6 buttons that cannot be clicked unless the user clicks right on the edge of the button (not on any part of the text). Is there not a simple way to overcome this? How do I make the text part of the button so it is clickable as well?

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Professional :: Put An "invisible" Button Under Part Of A Large Button?

Jun 6, 2009

I'm trying to put an "invisible" button under part of a large button, but if I put it under the larger button, the invisible button doesn't work. If I put it on top of part of the large button, the large button doesn't work... Is there some way to make it so that both the buttons work...?

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Make Part Of Button Spin In A Loop Continously When Mouse Over?

Nov 25, 2009

I have a replay button that is already working great, but I want the arrow part of the button to spin in the 'Over' state. What I tried was creating a looped frame. I went inside the button itself, (button composed of an arrow symbol and text). I then went to the 'Over' state and went to edit the arrow symbol itself.when I drag the playheader in there, it seems to loop just fine, but when I export it it's not working.

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Flash :: Actionscript 3 - Control A Button's Actions That Is Inside A Movie Clip?

Feb 23, 2011

i have a button (name: closeinfo) inside a moviclip (name: infopanel), im using this code to put actions to that button:


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Flex :: Deleting Row Of Datagrid By Clicking A Button Part Of That Row In Delete Column?

Nov 23, 2010

I want to delete a row of my datagrid when someone click a button part of that row located below Delete Column. I tried many different way one of those were to

<mx:DataGrid id="userGrid" dataProvider="{userGridData}" width="800" height="500" itemClick="userGrid_itemClickHandler(event)" creationComplete="userGrid_creationCompleteHandler(event)">


The item render ev.renderers.UserGridEditRender has a delete button listing for click event it basically do userGridData.removeItemAt(userGrid.selectedIndex);
(UserGridData = Data provider of grid with id "userGrid") But whenever I click the button an exception is throw

RangeError: Index '-1' specified is out of bounds.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play A Certain Part Of MovieClips Timeline Depending On The Button Pressed

Nov 22, 2010

Right I only want to play a certain part of my MovieClips Timeline depending on the button pressed.

ActionScript Code:
CircleLineMC.KingsCross.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, KingsCrossBtn);
function KingsCrossBtn(event:MouseEvent):void {

But I want it to play only up to frame 50 and then stop there and then loop instead of playing the whole timeline, does anyone know How to do that.

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