Actionscript 3 :: Flex: Move One Object To Specific Position With Animation?
Jul 14, 2011how to make one object move to a specific point with animation in Actionscript ( not MXML code ) ? ( Flex 4.5 )
View 4 Replieshow to make one object move to a specific point with animation in Actionscript ( not MXML code ) ? ( Flex 4.5 )
View 4 RepliesI'm working on this scroll from tweener [URL]. I've made a button that lets me reach the position I want on the scroll
this.bout.onRelease = function() {
Now I'd like to load a movie when I move to this or that position. Maybe with if?
this.bout.onRelease = function() {
if (_root.Position=4) {
loadMovieNum("test.swf", 1);
but this doesn't work (it loads the movie alright but not because of the position).
The following code works fine when mouse is pressed at any position on the screen ,object moves that position...but what if I want the object move that position at a certain speed..say+10 using setInterval...I mean I want my object move slowly to any position I click on the screen..[code]...
View 4 Repliesthis should be pretty simple for most, but I would like an explanation more than just a quick code fix. I put all the script together for this object, here is the fla. What I want to do is move it up to the y position as it does, but I need the object to move faster and stop there. Since I have given most of script in the main movie, I don't know how to write the script for the button release. All I can get it to do is crawl up with targety=100; but I still have the problem with the mouse follow once my button is pressed.
View 8 RepliesI have an object that moves around, and once it is pressed, I want it to move to a specific place and then continue to the next frame in the movie clip. This is what I have : a movie clip, the first frame has the stop(); command and contains approx 12 frames. The MC has this script attached to it :
if(_x >= 0){
_x = _x - 10
}if(_y >= 0){
_y = _y -10
}if(_x == 0 && _y == 0){
gotoAndPlay("/ball",2) // ball being the instance name of the mc
The first two parts do move the object to where I want it but the third part will not work and I cant get it to move past frame 1. (Note : 0,0 is not the place I want it to move to, it is there because I was experimenting with the code and this was an easy place to assign to the movement).
so I have some buttons that, as of right now, simply trigger the scene to move on while at the same time killing some particle effect animations I have spawning when the animation is idle. What I now need to do is make these events move on to a specific scene AFTER the rest of the scene's animation has played out (about 400 more frames) I'm figuring that the gotoAndPlay command has to be tied to some sort of timer variable that I would have to figure out based on my fps. Or maybe there is a way to set up a timer directly tied to a certain amount of frames allowed to go by. I'm pretty noob at actionscript, so keep that in mind. Here is the script at the point where the animation pauses to await user input on the buttons:
I want to know how do you get the current x position value of the tween object during the animation? I want to move a movieclip across the stage, but at a certain x position, i.e. x=600, a new movieclip is added to the stage and chases behind the first one. My current code looks like this:
What I have is a ninja star that spins around and moves based on the accelerometer of your phone. I created a balloon popping animation and have it all working well. The problem is that as of right now I can either have it be static and animate once the ninja star hits it, or I can have it randomly move and then play the animation which is not what I want. I want it like this: When the ninja star hits the balloon, the animation of it popping plays. And then once the animation is complete, then I want it to randomly move to a new position on the stage. (so the user can hit it again, and so forth...)
Here is my code so you can all take a look.
import flash.sensors.Accelerometer;
var my_acc:Accelerometer = new Accelerometer();
[Code] .....
I want to make a flash animation that makes an object move across the screen to a certain point, depending on what is typed into a text box, and i want many of these moving objects at once, so that you can type in a number and then the object moves to that point. Can this be done?I have used flash but have done verry little with the actions of flash, so please walk me through any actions that will need doing
View 1 RepliesWhat is the most efficient way to insert one Vector into another at specific position?
For example:
var aa:Vector.<int> = Vector.<int>([1, 2, 3]);
var bb:Vector.<int> = Vector.<int>([9, 8, 7]);
This doesn't seems to work:
bb.splice(1, 0, aa);
The result is [9, 0, 8, 7].
I am extending the Flash DownloadProgressBar component for use as a preloader with Flex. Is it possible to override the x and y coordinate position of the progress bar? (the default is to center the bar)
View 1 RepliesI am trying to move a 'Shape' object across the screen. As the object moves, a copy is being left at the initial position. Almost as if only an instance of original object ahs been moved
This is not an issue for moving an image or MXML graphic. Is something wrong in setting to the move object?
The code is as follows
private var arrow:UIComponent;
private function resetAssets():void{
arrow = new UIComponent();
I have spent 2 hours on this simple state to state transition with simply resize and move animation. I can get the element to move and fade...but there is no resize animation at all. The panel element stay the same width whole time. If I copy the code to a brand new test mxml file, it works, but not in my main application file.
I need to create an animation and provide some results of the move function at the END of the animation. However, i am not able to control the output till the move function is completed
I tried the isPlaying- that doesn't seem to detect that the animation is completed... so continues to output resukts before the animation is complete
sample code I tried
private function mvbut():void{
var mv:Move= new Move;
I am looking for an app or apps which I can use to demonstrate many of the specific graphics, animation, and interaction capabilities available using Flash CS4 Pro. Basically something just like the Tour de Flex app only for Flash CS3/CS4 Pro. The Adobe site has a sparse set of some examples, but again I am looking for something more comprehensive like Tour de Flex.
View 1 RepliesI am using a ScrollPane in my application(viz., instance name is: myScrollPane). When I view the contents of the ScrollPane, it shows them perfectly. My issue is: When I try to view data present inside the ScrollPane, if I move the Vertical-ScrollBar of the ScrollPane to middle(or somewhere from top to down) and then click on Submit button(viz., instance name is: submit_btn), then its Vertical ScrollPosition must be reset from middle(or any position where we leave it before) to top(or initial position). Hence, I need to move the Vertical ScrollPosition of ScrollPane to top (or) initial position. Everytime, I need to refresh the VerticalScrollBar Position when I click on the submit button. How to do it?
View 1 Replieshow to make an actionscript to move punto_mc from current position to random position after release, and then from this new position to mevo to another randon position after release?
View 2 Replieswell i want to make buttons that on rollover move to left, on rollout move back to their initial position, and if clicked, they but stay this time at the final rollover place, and be there until something else is clicked. When something else is clicked, the previous button , returns to its initial place. So i ve got it all figured out except for the freeze and move part when the buttons are clicked. All it does now , is when they are clicked they freeze at the position i want, but i havent got a clue how to update them, after so they start moving back, and reacting on rollover and rollout, when the next button is clicked.
I'm hoping someone can solve this headache. Basically, I want a movieclip to move to the position of each of my buttons from any position along my x axis. Therefore, the movieclip needs to 'flip' to face the way it is traveling.At the moment I have the movieclip moving to the mouse x axis when I ROLLOVER the button and stop following the mouse when I ROLLOUT but the code won't flip the movieclip so I must have something wrong...
btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,followCa t);
btn02.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,follow Cat);
btn02.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT,stopCat );
I am trying to do the move vertically animation on a button nested in the vertical layout. I am not sure if the Hgroup restricts the button moving vertically.
<s:State name="default"/>
<s:State name="addRecommend"/>
<s:State name="seeOther"/>
What i'd like to do is have a menu/site map that adjusts when you click on a certain icon. For example, I have a AS3.0 flash file with, say, 5 keyframes with 5 buttons that are in different positions on each key frame. The buttons are set to gotoAndPlay the various keyframes. I can set up a tween that links frame 1 to 2, 2 to 3 etc. but what I would like is a tween from, say, 1 to 3, then 3 to 5, then 5 to 1 - basically in a random order rather than sequentially through the key frames. I could set each of these tweens up individually but the site is for a portfolio that I would like to keep adding to and to do this individually would mean an ever increasing amount of tweens.Basically, is there a way to get a 'MovieClip' to move from Position A in keyframe 1 to Position B in another keyframe without a set of tween frames? I'm sure this is simpler than I am making it sound but I don't seem to be able to work it out.
View 1 RepliesOn GridItem object there's a colIndex and on GridRow a rowIndex. But both are declared internal so I do not have acces on that information.
Is there another way to get the position of an object in a grid.
find the basic script to move a box from position x to another position by clicking on a button and easing the movement when it stops.
View 7 RepliesI have 2 possiblities. It looks like these are the same (or I'm wrong). Which is better and why?
var quest1:DisplayObject = FrameCanvas.baseCanvas.addChild(app.questionmark1); //
quest1.x = posX; //
quest1.y = posY; //
app.questionmark1.x = posX;
app.questionmark1.y = posY;
Is it possible to convert htmltext in object and move that object in textarea?
View 1 RepliesI am trying to create a similar effect to what is used in CityVille for dropping coins and experience icons, they do a custom move animation and it first moves a little bit up and then down. It looks like it is following a spline or a sine function.
View 2 RepliesI am having some dificulty making a path for this enemy i'm trying to create... cause i want him to rotate + move, then stop, then shoot, then rotate back and move off screen... Its easier if you see it.. you can download the swf file in the zipped archive to demonstrate what i mean. I did it there with tweens. Anyway.. i tried and make it but i'm a little stuck on the stopping part... you can also see what i did in the fla file attatched...
View 1 Replieshow to do an object move towards the mouse when i move the mouse the towards the object and backwards when i move the move away, something liike the menu on [URL]
View 2 RepliesI know this is very noob, but I need a simple AS move and loop. Move an object across the stage and once out of site, loop and start over again? It needs to be a slow and endless loop.
View 3 RepliesI can't seem to figure out how to accomplish a fairly simple task: I have a simple graphic and I'd like to apply an "orbiting" effect to it - so that the graphic moves in a circle around an arbitrary point (without rotating around its own center).[code]...
View 1 Replies