Actionscript 3 :: Flex Treeview With End Nodes Which Have Components
May 25, 2011
on each node, which is end-node ( it is not a parent to anything ) must have a different renderer from the rest of the nodes - a few buttons mostly, arranged vertically. Which means that these end-nodes shall have different height from the rest aswell..
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I develop a piece of code that brings me to an xml, all Nodes i use this code:
for(var i=0; i< menu_xml.childNodes.length; i++){
corrent_node = menu_xml.childNodes[i].length;corrent_item.action = corrent_node.attributes.action;corrent_item.variables = corrent_node.attributes.variables; =;
What I need is for each of the nodes highlighted in green to return the child Nodes. Example: when I move the mouse over the menu Indoor lighting, the results should be: Indoorlighting | LED 10W> 3W LED> LED 6W
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Jan 26, 2006
For those unfamiliar with tree structures, tree structures are usually dynamic lists where every node has a pointer to two other nodes. They are arranged so it makes for faster searching and stuff and are very useful in programming languages that offer direct access to heap memory. Although I don't know if there would be benefits of making tree structures in AS would be of any help but I decided to have a go at it anyway. Since there are no pointers in flash I tried to just replace pointers to nodes with nodes themselves. Such things usually work in java I think because the language just automatically makes pointers for variables.
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Feb 20, 2010
I know how to use setStyle to change the defaultLeafIcon, but how can I modify a node's leaficon at runtime so that all my child nodes can have seperate linkage icons instead of using the defaultLeafIcon every time?
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Jul 5, 2010
I found this site: [URL] and i'm trying to figure out how such a flash component can be made. I'm sure the data points mentioned are predefined beforehand rather than "live", so thta part's fine, but how are the secondary nodes spread out, how does double clicking on another one, open up another set?
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Apr 22, 2010
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Can i call the video directly ? (Assuming its going to be a FLV4 file?). If I create the entire video in flash (create the product demo in flash) can i call the resulting swf ? Here's an update:
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Jul 17, 2009
> <root>
> <module c_name="Executive Library">
> <node cd_title="Document One"
> cd_link="http://localhost/userMana/upload/feature.xml"/>
I am able to read the module name, but how can i read the cd_title, when the label field is different.
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Sep 2, 2009
A web service return to my flex3 client this custom exception:
<SOAP-ENV:Fault xmlns:ro="urn:Gov2gLibrary" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="[URL]" xmlns:xsd="[URL]" xmlns:xsi="[URL]" xmlns:HNS="[URL]" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="[URL]" xmlns:v1="[URL]">
[Code] .....
This is obviously a part of the FaultEvent object I get when the remote call fail, so I'm trying to access "T2gMsg" subnode values like this:
protected function onFaultEvent(e:FaultEvent):void {
var obj:Object = e.fault;
var err:XMLList = obj.element.detail.children()[0].children();
// now I have in err the "Messages" list, subnode of ROException,
// so I should cycle to read one message at time:
for each (var x:XML in err.children()) {
How to read ID, Severity etc values. I think something like "x.ID" should work but it's not, while x.child("ID") or x.elements("ID") return null. What can I do?
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Feb 18, 2010
I write a code which is return the following XML which contain in a string type variable.
Now i want to multiply all the nodes with 3 and again store in that string type variable. how can i do this?
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Oct 22, 2010
I have XML below
<node id="id1"/><node id="id2"/>...
<edge id="eid1" fromId="id1" toId="id2"/>
<edge id="eid2" fromId="id3" toId="id1"/>
<edge id="eid3" fromId="id2" toId="id4"/>
Now I need get all edge base on nodeId,
nodeId = id1 -> eid1, eid2
nodeId = id2 -> eid1, eid3
nodeId = id3 -> eid2
nodeId = id5 -> Null
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Oct 14, 2009
Say for example, I have an XML file with 100 "person" nodes, and I want the first 30. Or possibly 51 - 100. Is there any way to do this with e4x syntax to return an XMLList?
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Jan 18, 2010
Take this XML example[code]...
But that really just gives me back the original XML (since I'm asking for the root where those conditions are met I get the root). I understand why my approach doesn't work, but I don't know where to go from here./grandParent
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Mar 10, 2010
[Bindable]public var headingData1:Object = new Object();
<mx:HTTPService id="srv" url="components.xml" resultFormat="object" result="getHeadings(event);"/>
private function getHeadings(evt:ResultEvent):void{
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Feb 24, 2011
i have complex XML structure i want get all descendents uisng some xml paren.child.@attribute representation For example
Suppose i want get all xml nodes with month.task.@target how can i implement this, I mean i only give input as "month.task.@target" and the return should be XMLList containing all node that have same structure
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Jul 21, 2009
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Aug 21, 2009
say I have an xmllist like this (but with many other attributes not shown for brevity):
<node metal="white gold"/>
<node metal="yellow gold"/>
<node metal="silver"/>
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Oct 9, 2009
How do I get a Flex tree to display only specific XML nodes?
A sample of the XML data is below. Only the Grouper and Product elements should be displayed as branch and leaf nodes respectively; the Name elements should not be displayed. I can't use XSL or e4x to modify the XML as the Name elements' text is used as the label for the Grouper and Product tree nodes. Also, I cannot move the Name element to be an attribute as it needs to include a CDATA section.
It looks like using a custom TreeDataDescriptor is the way forward but I cannot find any examples of using one with XML.
<Grouper Type="ProductHeading" Id="" icon="drugIcon">
<Product Id="1002081" icon="genericIcon">
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Jan 6, 2010
<EFM><projects><project name="EFM Columbus Supply Chain Project">
<characteristics><characteristic name="Types of Data">
<option name="Commodity Flow" value="True"/>
<option name="Industry Assets" value="False"/>
[Code] .....
I want to select a XMLList of nodes by this criteria
<Projects>.<project>.@name = x &&<Projects>.<project>.<characteristics>.<characteristic>.<options>.<option>.(@name == y && @value == z)
Essentially query by both attributes [name and value] for a given project name
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Apr 20, 2010
I have a basic Tree built in Flex. The Tree works fine. I'm attempting to get a list of all of the visible nodes. I know there is a Tree.openItems, but that does not suffice because (for example) if you open all the items in your tree and then close the root, the invisible opened items are still counted.
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Jul 14, 2010
I've got an XML Doc loaded in. I've created an Horizontal List and referenced the arraycollection as the Data Provider. But what I need to do now is then pull the data out from that. I have 3 nodes / variables. They are id, title, thumbnail. But when I go to pull through the data as : {videos.title} Flex Builder gives me the Error - "Access of undefined property videos". Now I know full well it exists, as when I set the dataProvider to {videos} it pulls through the data without issue.
My code is as follows :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="[URL]"
minWidth="800" minHeight="600"
[Code] .....
How do I go about getting the XML Node : title and of course the thumbnail too?
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Aug 19, 2010
I have an AdvancedDataGrid which Im attemping to update with data from a web service that I poll once very 10 seconds. Im using a HierarchicalData object to provide data to the grid. The update seems to work fine, except that on each update, any nodes that were expanded are collapsed when the grid is refreshed. Stranger still, when I dig down into the bowels of the thing and look at the contents of the HierarchicalCollectionView that backs the grid, I can see that the openNodes property correctly contains the nodes that I opened, but those nodes are not shown as open on the grid...the state seems inconsistent.
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Jan 11, 2011
Let's say I've this XML
I think it must be done using a recursive function.
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Feb 22, 2011
Could I see an example on how to count how many child nodes there are under a root xml tag in flex?
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