Actionscript 3 :: Make A HTTPS Call Using HttpService In Flex?

Jan 13, 2010

I want to make an https call using HttpService. My code is working perfect when the url is http, but when i can the url to https is gives me the following error [code]...

How should I make a Https call?

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Media Server :: FMS Net Connection Call To AMF Gateway Using HTTPS

Jan 5, 2011

How to make an FMS netconnection call to an AMF gateway using HTTPS. It is my understanding that Flash in the browser will utilize whatever HTTPS cert the browser has available for the HTTPS path you are trying to connect. Is there some sort of config or cert trick I need to apply for FMS to make HTTPS connections? I was considering it might be one of the following, but could not find any information on the subject:

-HTTPS cert saved to FMS directory?
-FMS config value for specific HTTPS paths?
-Allow the FMS host/ip to bypass HTTPS on server side?

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Xml :: Automatically Call The Httpservice.send?

Mar 29, 2010

I have an application that displays the data from 3 xml files (auto generated from SQL table) using httpservices to get them.The first xml file is small and contains around 30 items, the second and thrid contain around 200-300 items each.The first dataset loads quickly and is invoked on creationComplete. The second and third are called from click events and take quite a few seconds to load. A user of the application will take at least 2-3 minutes reading the data from the first dataset so is there a way I can have the httpservice.send for the second and third xml files called automatically, straight after the first file has finished loading to be able to show the first dataset immediateley and get rid of the waiting times between dataset views.

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Sql :: ArrayCollection From HTTPService Updates After Call And Doesn't Update View

Aug 6, 2011

I have created a simple method to retrieve XML output from an HTTPService and populate a database from it, but due to the async nature of Flex, the functions go through while its still retrieving data - hence causing the function to return a null value. find code below;

View: Declarations
<s:View xmlns:fx=""


But it can go through the database population before it can retrieve the result from HTTPService hence producing a null result.

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Flex :: Use The Over Https?

Dec 4, 2009

Is it possible to use the object to connect to my Flash remoting enabled web application over HTTPS within Tomcat or any other servlet container?

I am using the SpiceFactory cinnamon project for amf remoting and have searched for examples of using HTTPS but see only the reference to a proxy type in the NetConnection object.

If someone could provide a reference or example that would be awesome. Or if it is not possible using the object are there any recommendations of how to configure HTTPS for the spicefactory cinnamon library.

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Flex :: Switch From HTTP To HTTPS In Application?

Dec 21, 2009

I am building a FLEX web application that also has a payment module where the user needs to enter his credit card details.

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Do I need to make this page a Module that runs on HTTPS?

Or can I just configure the specific 'credit card' services (we have a JAVA back end) so that these run on HTTPS?

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Flex :: Inspect HTTPS Traffic From SWF Files?

Feb 8, 2010

Is there a way to inspect HTTPS traffic from Flex applications compiled to SWF files?I'm trying to use Fiddler for this, have added DO_NOT_TRUST_FiddlerRoot to my Trusted RootCertification Authorities so my IE now can access other HTML sites that would normally complain about untrusted certificate. However, the HTTPS traffic from the SWF file still doesn't appear in Fiddler and, in fact, the Flex app wouldn't work (HTTPS with a self-signed certificate is not supported by Flex apps I believe). Is there a way around it?Update: To be clear, I am interested in the traffic between the SWF file running under Flash Player and the server (typically, Flex components like HTTPService will be used for this). The SWF file itself can be served via HTTP or HTTPS, it doesn't really matter.Clarification 2: Don't assume that the source code is available for the SWF file. If it was, Flash Builder 4's Network Monitor could be used.

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Flex :: How To Configure BlazeDS To Work Over HTTPS

Oct 5, 2011

I'm trying to configure BlazeDS to work over HTTPS. We've got Apache in the front that is set to redirect all http traffic to https. Apache then communicates with the application (a JBoss AS 5.1) via http. I've tried a lot of configurations for BlazeDS, and finally the following solution worked for me:

<service-include file-path="remoting-config.xml" />
<service-include file-path="messaging-config.xml" />
[Code] .....

The thing here is that in my-secure-amf channel, I use mx.messaging.channels.SecureAMFChannel in the channel-definition, and flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint (not flex.messaging.endpoints.SecureAMFEndpoint). This has probably something with the Apache-Jboss setup to do, but I haven't found anything that explains what the different tags actually define. To get some sense in all of this, what happens when defining channels and endpoint, using different urls and classes?

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Flex :: Access Https Resource If Swf Is Served From Http?

Jan 24, 2011

My swf is being served via http protocol. I don't really see this being easily changed. There's a resource that a website has opened up via their api that I need to access but it is using https protocol. Because of this my swf can't access the resource because of security settings.

Option 1 would be to serve my swf via https. I can't do this at the moment.

Option 2 would be set secure="false" property of the cross domain policy file. I can't do this, I dont have access.

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Java :: Support Both HTTP And HTTPS Channels In Flex/BlazeDS?

Jun 17, 2009

I've been trying to find the right configuration for supporting both http/s requests in a Flex app. I've read all the docs and they allude to doing something like the following:

<channel ref="my-secure-amf">

I'm running with Tomcat 5.5.17 and Java 5.The BlazeDS docs say this is the best practice. Is there a better way? With this config, there seems to be 2-3 retries associated with each channel defined in the default-channels element so it always takes ~20s before the my-amf channel connects via a http request. Is there a way to override the 2-3 retries to say, 1 retry for each channel?

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Flex :: Security - Loading Policies Files From Https Address?

Jan 20, 2011

I'm having an epic amount of difficulty trying to get a result from a httprequest to a https address.I'm loading a policy file from the address but I'm still getting the 2048 security error.I load my policy file like so in my preinitilize handler.

private function preint(e:FlexEvent):void


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Java :: Flex Accessing Https Service Of The Same Domain That Swf Is Loaded

Aug 2, 2011

I am developing a flex application with flex 4.1 sdk and java backend (runs on Glassfish 3.1 via http). For security reasons I decided to move my authentication process to https until a session id is obtained. Therefore I changed the filter settings to use ssl for login and logout pages(just two pages due to performance reasons. The data-size sent to client is large and I do not want to slow down the system). Glassfish forwarded these pages to 8181 port (which is HTTPS port). Everything is ok for the java part. However flex defines the 8181 port as a different domain and then problems arise. Due to flash's same-origin policy it cannot load the secured content. Normally a crossdomain.xml is the solution but I am accessing content of the same domain through a different port. What will be the solution ?

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Feb 8, 2012

what's the best and shortest way to get this information?

i've read about BrowserInvokeEvent which contains a boolean of the sort - [URL]

yet i havn't been able to implement it.

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May 26, 2009

How can I make a global varaible ArrayCollection that I can call from differint classes/components in flex?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Make A Button In A Grid Call A Function In The Same Mxml File?

Jan 21, 2011

I've a grid view in flex, one of the columns is rendered like this:


now I've a problem that the function in button click is not being recognized. It says "call to a possibly undefined function" even though it was defined. What is wrong with this? How do i make a button in a grid call a function in the same mxml file??

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Java :: Flex File Upload With HTTPS - No Access To User Principal

Dec 29, 2009

We're trying to upload a file from a flex client to a JEE app.
In a full HTTPS environment
JEE server is JBoss 5
Using BlazeDS 'Custom' authentication (username and password are entered through a flex form)
Using BlazeDS per session authentication
In regular AMF calls, we can access user principal and use role mechanism. However, in our upload servlet, we have no access to user principal.
request.getUserPrincipal() // returns null

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Flex :: Develop The HTTPS Application Using Java - Remote Objects Or HTTPServices

Feb 8, 2010

I need to develop the HTTPS application using Flex and Java. But i have idea about remote objects or HTTPServices. which one is the best for developing HTTPS application.

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Flex :: Loading Html With Flash Page Using Https In Internet Explorer?

Jul 29, 2010

I have a html paga which loads a flash(flex) swf file. Using https it loads successfully with Chrome, Safari and Firefox, but not with Internet Explorer.Another page, a simple aspx page, does load in Internet Explorer using https (and no flash in it).Haven't found anything so far on the internet to solve this... Anyone?UPDATE: When I right click on the white screen, 'About Adobe Flash Player 10...' appears... so Flash is loaded. Also, in Charles (http sniffer tool) I can see that the swf is loaded over the network.

So, apparently, Flash Player is running inside my html page, the swf is loaded over the internet but the swf is not displayed in internet explorer browser... Very strange. How can I debug this further to see what the problem is?Meanwhile, in the left down corner, IE keeps on saying: 'Waiting for https://....In all other browsers it works like a charm.You can see that IE shows a Certificate Error, but that's also the case in other browsers. I already clicked on Certificate Error to install the Certificate, but with no success.

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Flex :: Internet Explorer - File Upload - Io Error #2038 Over HTTPS

Sep 1, 2011

i have a flex file upload application over https it works fine on all IE browsers. Recently a client with IE9 reported a complaint that she's not able to upload files. can see the error generated is IO Error #2038. The adobe documentation says 2038 is File I/O Error.This error occurs when an application can't get file size, creation date or modification data using the FileReference API.

All i can think of is browser issues like, browser cache, some new configuration in IE9 am unaware of or permission on the client directory.

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Flex :: Gzip - Flex - HTTPService And Gzipped Responses?

Jul 5, 2010

I have a Flex client making RESTful calls to a webservice using HTTPService. The server is returning JSON responses, which we would like to compress. Can Flex using HTTPService handle gzip-encoded responses? If so, what steps are required to make it work (e.g., which headers to set, how to decompress, etc.)? If not, can you suggest a simple alternative?

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Flex :: Re-using HTTPService Object

Oct 22, 2009

I'm trying to reuse the HTTPService object in a flex app but I'm running into a problem. In the handler for ResultEvent.RESULT I'm removing the listener, but it isn't removed. I've have to catch the asyncToken from send() and attach a new property so I know what it's supposed to do in the handler.URL...You can right-click and view source.Has anyone else run into an issue where listeners aren't removed? Should HTTPService not be reused?

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Flex :: HTTPService Progressbar?

Nov 10, 2009

How can I set a progress bar that may start when an HTTPService is sent and stop when the HTTPService ends?I followed code given here but encountered following error Type was not found or was not acompile-time constant: ProgressWin.Don't know whether ProgressWin.mxml is a component or module or what. I just created a new ProgressWin.mxml file and pasted the code you posted but following error popped out before

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Flex :: XML HTTPService Result And For Each

Mar 3, 2010

XML is cool in flex, but I have an annoying problem to solve, caused by what I can imagine is a feature. You see, when you have just one tag of something, it creates an object which is not an array. But when finds more than one, it puts it on an array structure.[code]I could check the format of resObj.specifictag (to check if it is has an array) and then duplicate the code (for each case). But -even if it's calling a function- I don't think it is an elegant solution.Well, I hope someone has a good idea on this matter. (I know from experience that SO has much more C++ experts than flex, but well...)The perfect thing would be that HTTPrequest handled every tag in a consistent way (using always arrays... though I'm guessing that that would also have its drawbacks).

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