Actionscript 3 :: Reset A Flex Label Width To "auto" After Setting An Explicit Width?

Oct 12, 2009

Once I've set either the width or percentWidth property on a flex label, is there a way to reset the width to its default (i.e., the width of the text plus padding)? I'm using the label as a renderer. In some cases, I'd like it to automatically size to the text, and in other cases, I'd like it to be a percentage width of its container. Obviously, I could use two separate labels, one for each of the above cases, but I'm curious if it's possible to reset the label to its default behavior.

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Flex :: Setting Button Width To Text Width?

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I am creating a nav in flex that pulls in buttons dynamically from xml. THe problem i am having is setting the button width to the text width. currently the buttons are all the same width and if the text is larger then it just cuts off. I've tried a few ways of doing this:Setting button width to 100%On creation of the button try to set the width of the button to the text programmatically. Something like =;

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Flex :: Width Of Spark Label?

Aug 5, 2011

I need to set the text of a spark label and then position such label along the x axis depending on its width. Unfortunately, it seems that the width of the label does not update right away and thus the positioning will fail. I can listen to updateComplete events on the label and update its position then, but that means repositioning the label a lot more often than I would like (updateComplete fires off a lot more often than upon changing width). how to properly handle what would appear to be a trivial task?

Here's a code snippet that shows what I described above. If you press the button you will see 3 traces: the label width before changing its text, right after setting its text, and when the label is done updating itself. Would love to know if there's a way to get the correct width without having to listen to updateComplete events... The button and the VGroups are just there to run the example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""


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Oct 11, 2011

Suppose I have a (Spark) label. What is the best way to find the length of the text in it? I looked at the myLable.measureText("bla bla") method but it says: To measure text in Spark components, get the measurements of a spark.components.Label or spark.components.RichTextfter looking around I cannot find what this is refering to. I tried myLabel.measureWidth() but this does not return anything usefull (it frequently returns zero). Note: I am explicitly setting the width like this:<s:Lable width="{globalWidthVariable"} .../>If the text overflows I would like to increse the globalWidthVariable to the size of the text.

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Flex :: Setting Rectangle Width In Actionscript

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var aRect:Rect = new Rect();
aRect.width = "15%";
aRect.height = "15%";

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Flex :: Setting Button Width With Fx:Style?

May 30, 2010

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<s:Button id="btn1" width="{btnWidth}" />
<s:Button id="btn2" width="{btnWidth}" />
<s:Button id="btn3" width="{btnWidth}" />
<s:Button id="btn4" width="{btnWidth}" />

Is it possible to set their width with Style, something like this: I tried it, but auto-complete isn't working, which leads me to think that there's something wrong with the syntax. Basically my goal is to not have the width property set specifically for all 4.

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Flex :: Resizing A Spark Group By Setting Width And Height?

Apr 28, 2011

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Group xmlns:fx="" ;


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<target name="player">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tween X Position Is Reset When Using Width Parameter?

May 12, 2011

I'm trying to make some manual transitions. Because I don't know AS3, and I'm building this from the help of Google, I've started with a simple "blind" transition just to figure out the works.

The issue is that when I expand the width, it seems as though all my AS3 created sprites seem to reset their x position, and sit on the left. That or 15 of the tweens aren't working.

Here's the code:

ActionScript Code:
function vBlinds(){
var tweens:Array=new Array(16);


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IDE :: Define A Width And Then Auto-size The Height?

Sep 10, 2005

is it possible to define a width and then autosize the height?

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Actionscript 3 :: Auto-size Text To Fit The Width Of A Button?

Apr 9, 2012

I've had a good look around but couldn't find anything that directly solves my problem.There are several posts which are along the right lines, but I can't get my head around it in order to fix the issue.I need to automatically resize the text so that it doesn't exceed the width of the button. The maximum length for my sized text appears to be 13 characters before it will become too large.The program starts by dynamically creating several buttons, filling them with the title and description as set in an XML document.

To add the text I have this code:
var tform:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
tform.size = 20;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting / Getting FLV Height And Width

Feb 19, 2008

Is there a way to retrieve and set the height and width of an FLV/Playback object via actionscript? I was hoping I could interact with the values via simple _height and _width properties, but that seems to offer all kinds of unexpected results in Flash (like reporting width in the thousands when the width is actually under 300, etc... height seems much closer to reality, but still off.)

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Flash :: Make Width / Height Of Stage Flexible Auto-fit In It?

Nov 7, 2010

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Is there a way to set the stage to 100% instead of xxx px in flash?

I'm using Flash Professional CS5 if that matters.

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Flash :: Dynamic - Make Auto-width Text Area

Sep 25, 2011

I want to make auto width text area. Using xml to pull the data, I would like to expand as data comes in. menu_item_group["menu_item" + i].item_label = nodes i].attributes.item_label; For example: enlarged according to the context menus in this example, the background [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Auto Center MovieClip According To Height / Width Of Stage

Dec 5, 2009

I know normally if I want to center a movie clip I would

mcName._x = Stage.width / 2; or * 0.5;
mcName._y = Stage.height /2; or * 0.5;

my problem is I'm using a component that changes the width and height, but the real problem is that the registration point of the component is the top left. I know I seen code somewhere that gets the width of the movieclip, figures out where the center is then positions it accordingly but I'm not quite sure how it's done.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting Attachmovie Width Within Loop

Jan 29, 2010

I am having a bit of a nightmare with a site i am trying to build at the moment and would be most grateful for any help. I have a menu bar which is made by looping through an array of the menu options (and submenus) and then attaching a menuitem movieclip in each case (then setting the text). The menuitem movieclip contains a dynamic text field and also actionscript to draw the background depending on the current settings (colour, border etc).I have a variable in my root fla file called menuwidth and this is used within the menuitem movieclip to define the width of the menuitem. When i set this to one value it works absolutely fine and creates the menus accordingly. i can change this to whatever size i want (including calculating the size of the largest option and then setting it to that, to ensure all options fit).

I have been trying to code it so that the menu options can be different sizes (in the event of a horizontal menu) so that you can have one that is wider than another. The code has become quite long (due to submenu and other functionality) but in a nutshell it is:[code]Instead when i use the code above all of the menuitem movieclips end up the same width as tthe final one (so if there are 5 menu options and the starting length is 50 then the ending length is 75 then all of the movieclips are 75 wide). When i try and debug it and check the value of _root.menuwidth inside the menuitem movieclip it states that it is set at 75 every time with no variation at all.It is almost as if it doesn't run the attach movie commands until the loop has finished, at which point all of them execute (and _root.menuwidth has already increased to it's highest possible value), but i can't see how this would make any sense.Obviously there are a number of other options that could be at fault, but i am trying to whittle it down and would be most grateful if anyone could explain to me if the above logic holds true and that increasing the _root.menuwidth value within the loop just before callin attachMovie should cause each one to be progressively bigger?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Not Setting Width Of DisplayObjects?

Apr 20, 2009

I've got another interesting Flash issue, and I was wondering if there was some weird case I had to account for.  Here's the code: var c:DisplayObject; var t:Rectangle; c.width = t.width; trace(c.width, t.width); This results in output of: 0 13 I'm expecting '13 13' as the output..what would cause this to happen?  It's sporadic, sometimes it'll happen, sometimes it doesn't.  Is there some weird race condition I should double check for?

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Professional :: Setting Attachmovie Width Within A Loop?

Jan 29, 2010

I have a menu bar which is made by looping through an array of the menu options (and submenus) and then attaching a menuitem movieclip in each case (then setting the text). The menuitem movieclip contains a dynamic text field and also actionscript to draw the background depending on the current settings (colour, border etc).

I have a variable in my root fla file called menuwidth and this is used within the menuitem movieclip to define the width of the menuitem. When i set this to one value it works absolutely fine and creates the menus accordingly. i can change this to whatever size i want (including calculating the size of the largest option and then setting it to that, to ensure all options fit). This works great.I have been trying to code it so that the menu options can be different sizes (in the event of a horizontal menu) so that you can have one that is wider than another. The code has become quite long (due to submenu and other functionality) but in a nutshell it is:

for(var i=0; i<menulength; i++)
curr_item = curr_menu.attachMovie("menuitem","item"+i+"_mc", i);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting Objects Width While Rotating?

Mar 24, 2010

I'm working on putting together a game at the moment which is similar in many ways to mini golf (or crazy golf, depending on where you come from). It is shown from a side-on view and to play the user must select the ball by holding the mouse down over it, then drag the mouse to indicate the direction they wish to fire the ball in. The distance they drag the mouse (this is capped obviously) determines the power of their shot.
I am currently using a triangular object with the tip placed at the centre of the ball to show to the user the direction they have chosen. This triangle rotates to face the position of the mouse, and I'm trying to get it to extend/shorten based on the distance from the mouse to the ball. I have code in place (below) that works when the mouse is either to the left or right of the ball, but behaves rather strangely when the mouse is above or below the ball. When the mouse is in either of the latter locations, the triangle extends to be far bigger than the maximum length allowed by the program, yet a trace shows it is still within acceptable limits! I'm almost beginning to think that Flash is switching the 'width' and 'length' attributes around when the object is rotated by either 90 or -90 degrees!
The code I am using is:

Here's a couple of screenshots of the game as it currently stands too - please don't laugh at the horrible placeholder art: none of it is final haha (also note that I haven't implemented 'gravity' yet, so everything is sort of hovering in mid-air.) The first image shows the code working as I want it to with the triangle at it's max width, the second shows the triangle going 'huge.'

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting And Updating Current Width?

Nov 8, 2010

Ive created a shape that i want to resize as it enters different frames. The shape is meant to act like a window behind info in a webpage. Ive managed to get it to tween OK at the moment, but i cant get it to change for each frame it enters. For example, i can get it to grow from 0 - 100% in the first frame, and if i move to a different frame it might need to be bigger, then in a different frame a new size again. Ive tried creating a variable currentWidth which will allow me to detect what size it is and then change accordingly, but it seems to be having trouble updating.

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
var myScaler:Sprite = new Sprite();
var infoBox:Shape = new Shape();


Also, is it possible to update the same tween variable in different frames, in this case infoBoxX i want to tween wider, at the moment i am just creating a new variable bioBoxX.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting Browser Width/height?

Apr 9, 2007

I built out a scrolling Flash application that currently resizes the browser to whatever the full-screen res of the user's monitor is... I'm kind of indifferent about it.Anyhow, I'd like to be able to set the browser size to a specific height / width instead of taking up 100% of the user's screen real-estate.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting A Movieclips Width, Without Scaling It?

Jan 18, 2008

I have been hacking together two different tutorials to create a menu with changing images, and some animating text. Everything looks great, except the menuitems, which i try to resize dynamically depending on the menuitem-movieclip-contained dynamictext. When i resize this movieclip, the whole movieclip scales, and everything looks odd.

this is my first flash project on my own, so be nice :-)

fla file can be found at: [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting Movieclip Width From An Array Value?

Jan 22, 2009

I'm having trouble defining the width of an mc based on an entry in an array.

Here's what I have...

var arr_obama:Array = new Array();
arr_obama[0] = {Name:"mc_obama1" , Frame:"obama1", Width:"34"};
arr_obama[1] = {Name:"mc_obama2" , Frame:"obama2", Width:"143"};
arr_obama[2] = {Name:"mc_obama3" , Frame:"obama3", Width:"23"};


Basically what I want is when you rollover the mc obamaxx it makes the mc_bar the width as defined in the Width entry in the array.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting Width And Height Of External Swf?

Oct 9, 2009

How can I set the width and height of a external swf when it is loaded in to the holder?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting Dynamic Text Width?

Aug 31, 2010

I'm updating an old Flash file and I'm pulling some dynamic text into a text box, but I'm having a really, really hard time trying to get it to resize the width so it always fills the box, which is 170 wide.


none of it seems to work.

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Actionscript 3 :: Canvas Total Width (visible Width + Hidden Scrollable Part)?

Apr 19, 2010

It's probably a no brainer, but I've spent the last 40 minutes or so looking for it to no avial.

I have a Canvas control with a fixed width and a horizontal scrollbar.I'm trying to find the actual width of the control.The .width (fixed width) + the part being revealed by the scrollbar.I tried explicitWidth, width + maxHorizontalScrollPosition, and some other combos but non of them hit the spot.

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