Actionscript 3 :: Storing Array Of Custom Classes In A Locally Shared Object (LSO)

Sep 22, 2011

I am having problems storing an array of objects, all of which are the same custom class in an LSO and then reloading that array from the LSO without losing the class type of the objects in the list.

I know how to store a single object of a custom class and load it withe the correct class type using the registerClassAlias() function, but I cannot seem to apply this to arrays of objects.

I am trying to save an array called messageList. Each element is a custom class GameMessage with a property called gameLevel. After I load the LSO I am trying to do something like

trace("0th message is from level " + GameMessage(messageList[0]).gameLevel);

And I am getting an exception of like this:

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert Object@90fdfa1 to GameMessage.

I have registered the GameMessage class using

registerClassAlias("GameMessage", GameMessage);

and everything works if rather than a list of messages I try and save/load a single message.

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[Embed (source = "./myImage1")]
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package {
public class Country {
var cName:String = "noName";


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cube_0 ++
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// menu.fla


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because I assume it doesn't work that way.

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Apr 2, 2011

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ArrayOne = Array()
ArrayOne[i] = i

make it work so the array would liik like....

ArrayOne = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7...]

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Jun 10, 2011

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I'm trying to setup a program that loads a set number of pictures (the exact number is stored in resources/data.txt). Pictures are labled picture# starting at 0 and increasing.

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My Code:

//Variable Initilizing
var mLoader:URLLoader;[code]....

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Flash :: Storing Strings As Keys In Array?

Oct 8, 2009

in php I could do:

$prices['ford']['mondeo']['2005'] = 4500;
$prices['ford']['mondeo']['2006'] = 5500;
$prices['ford']['mondeo']['2007'] = 7000;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Storing Numbers In Array - SubmitButton?

Nov 25, 2009

I've got this code
ActionScript Code:
There are 3 new MCs
1. The instructions "Click here..."
2. An MC with the 2 text fields myText
3. An MC with the 6 input text fields
import flash.display.*;
[Code] .....

Everything works fine until I click on the 'submitButton'. When I click on it nothing at all happens, even though what I want to happen is for the error messages to appear if there is a problem, or if there isn't a problem I want the numbers to be added to the array.

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var inputs:Array = new Array( "_1a", "_1b", "_1c" .. );
for( var i:int = 0; i < inputs.length; i++ ) {


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ActionScript Code:
var bitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(video.width,video.height);
var bitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bitmapData);
var imageArr:Array = new Array();


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Jan 21, 2011

How can I load external swfs, store them in an array, and then have the ability to retrieve any one of them for later use when I want to?

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