Actionscript 3 :: When Have Two Of The "same" Objects In Flex Datagrid Then Only One Of Them Can Be Selected

Jul 5, 2009

When you have two of the same records in your data providor (i.e. the same object twice in an array) then the datagrid only allow you to select one of them, see the example below - you can only select the last "Moo".


I'm pretty sure this is becuase of the selectedItem property - i.e. if you have two of the same objects in your dataprovidor and you select on its only going to select the first one it finds. Not sure the best way to resolve this. I could make sure each object is unique by cloning them all. But then I will have to make sure that updates on the 'a' object are propagated to all the "clones" of "a".

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Flex :: Datagrid - Checkbox Value Not Selected From Database

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How can I correctly set the value of the checkboxes from the DB values?

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<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Case ID" width="80">


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<mx:DataGrid id="dgEmployeeInfo" dataProvider="{resultArray}" x="131" y="95" editable="false">


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Flex :: Get A Cell Value Of A Selected Row In A Mx.dataGrid In Flash Builder

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dataProvider="{colCompetente}" editable="false">


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Jan 18, 2007

How do you get the selected index in a datagrid, thats it

by the way the actual situation is that I'm tryin to show the data of a selected row in a datagrid, when a row is selected the current slide is set as invisible and the message_view slide is made visible and the data is shown in a text box. e.g.

on_datagrid_click_event (
text_box.text = data_at_selected_index;
this._visible = false;
_parent.messageView._visible = true;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: DataGrid - Selected Row Does Not Highlighted

Jun 15, 2009

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myDataGrid.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, selectRow, false, 0, true);

selected rows (by mouse click) are not highlighted when i click once. but they highlights when i click twice. Maybe i'm not registering correctly the event ?

... and when i remove the event - evryting is work perfect.

here is the selectRow function

private function selectRow(e:MouseEvent):void {
if( is CellRenderer) {
// do something

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I have a cs3(AS3) datagrid component and I'm tracking which row the user has selected by using ListEvent.ITEM_CLICK to listen for a selection and then event.rowIndex in the handler function and using this index no to select data from the array which was used with the dataProvider. The problem is this. If the user re-sorts the rows using the column headers, this resets the rowIndex (ie the first entry is always row 0) and so this no longer relates back to my array. Is there a way to directly access some or all of the data in the row the user selects?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Show PopUpManager On Selected Datagrid Column?

May 27, 2010

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Database :: DataGrid - Display Selected Item Across Couple Of Labels

May 11, 2011

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Right after that I call another function that tries to display the selected item across a couple of labels. The problem is nothing loads in the labels unless I run the functions twice. I'm guessing its some sort of data race problem where the item hasn't been selected by the time the function that displays the items in labels runs. How can I get the item to be selected before the next function runs.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set Value Of A Cell In Datagrid Based On Selected Value Of Combox In Another Column?

Jan 9, 2012

when I select an item from my combobox, the selected value in shown in the textInput on the same row in the datagrid. Basically I need some some in the change handler of the combobox I suppose.

HTML Code:
<mx:DataGrid id="myDG" rowHeight="25" dataProvider="{my_arrayColl}" width="100%" height="205" chromeColor="#D0CCAF" headerHeight="0" showHeaders="false">


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Flex :: Datagridview - Array Objects And Datagrid With Link Button (Clear Button) In Adobe?

Jun 21, 2009

I have an an array of objects. I populate the datagrid from the array. The nmber of columns in the datagrid is fix i.e.5 and the first column always shows serial number (0,1,2,3,4). I have a link button called 'CLEAR' in the last column of the datagrid.

1> How do I make the clear button visible only when the row is particularly clicked 2> When the clear button is clicked, how do I make the contents of that particular row cleared. Not deleted, only cleared to insert data again. Also, the serial number (0,1,2,3,4) should not be cleared, nor deleted. How to do this ?

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IDE :: Does Flash Have A Way Of Isolating The Selected Blending Mode To Just The Layers Or Objects

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I'm new to the whole flash thing and I'm learning on flash 8 - In photoshop you can group layers so that the blending mode you use on a layer will only apply to the layers in that group... I've been searching all over, and maybe it's right in front of me, but does flash have a way of isolating the selected blending mode to just the layers or objects of the user's choice?

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May 4, 2009

I am using datagrid and added 3 columns to it in flex project. Data is provided to each column by using itemrenderer. Itemrenderer is checkbox for each column. Name of columns are col1,col2,col3. I want to make the checkbox in col1 selected when i selects the checkbox in col2. But i am not able to do this.

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