Actionscript 3 :: Create A Simple Image-fliping-app?
Mar 21, 2011
I'm trying to create a simple image-fliping-app that looks something like this: http:[url....My app, just like this one, loads it's images dynamically (using XML). My app will only contain 4 fliping objects (i.e. 8 images).
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var tweenTimer:Timer;
var imageLoader:Loader;
var xml:XML;
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**Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=action, frame=1:Line 4: The class or interface 'fl.controls.RadioButtonGroup' could not be loaded.
var myradioGroup:RadioButtonGroup=new RadioButtonGroup("Group 1");
**Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=action, frame=1:Line 13: The class or interface 'MouseEvent' could not be loaded.
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Total ActionScript Errors: 2 Reported Errors: 2
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i.e. everytime the spaceship reaches a point a new one will be created randomly and the ship is flying to it (etc., etc.)Problem is that it doesn't really work because after the ship flies around for some time it suddenly stops to move. It's a matter of time. Sometimes the problem occurs after 5 seconds then again the spaceships flies around for 2 - 3 minutes and stops the movement immediately.Currently I have no clue where the problem is. I already checked the distance function but so far it seems to be okay
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private function update(timeDifference:Number = 0):void
var step:Number = (timeDifference / 1000) * timeBasedUpdateModifier;
for each (tempEnemy in enemyManager.enemies)
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Nov 11, 2011
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-10 moves left ( if mouse moves too right mouse over edge) +10 this = 0 value or in other words stops animation, then i have to mouse over again to +10 to make value 10 eg move right. this mouse over twice thing is not what i want.
To fix both issues, i think it would be best to place a mouse over area between both left and right that zeros out the value. so the middle will always stop the animation. though id not know how to zero out the value.
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Apr 1, 2009
I have tried using the following to no effect:
ifFrameLoaded ("Main", 80) {
gotoAndPlay("Main", 1);
CS4 says this has been replaced by flash.display.MovieClip.framesLoaded but this doesnt seem to work the same, i keep getting errors.
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May 20, 2011
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Jul 18, 2011
I would like to create a simple slideshow for my Web site that is populated with images from a database. All I want it to do is pull the 6 most recent photos using ColdFusion, fade from one image to the next and loop.
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Aug 20, 2011
How can create preloader in flash (AS2).
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Jun 27, 2010
I really don't want something sophisticated, in fact I want the simplest animation for learning purpose:I just want to move a shape on a straight line.Is it possible to do so in pure actionscript (with flex sdk only) by creating a timeline programmatically or without creating timeline ?
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Jun 10, 2010
I want to create simple text buttons like hyperlinks.
I used the TextField class, but I am not so font of this and don't need all this CSS styling.
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