Actionscript 3 :: Create Dynamic Embed Function?

Oct 3, 2011

Is it possible to create dynamic embed function in ActionScript3 for example like this


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Actionscript 3 :: Embed Dynamic Audio File(s) / Use Variables In Embed?

Feb 10, 2012

Making a piano/keyboard application and trying to figure out the best way to set this up .I plan on having a directory of sounds for each 'instrument' in my assets folder (piano1/C4.mp3,piano1/D4.mpg,...)Is there a way to import/embed all of these as an array? Also is there a way I can pass a variable to this class to indicate which folder I want to import these from? Something that would be ideal

var type = "piano2"; //passed from class being called by
foreach(notes as note){
[Embed(source = 'assets/sounds/'+type +'/'+note+'.mp3')] private const C3:Class;
public var c3:Sfx = new Sfx(C3);

Or would it be a better idea to have a class for each of these "types" that pulls all notes?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Dynamic Function Names?

May 27, 2010

I'm trying to create dynamic function names, something like this:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create 3 Dynamic Text Fields With CreateTextField Function?

Feb 6, 2007

I want create 3 dynamic text fields with createTextField function and i want apply a TextFormat on all three text fields.
I use this code:


but the problem is, that only one text field is created - text2, and also TexTFormat cant be apply to this text field.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use The OnComplete Function, And Embed One Function Within Another?

Sep 7, 2010

I'm trying to embed one function in another and I'm having trouble doing so. I want the first animation(scaling the film) to happen before I run the interactive scene. I keep getting the error: "incorrect number or arguments, expected 1". So I think I need to put something in the brackets after onComplete, but I'm lost as to what that is.

function filmScale(e:Event):void{
if (film_mc.currentFrame == 20) {, 1, {scaleX:1.1, scaleY:1.1});


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Create A SWF To Embed In HTML?

Oct 17, 2010

I'm very new to Flash and most of the other Adobe Utilities. I'm trying to create a SWF file that I can embed in a web page. I've created a file by importing a .flv, then exporting it to create the swf. When I embed it in my web page (on an external server), I get nothing displayed using Internet Explorer. When I tried using Firefox, I get  a message that basically tells me it can't find the FLV file. The reason seems to be that the SWF file is looking for the FLV on my local disk(where I imported it from in the first place). It obviously is not going to find that file on the web server. So... I need to address this in one of two ways[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Embed A Dynamic Swf Background?

Mar 17, 2009

I have a main FLA which is a flip book (the one like you click or drag the corner and will flip the page to the next one). And I have a swf background (a dynamic swf with floating bubbles which will move following your cursors).

I tried to embed the swf background in a container and then put it to my main Flash file (the flip book). It works fine but once I click the Full Screen button, the main contain (i.e. the flip book) is still aligned to the Top Left corner.

I tried many times by changing the codes such as removing the line "stage.align = "TL"" but it still doesn't work.I am trying to complete 4 tasks:

1) To align the main content (flip book) to the center of the screen no matter in "Normal" or "Full Screen" modes

2) To add the swf dynamic background to the back but still the flipbook will be aligned in the center without any changes (no matter "Normal" or "Full Screen" modes)

3) Add a button to toggle Full Screen mode but the flip book will be kept in the absolute center of the screen

4) Right click the flash and will show a pop-up menu. If I click "designed by:", the whole screen will turn black (both "Normal" and "Full Screen" modes)

I try to list out the codes I have:

Toggle Full Screen


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Textfields - Embed Fonts?

Jun 29, 2004

how to embed fonts as for some reason i can get the font im using to show up Here is the script i used to create the textfields:


as you can see from the 2 images i have put up with the fonts active on my system e.g font_on the text is ok but with the fonts turned of e.g fonts_off i get a different text even thou the fonts are done addressed in my script.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create TextField And Embed Different Language Fonts

Jul 9, 2007

When I create a textbox by using textbox tool, I can embed the fonts and the Turkish characters with embed button (autofill). But when I create a text field by AS2.0, I can embed the font but text box shows only the English characters with my font.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Font Embed At Compile Time

Dec 10, 2009

I have been using the embed feature of flex to embed fonts at compile time.[code]I realize this isnt the entire line. Im just putting in the pertinent parts.Either one works fine. My question is , what if I dont know what font i need where this line exists. For example let say i want to instantiate a new object of type SomeField. And as an arguement i want to pass in a string , an associative id of the system font, like "Arial" or "Tahoma". Then inside the SomeField class where the :[code]where $Some var is a string assigned by the caller of the child. The idea is to have the developer be able to import a class , create a new instance of that class , and pass in a string , being the name of the font theyd like to dynamically embed. All this could be done without ever having to go into the acutal class defintion for the object and manually chaning the 'systemFont' or 'source' linakge.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Embed Font Not Showing Dynamic Text?

Nov 29, 2011

henever I try to embed fonts for dynamic text fields, no text appears in my text box. The text is loaded into the dynamic field from another variable, long story short it all works, except for if I try to embed fonts. One thing, the dynamic textbox is html enabled, and I have <b> tags within the code, so the text ends up being bold. This is how I want it. Do I have to 'embed' a bold variation of the font as well as the regular variation?

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Professional :: Dynamic Text - Embed Multiple Fonts?

Apr 22, 2010

I have a couple questions about dynamic text fields. Is it possible to embed multiple fonts? Are color and font size dynamic? Is there a way to make scalable text? Is there a way to make a the contents of a dynamic text field a link to whatever URL might be typed into it?

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Flash :: Embed Characters In Multiple Dynamic Textfields?

Mar 25, 2009

How can I embed some characters one time, and have them embedded in all my dynamic textfields?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embed Text On Dynamic Field To Stop This?

Jan 15, 2010

Ive got a movieclip that is in different rotations, the movieclip has a dynamic text field in it, but this only show text when its not rotated...

do i need to embed the text on the dynamic text field to stop this? and if so how do i do this in cs4?

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IDE :: Dynamic Text Field Is Blank When Embed Font

Jun 26, 2003

Why's my dynamic text field blank when I embed the font chosen? The text field loads text from an external .txt file with html codes. There's no problem when I mark "No charaters" but when "All" or "Only" is marked the text field is blank? I've tried to remove the html codes from the external file, but it makes no difference!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Base Url Function And Button Link To Call That Function?

Jun 16, 2010

How create baseurl function in flash and how i call that function in button script

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Dynamic Datagrid That Receives Dynamic Columns?

Jan 3, 2006

I am tryng to create a dynamic datagrid that receives dynamic columns:

PHP Code:

for (i=0; i<DadosModelos.total_produto_modelo_recebe; i++) {
var coluna:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn();
coluna.width = 75;


Now i want to add a row that receives a value for each column that i add dynamic above, i tried all but nothing..

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Embed Fonts Of All Dynamic Text Objects In A Flash File?

Jun 3, 2009

I have created a Flash file which will act as our company's standard presentation / portfolio of all previous projects.  I've pretty much got it running the way I want, but I've just tried it on a few different computers and realised that the fonts aren't embedded.  I've used our corporate font so it needs to look right.  Having read the following documentation [URL] I now understand how to embed fonts for one dynamic text object at a time.  However, I have a lot of different dynamic text objects in the file and I would dearly love to embed them all in one step!  The same embedding options can be applied to just about all objects, as they're all the same size and font.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embed Fonts In Dynamic TLF Textfied Which Is Created During Runtime?

Jul 15, 2011

I have two TLF textfileds in my application. The first TLF textfield is on the stage and the second one is created dynamically during runtime. Now I am able to embed the fonts in the first TLF textfield by using "use device fonts" since it is on stage. The flash player the rendering the data absolutely fine. I want to get the same look and feel for the second TLF textfield which is created dynamically during runtime. I tried so many ways.

Here is the code I am trying.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Hyperlinks - Embed Image File Into Dynamic TextBox

Jan 15, 2010

I'm new to flash as a whole but it is necessary for a project that I'm working on. How to make a scrolling dynamic text box through trial and error, and I'm proud of that feature. But now I need to know if two things are possible. Can I create a hyperlink (if I can call it that) that will pull documents off of the web? And if so what is a sample function. The second thing I would like to know is can I embed an image file into that dynamic text box? If so how can I do that.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Embed External Text With Htmltags Into Dynamic Textfield?

Feb 2, 2006

i've tried a lot of things... but i just cant embed this text wich i load through php:<TEXTFORMAT LEADING="2"><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="_sans" SIZE="12" COLOR="#000000"LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0">Plaats uw tekst hier</FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT>i tried embedding italics, bold and regular in different textfields outside the work area... i thought that should do it... but it doesnt

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embed Characters Into A Dynamic Textfield For Languages In Flash?

Mar 9, 2012

I know that you can embed characters into a dynamic textfield for languages in Flash. But is there a way to do that dynamically?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Make Embed Fonts Work For Dynamic Text Fields

Mar 5, 2010

I`m making a matching game that uses dynamic text fields, but cant embed the fonts, I`ve tried everything I could think of, even adding a text box with the embed fonts, or loading them from an external file, nothings absolutely happens,

This is my code, is in as2, can`t change it to as3 cause the whole game stop s working,

function aleatorio(min, max)
var _loc2 = true;
if (usados.length <= max - min)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Function NetStream.pause() Process Incorect When Embed Swf In Webpage

Oct 26, 2008

I use NetStream to play media file. It includes pause, resume functions. When running in the flash player, there isn't any problem. However, when embedding this swf file in web page, there is following problem. - If clicking [pause] button and then (in short period) clicking [resume] button to continue playing, no problem. But, if clicking [resume] button after longer period (bigger than playing file's time), the swf file will start playing at the next media file in the list, NOT at the time that was paused.

I would like to send the source code link: [URL]

i can't test this article [URL] when I pause netstream. it clear buffer. when I resume it rebuffer

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embed The Greek Language Characters In Flash Dynamic Text Field

Jun 1, 2010

I have a problem with dynamic text field in flash. I want ot embed Greek Language characters like ≤, ≥, ± etc through actionscript (embedFonts).

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Actionscript 3 :: Embed Fonts At Runtime To Use For Existing Dynamic Textfield Instances In SWFs?

May 25, 2011

I'm trying to embed fonts at runtime in actionscript and it somewhat works. I can embed fonts by either using the embed tag or by loading a font library asset with a linkage name and use it with a new TextField. However, a textfield that exists on a movie clip already does not have the embedded font and is missing characters.

A quick example in code (textInstance exists on the movieclip):
var embeddedFonts = Font.enumerateFonts(); //Shows embedded font
var textFormat:TextFormat = textInstance.getTextFormat();
textInstance.text = "Don't be lazy"; //missing characters


I want to embed the font at runtime and I'm loading multiple SWFs and I don't want to embed the font in each SWF.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Function Name, How To Call Function?

Oct 9, 2011

I have this class where I have a dynamic function name, but I don't understand how to call it, I'm getting all kinds or errors, but most the Incompatible Override and Duplicate function definition.Here's the class:

PHP Code:[code].....

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Embed Accented Latin Fonts (like French) Into A Dynamic Text Field In Flash CS5 Called From A .txt File?

Jun 29, 2011

I've been using Flash for a few years now and I've recently (5 months+) started using CS5 package.My query is how do I successfully embed accented latin characters into a "classic" dynamic text field in my compiled Flash movie that are called from an external text file. I've searched the various forums online and all the methods demonstrated have not worked.

What I've done so far is to to select my dynamic text field, click on "Embed" within the PROPERTIES area, choose the font and the weight, then add any of the foreign characters and/or glyphs to the "Also include these characters:" area then finish up and compile. When I run my SWF file, the glyphs and accented fonts are missing but all the other typical Latin characters show up.

I tried this same method in CS4 (because we have an old Mac in the office too), and almost the same thing happened except instead of completely missing out the glyphs and fonts, it showed a box (almost like an image placeholder) instead.

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IDE :: How To Create Create Dynamic Variables?

Feb 24, 2009

I am trying to create dynamic variables. Lets say: I read a file where I have: building, restaurant and hotel.


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AS2 :: IDE - Create Xml In Function Refer From Outside Function?

May 25, 2009

I need to create a new xml from within a function, then refer to it outside of that function.example:

function xmlIt(array) {
var results_xml = new XML();


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