Actionscript 3 :: Elastic String Script Makes Flash Crash?
Feb 5, 2012
I'm no expert in actionscript and certainly not in AS3 but I managed to create (witfrom this:a eleastic string effect from a point to a draggable movieclip.Problem is the script seems to crash flash or the browser when I test it. (Not right away just when I'm playing around with the movieclip)Sinse I'm in over my head in the script I compiled I'm not exactly sure whats wrong.bit of google research hinted that it might have something to do with removeChildAt() wich I changed from removeChildAt(0) to removeChildAt(1) to prevent it from removing my movieclip.Hope somebody has the patience to read through my script to see what I did wrong.
Object(this).leaf_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseUpHandler);
var origX:int = Object(this).leaf_mc.x + 1;
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1 frame
this.createEmptyMovieClip("leaf_elastica", 50);
if(!max) max=4;
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0 llc 0x00636dfe _ZNSt8_Rb_treeIN4llvm3sys4PathES2_St9_IdentityIS2_ESt4lessIS2_ESaIS2_EE13insert_uniqueERKS2_ + 6078
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Jul 31, 2010
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debugging yields the same crash:
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: Flash.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4badda9d
DW opens and using one of its templates, no problems so far.Read about <supposedly> certain .Wacom tablet drivers and flash...don't have any such device installed, but stopped the generic windows tablet change in the problem.
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Jun 27, 2011
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Unable to load the script. The file <filepath>/ProScripts/sprayBrush.jsx does not exist.
I have already tried updating my system, updating every Adobe product on this machine, reinstalling, and even using a seperate installation CD, but everything thus far has yielded the same results.
Info on my system:
MacPro running OS X V. 10.6
2 x 2.26 GHx quad-core proocessors
12 GB DDR3
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Aug 6, 2009
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Jun 30, 2010
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create such a strange loop and error? I´ve been trying to solve it all day. Maybe some kind of settings in FlashDevelop or parameters to the MXMLC compiler?
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I've read several documents and I am still very confused. Can somebody walk me through this?
I've tried using hittest on prexisting bitmaps and it causes Flash CS5 to crash even though its the most up to date version.
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Oct 16, 2011
I have a project that I have bee working on for quite a while, and just recently it began doing strange things. Anytime I try to edit a button symbol, Flash crashes immediately.
For example, if I go into the button symbol editing mode, it will be fine. But as soon as I move the play head to the overstate key frame, the whole program just disappears.
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