Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Forcing JAWS To Read FLEX Content "on-demand"
Oct 20, 2010
I'm trying to make an existing FLEX application section-508-compliant, by getting it to work smoothly with the JAWS screen reader. It kinda sorta works, but one immediate problem is that when you first go to the login screen, your cursor ends up in the userid field, but JAWS doesn't read anything useful (like the label of the field you're in!) until you hit TAB or something. Is there a way to force it to speak immediately on application startup, without making the user tab/backtab just to hear where they are?
For that matter, as cool as it is that it reads interactive controls as the user tabs around, sometimes you just need to make JAWS say something at a particular point in the logic, which might or might not be associated with a conrol... as if you could write AS code like "jaws.speak('');".
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// ActionScript file
package source.fileApi{
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
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dwFile = new FileReference();, dwFileName);
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public var foo:String;
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<object width="565" height="300" >
<param name="movie" value="/swf/Sample-Elf.swf">
<param name="wmode" value="transparent">
<embed src="/swf/Sample-Elf.swf" quality="high" wmode="transparent" pluginspage="" width="565" height="300"></embed>
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May 19, 2010
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I would have expected that on the resize of the app then all the children would redraw (the application component itself appears to).
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<HDividedBox id="container">
<VBox id="myComponent">
<HBox id="header">
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Oct 11, 2010
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private function onLoadProgress(resource: TResource, evt: ProgressEvent): void
_progressDialog.prbCurrentItem.setProgress(evt.bytesLoaded, evt.bytesTotal);
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Loading a 700MB file looks much better, but again the progress bar updates are random and slow.
Additionally, I'd like to know if there is any way to influence or even control the rate at which ProgressEvents are fired by the URLLoader class. I have not been able to find at what rate it normally dispatches progress events either; is it at a fixed percentage per file or every x frames or milliseconds?
As these are local files, would I be better off not using the URLLoader class and instead switching to FileStream?
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Nov 8, 2010
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Jun 28, 2011
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public function HierachyTree()
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public class HierachyTreeFilteredDataDescriptor implements ITreeDataDescriptor
private var filter:Function[code]..........
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Mar 19, 2012
Does Adobe Flex have provide a Content Provider for sharing data between two applications?
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Jul 14, 2009
I used HTTPService for reading xml, but I want only a particular xml field value like the
first node id.The HTTPService object is:
<mx:HTTPService result="getid(event)" id="xml_coupon" url="###" useProxy="false" resultFormat="e4x"/>The getid(event) function is:
public function getid(evt:ResultEvent):void
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Mar 24, 2011
How to Read whole datagrid using Actionscript, that Datagrid contains Combobox itemrenderer and Textbox itemrenderer in two coloumn, I want to read the value of both the itemrenderer as well.
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Sep 24, 2009
have used the code from to send xml data to php...I don't know y i am having problem acessing data in php.
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Oct 5, 2009
I'm new at Flex and I wanted to know how to read an xml file to pull its data into a chart, using Flex Builder 3.Even though I've read and done some tutorials, I haven't seen any of them loading the data dynamically. For example, I'd like to have an xml like the following:[code]and then loop through every "visitor" xml item and draw their values, and display their "fullname" when the mouse is over their line.
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Feb 7, 2010
I want to read an xml file placed in the same folder as the swf. Note however there is no webserver running.
private var my_req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("assets/GmetadOutput.xml");
private var loader:URLLoader;
public function startup():void {
output.text="CheckPoint1"; //This is the only output that displays!
So on the on CreationComplete event i call startup(); The Checkpoint1 output displays but none of the other checkpoints are reached? how to read a file placed in the same folder as the swf file!
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Feb 9, 2010
I write object in a file. first i convert the object to bitmap data then i write it in a file. Now I want to read object from the file so that it returns the original object. How can i do this?
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May 8, 2010
I have an HTTPservice[code]...
I plan to add other variables to the output time, so need to access each time and worked separately. I may also need to return multiple responses each with their own worked and time values. How do I do that. I was thinking to not use XML. Is there a more lightweight option. Flex shows I have the following options: array e4x flashvars object text xml
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Aug 26, 2010
I have a simple AS3 class that just holds private variables. Each private variable has a getter function, but not all of them have setter functions. At runtime, Is there a way of telling which properties do not have setters but are read-only? Then I can decide to give the user an input field to edit the properties that have setters.
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