Actionscript 3 :: Flex To Create A Trapezoid Shape With The Class Of Matrix?

Jul 18, 2011

I want to use Image Reflection in trapezoid shape. That why i ask how to create trapezoid shape with the class of matrix

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bitmapData.draw(imgControl.content, matrix);
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var animMatrix : Matrix = gi.transform.matrix;, 1, {
a : m.a,


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var snapshot:ImageSnapshot = ImageSnapshot.captureImage(someSprite);
var file:FileReference = new FileReference();,'abc.png');

n the above code I am able to capture an image.But I also want to apply a scalingMatrix(for zoomIn/Out) and a clipping rectangle to it. How to do it? I tried capturebitmapdata too, but with that I can't even get a proper image. See here. So I don't want to use that.

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I have two bitmap graphics (bmp1, bmp2) already created with the BitmapData class using the contents of an object (label1):

var myBitmapData1:BitmapData = new BitmapData(150, 150);
myBitmapData1.draw(label1, matrix, null, null, null, true);
var bmp1:Bitmap = new Bitmap(myBitmapData1);


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Apr 7, 2010

in Adobe tutorials, they suggest to create a class to handle the events (see below the copy/pasted code, and link to page).I was wondering if I have to handle all events with the function handleAllEvents, using if statements to check if the target is the one I want, and the event is the one I want.i.e. if (event.type=="click") && (event.currentTarget == "myId")Should I have a list of ifs (for each target and each event type ?)[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Override A Shape Class?

Jul 4, 2011

I want to pass extra arguments to Shape class.

I think this can be done if I override a native Shape class.

how can I override ? Or How can I add a property to a shape?

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IDE :: Graphics Class - How To Get The Current Shape

Dec 9, 2009

My application has a lot of dynamically loaded shapes... Now i am working on an interface to change the color properties of each Sprite. The first idea was a simple colorTransform. But afaik this only allows for transforming the existing colors. I also want to be able to define a NEW fill, i.e. GradientType.LINEAR / RADIAL.

SOLUTION 1: There may be an undocumented method to retrieve a graphics current points. With that i could loop through this Array with lineTo and redraw the current shape with the new solid / gradient fill.

SOLUTION 2: Create a newSprite with the chosen GradientType, size it by currentSprite.getBounds(); and then use newSprite.mask = currentSprite; to fake my desired fill... However, i am afraid of the impact this creates on the application as there may be more than 200 of these Shapes displayed on stage... overlapping each other.

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