Actionscript 3 :: Know What Is Taking Up The Most Size Of Swf With The Help Of Flex Profiling?

Feb 10, 2011

Now the size of my flex swf is 480KB and I'm trying to find a way to reduce its size,are there any tips to follow?

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Flex :: FlexBuilder/MXMLC : Profiling The Build Process?

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Flex :: Tools For Profiling AS3 - Timing Functions To Find Bottlenecks?

Apr 17, 2011

I'm working with Flashpunk to make games using Flex and FlashDevelop (highly recommended, amazing lib and IDE). Since performance varies so much from system to system, I want to find where slowdowns are occurring and only fix those bits. Flashdevelop has a built in tool called Profiler, but it only shows the number of objects and the memory they are using, not the execution time. Grant Skinner wrote a great tool called PerformanceTest, but it seems suited to writing very specific optimization comparisons, not automatically profiling your code.

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Flex :: Screen Taking Lot Of Time To Load?

Feb 10, 2011

We have a flex application and in that we have a screen that taking a lot of time to load, almost 60 seconds.Basically the screen is a very big form. I wanted to divide the form as a wizard but the client wants a single form with Vertical Scroll on. Now there are 8 sections in the form, each section has two form elements (so around 16 form components) but i have divided each section into a separate component of its own as some pieces are reused .So the whole screen is like Form - Divided into 8 sections Each Sections is an mxml components contained in a Almost each components contains two form components kept side to side in horizontal flow i.e something like that.This screen is taking hell of a lot of time to load. How should i speed it up, please tell the approaches.Also the main application doesn't take much time to load, this particular screen is loaded on the click of a button and on clicking the button the screen gets stuck because its taking a lot of time to load.

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Flex - Taking A Snapshot, Scaling It And Repeating?

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I'm trying to scale text from 1 to 5, a sort of zoom in type of look. I'm using the code below:

<s:Scale target="myLabel" autoCenterTransform="true"
scaleYFrom="1" scaleYTo="5" scaleXFrom="1" scaleXTo="5"

The text scales terribly. So my goal is to take a snapshot of the text label at a large font, add it to the display list, set the scale to a 5th and then animate the scale up to 1. After that I have to set the text again and do it all over again.

This is a Flex app and that's where my question comes in. I don't know how to take a snapshot, then what to add it to (group?) and then how to erase it and start over again?

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Oct 20, 2011

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Flex :: BitmapData - Scaling Always Taking Place On Previous Point

Feb 1, 2010

I am working on an application that will allow a user to scale an image. The issue that I am having with the method below is that the scaling is always taking place on the previous scale point. For example: If I scale the image up one and then scale the image down one. I have to scale down twice to get it back to the point I want it to be.

Here is my current code:
private var sourceBMD:BitmapData = testImage.source as BitmapData
private var matrixScaleX:Number = 1;
private var matrixScaleY:Number = 1;
private var baseScaleX:Number = .05;
private var baseScaleY:Number = .05;
[Code] .....

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Actionscript 3 :: Profiling A Flash App In An Html Page?

Mar 29, 2011

I have a flash application, that uses functionality in its surrounding html page. I want to do some profiling with the Flex Profiler (or some similar tool, if you know a better one).

But i cannot get it to work, if my flash app is run from within the html page. It only works, if i run the flash app alone, but that doesn't help me, because i need the full scenario.

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Profiling :: Turn Off Flash Protection Against Long Executing Scripts?

Jul 23, 2010

I am profiling some AS code by measuring wall clock time. In order to minimize the error I need to run the code for a long period of time. However, flash seems to protect itself from unresponsive scripts by throwing an exception after some period of unresponsiveness, namely: Error #1502: A script has executed for longer than the default timeout period of 15 seconds.

Is there any way to disable this protection, or at least extend the timeout period?

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Flash :: Flex Relative Size Component, Fixed Size Border?

Mar 3, 2011

I want to create a panel (or any other component) inside a component that has a 5 pixel border on all sides, but scales fully when the window is resized. I know I can set width to "100%" to make it resize, but that gives me no borders. If I put it to "95%",I have borders, but they scale annoyingly. Also, that only works for borders on the right or lower bounds, and not to the left or upper sides.Is there a convenient way to do this without having to write tons of resize-code (in which case I will not bother and just accept bad rescale behaviour, as it is for a private pet project).

EDIT: I know that I can just overwrite the display handling and set the positions manually every frame. I wondered if there is a cheap way to do it in the mxml-structure, along these lines:

width="100%" height="100%"

Coming from C++ and Java, I am intrigued by the option of setting something to "95%" and let the library work out the details, instead of having to write many lines of code, just so my text-area always keeps a 5 pixel distance from the border, but scales with window width.If there is no easier way to do it than figuring out pixel sizes by hand and setting the coordinates.

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I am trying to change my radiobutton size and label size in pure as3...

searchRB = new RadioButton(); = "search"; = rbg;


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Flex :: Changing Image Size Independent Of Scene Size?

Apr 6, 2011

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Here is my code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""


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Actionscript :: Flex - Source Size Vs. Compile Size?

Oct 15, 2011

Could you explain why a Flash Builder source folder - no larger than 2 MB - compiles into a SWF exceeding 15 MB with debugging turned off (exported release build)?

There is only 1 embedded image at about 93k - no other images. The application is not that complicated, basically calls are made to a MySQL db to display information, as well as store information. I have used drop shadows and borders, but all standard to Flash Builder. Some custom classes and one custom skin.


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Flex :: Flex: Swfloader - Flash File Overlaps It's Configured Size?

Dec 7, 2009

i'm using swfloader to load swf file in the middle of the screen using the following command:

<mx:SWFLoader id="game_swf" source="crazy_counting.swf" x="198" y="0" width="721" maxWidth="721" height="531" maxHeight="531" />

now stage of the flash file takes the exact size that i stated by the flash file itself is overlapping the stage with some graphics

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Flex :: Swatch Panel Size In Color Picker Flex?

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Flex :: Change Size Of An HBox In Flex To Fit It's Container?

Jul 28, 2010

I create an HBox, fill it with a grid of buttons, and set the scroll policy. When I resize the window, the stage changes size, and so does the HBox ... to a point. Once it reaches the height of the Grid it contains, it stops shrinking, like it has a "min-height". This ruins the scrollbar that I'm trying to establish in this case.

I've set the height to 100%, shouldn't it always take the height of the stage, it's parent?[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding A Or Taking Away A Tween?

Jul 16, 2009

I made a scrolling gallery of thumbnails. It extends for 25 frames, and has two buttons (play and rewind). I have it set up so that if you hold down on either button, you continuously scroll until you reach the end or beginning of the animation. Then, along the timeline, I have spots chosen for the scroll to stop if you are not holding down on one of the buttons.

What I want to happen now, is for the animation to easeIn to the stop points on the time line if you are not holding down on the scroll buttons, but play smoothly if you are holding them down. Does anyone know I way to do this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Taking And Managing A Screenshot?

Mar 4, 2009

The searches that I did on this topic aren't providing me with any answers...that I can understand anyway. =*) Here's the situation.In the past, I did computer-based-training using "a different authoring tool." One thing I discovered I could do with that tool--which really opened up new possibilities for me--was to use that scripting language to create a snapshot of the current window and save that image as an object/class. Then I could access that object, resize it, save it to disk, and load it in later. The result--for my training at least--was a visual bookmark of their location in the training should they have to save and come back later.I would now like to do this with Flash.specificially CS4 and AS3.If anyone can point me in the right location to get started,For clarity, the steps are:

1: Take a snapshot of the current Flash window / Stage. I'm not concerned if the snapshot remains "in Flash" or goes to the Clipboard as long as I can get to it in the next step.

2: Access that snapshot from where-ever it's stored.

3: Process the snapshot and reduce it to a thumbnail, etc.

4: Save it to a file that I can bring back into the .swf at a later point. I'm not real concerned about the format of the file as long as I can bring it back in later. How do I save it? I would love to be able to save it to the user's machine but last I checked
Flash won't do that sort of thing. Can I save it as a file on the server that the .swf is running from using perhaps a PHP call /script / page?

5: And, of course, recall the image to be used at a later point. I already have a pretty good handle on this from past experiments.

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Flash - Taking A Snapshot Of A Loader?

Apr 4, 2011

I'm attempting to take an image from a networked camera and store it as a bitmap. I discovered that flash didn't support MJPEG so I found a class someone had written that could talk to the camera and output on the screen. Then I edited it so that I could request the current image at any time and store it in a ByteArray.I've managed to load that ByteArray with a loader class and place it on the stage, but I'm not sure how to save that as a Bitmap?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Projects Outside Of It Taking Up Most Of Time?

Jun 17, 2010

I haven't played around in flash for awhile due to other projects outside of it taking up most of my time, but I'm trying to create a simple 4 digit count-up display that uses a sprite-like movieclip instead of a dynamic text field.

The movieclip has 0-9 layed out vertically and each interval basically shifts the movieclip instance up by 20 pixels. There are 4 instances of the movieclip on stage side by side.

I'm wondering if there is a simpler way to do this other than how I did. I honestly can't wrap my brain around this anymore without going insane, and just wanted to get some other opinions.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Taking Digits Out From An Integer

Jul 25, 2010

I am trying to format a raw date input which is coming from an xml. Forexample: the input data is coming like date: 20090602. I wanna make it year:2009 month: 06 day: 02. I could only think 1 way to do it: by taking out the certain digits and assign them to seperate variables, or just 1 date variable. how to seperate certain digits?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Possible To Let Flash Crash Without Taking Cs5 Down With It?

Jan 21, 2011

Is it possible to let flash crash without taking cs5 down with it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Xscale Not Taking Effect

Apr 16, 2012

I have some xscale code that will distort my image between 98 and 60 degrees.

The code is updating the xscale position, I can trace the position of the MC and it is acting as it should. The code works if i have the movieclip being affected on the stage, however I'm trying to implement it inside a MC insidde another MC.[code]...

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Slideshow Taking WAY Too Long To Load

Mar 13, 2009

I have a slideshow posted at url....My client is saying it takes too long to load, and I am finding that it is loading all of the photos first before you can scroll through and view them. It's just not functioning properly.I wonder if someone could look at the actionscript and give me any suggestions? Maybe there's something else going on?I have attached the script from the original fla file.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Taking Time To Load Image?

Jun 23, 2009

I have implemented an image scroller. Now the client had reported that a few seconds are taking to load images. We have a local server. When we load images from it, it's not taking that much time to load images.You just copy the following code in a notepad save it as .html extension, which is the widget taken from client site.


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Flash :: Taking A Really Long Time To Load?

Aug 3, 2009

Whenever I launch the Flash application or try to save or load a file, I get the "beach ball" for 30-60 seconds, sometimes a bit longer.I have plenty of disk space, plenty of memory.I'm on a 8 core Mac Pro with 10GB of memory, so I don't get it.  It should load instantaneously just like Photoshop and In Design do.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons Taking Me To The Wrong Scenes?

Mar 21, 2011

Okay, so I've got a website I've been working on. I've finally figured out how to get the buttons to work, BUT, now, they're taking me to the wrong, say, it should take me to Scene 4, it takes me to Scene 2

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