Actionscript 3 :: Retrieve The Label Value From A TileList (Flash CS5)

Oct 7, 2011

I have a TileList, that i loaded with a PHP script that gives back an dinamically generated xml so i can load the TileList with the images and labels it needs. Now, i want to click on an item of the TileList an retrieve its Label so i can send it to another PHP script that uses the string of the Label to do a search query so i can load latitud and longitude to a map to where that item is located. i have been trying to trace it, but its a no go.


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Flash :: Moving The TileList Label?

Sep 23, 2010

I'm building a thumbnail viewer in Flash CS5 using the TileList component. I know that you can adjust the alpha of the label background, but is there any way to simply move it so it appears below the thumbnail? I already created a new class which extends the ImageCell class, but I can't seem to find any methods to control the positioning of the label.

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Flex :: Label - External Data In TileList?

Mar 12, 2010

I'm working for the first time with a TileList and an itemRenderer and I'm having a bit of trouble getting the information from my array collection to display Here's what I've got

private function loadData():void{
var stmt:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
stmt.sqlConnection = sqlConn;[code].....

how I go about pulling the information from the array and putting it into labels like username, userjob, userbio ect, Inside the TitleList and itemRenderer.

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has anyone made a Custom Skin for a TileList component in Flash CS5. I want to change the scrollbar of the TileList, i want the track bar as just a thin white line and the thumb a orange circle, this for a Touch Interface.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Show The Selected Textfield In The TileList Items By Default The TileList Items Are Selected

Feb 1, 2012

I have placed TextFileds inside TileList Compontent. When i try to select the TextField it can't show the selected Textfield in the TileList items by default the TileList items are selected.Finally i need to select the TextFields.
Here is my code: 
import fl.controls.TileList;    import;    import flash.display.Sprite;    import;
function TileListExample() {            var dp:DataProvider = new DataProvider();            var totalEntries:uint = 3;            var i:uint;            for(i=0; i<totalEntries; i++) {                dp.addItem( {  source:getTf(), scaleContent:false}


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ActionScript 3.0 :: TileList Smooth Scrolling In Flash?

Jan 26, 2010

I'm seeing everyone using the TileList in flex but can you create a smooth scrolling effect in AS3 swf?

Should I try to use Flex? (I'm developing for a deskstop app)

P.S. I have no IDEA what Flex is or how to use it...

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Flash :: Add Item Direction In TileList Component?

Jul 10, 2011

I have Flash AS3 Project with tile list. I have buttons on stage. each of them when clicked adds tile with a picture on it to the tileList using the addTile() function. I'm using 2 columns in the tile list and I want the new tiles will appear from right to left (1st item - right column, 2nd item - left column..). additionally, is it possible that each new item will be added to the top of the tileList instead of the bottom of it?

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Php :: Load Images To A TileList From Mysql And XML On Flash CS5

Sep 20, 2011

I have a mysql database with a table containing PATH's to images.

I want to load al the images to a TileList. Now i have this in PHP:

mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "root");


This is supposed to fetch me the PATH of the image, the name so it goes on the label of the tile that displays the image, and brings me also the id so i can launch another query when that image is clicked on.

All this is set into a dynamically created XML.

What to do o AS3?? I already have the AS3 for the tilelist, i only need to load this dynamically created XML from PHP to it.

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Flash :: ScaleContent The Image Inside A TileList?

Oct 13, 2011

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Flash :: Set TileList Component's Font To Be Anti-aliased?

Jul 2, 2010

I have a tileList component and i was wondering how one might go about antialiasing the font inside of each label. I have the font embedded using:

leftList.setRendererStyle("embedFonts", true);

I have tried targeting the label specifically with no luck so far.did not work.

var theTextField:TextField = leftList.label;
leftList.antiAliasType = "advanced";

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Flash :: TileList Cells Respond To Mouse Events In As3

May 9, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: TileList Works In Flash Preview But Not Once Published To The Web

Oct 7, 2010

I have a TileList of image thumbnails that pulls its image location and caption info from a remote XML file. when you click on a thumb it displays a larger image and changes when you click another image. it works perfectly inside Flash, but when i publish the images, xml, and swf, everything works except the thumbs do not display, and clicking an empty cell doesn't bring up the larger image. i first thought that maybe my xml file was in the wrong place, but since i am still getting 12 empty cells (12 images listed in the xml), i'm questioning whether its my xml code or my as3 code. getting no errors from flash because the entire swf functions as intended locally.

my xml file and images folder reside in the same folder as the swf on my website.

my xml code and as3 code are below:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<image caption="Steve" url="images/web/DSC01921.jpg" thumburl="images/thumb/DSC01921.jpg"/>


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Flash :: Changing The Appearance Of A Single Thumbnail In TileList Component?

Sep 22, 2010

I'm trying to create a listing of thumbnails using the TileList component, and so far it's working great. Is there a way to change the appearance of a single ImageCell within the component.I'm bringing in the thumbnail data as XML, and I have an attribute for whether it's a "new" image or not. I would like it to display a small badge over the individual thumbnail in my application.

I should note that I made a subclass of the ImageCell class (implementing ICellRenderer) to set my custom skins, but when I tried adding conditional code here (checking for the "new" parameter I set, It simply doesn't work (no error messages).

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Actionscript 3 :: Change A Frame Label Within A GotoAndStop('label') With The Parameters In A Function?

Feb 29, 2012

Is it possible to change a frame label within a gotoAndStop('label') with the parameters in a function?I'm playing around with updating code as I learn more and more techniques, and at the moment the code is a basic click-a-button to select the object shape, and on press the button disappears:

// Change the object into a circle.
// Change the object into a square.


However I can't/don't seem to know how to change a frame label through function parameters, or if what I'm trying to do is even possible.Also to note, while I'm all ears for any more efficient ways of doing what I'm trying to do, I would still like to know how/if you can change frame labels through function parmeters.

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Actionscript 3 :: Handle Unhandled #2044 Errors From Flash Tilelist When Changing Dataprovider?

Jul 9, 2010

I have a tilelist component using a custom ImageCell based item renderer. I know that at times some of the images it is trying to retrieve will not be found and I am able to handle this via an IEOrror listener on the custom ImageCell loader.However, if I set the data provider, then it is changed before all images have completed their loading or error process, the flash debug player throws up an unhandled #2044 error in firefox stating that an image could not be found. In opera with the debug player it throws a #2044 stating that a load never completed.I can't find a way to trap and ignore these errors so they don't throw the debugger player dialogue up. Also, when using the Flash Builder IDE to debug, the debugger doesn't break on these errors at all - it's only in the player while I'm able to break on other errors without problem.It is as if the error listener is being disposed of when the dataprovider changes, but the loader continues and throws an unhandled #2044.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Cs4 - Throwing Error #1009 When Calling AddChild With A TileList As The Argument?

Mar 23, 2011

To be exact this is the error.

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at fl.containers::BaseScrollPane/drawBackground()
at fl.controls::TileList/draw()
at fl.core::UIComponent/callLaterDispatcher()

Now I've tried several of Adobe's own examples from this page, http:/[url]....., and they all throw this error as well.The error is triggered by the TileList instance being the argument of the addChild function.Here's my package, which works fine when I change the displayComponent is be a List.

package com.pennstate {
import flash.display.MovieClip;[code]........

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C# :: Retrieve Variable Value From Flash

Jun 12, 2011

I have an AxShockwaveFlash object in a Windows Forms application, and load a (AS3) movie into it with LoadMovie. The movie plays correctly, but I am having a problem getting a variable from flash.I have tried using GetVariable but it always returns an empty string. How can I get the value of a variable from flash?

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Flash :: Retrieve All MC In A Stage In AS3?

Aug 4, 2011

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Use Flash To Retrieve The XML?

Mar 17, 2009

1. Create a XML/PHP driven menu that uses PHP to generate a XML file with database results.

2. Use flash to retrieve the XML and dynamically add movie clip, menu buttons that have label values, IDs, and whether or not the menu item is published from XML, to the menu.

I found some code from a tutorial that took XML data and added a movie clip to the stage, added a label, and an ID; however, I could not get it to get a URL property to the button and initiate the navigateToURL to actually get the unique variable to come from the XML to each instance of the button. I have attached the ZIP file with the original tutorial AS file.

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Flash :: Possible To Retrieve Vector Graphics From A SWF?

Jul 5, 2011

Our scenario is that we have a visualisation in a flex .swf that we load data into (through a web service call). Once the data has been loaded we would like to use the resultant image in a PDF.I can send an image of a DisplayObject back to the server as a PNG and put it into a PDF (using iText), but the png is not scalable and it looks bad in the PDF at different zoom levels.To add a bit more clarity. The visualisations are not vector graphics that we import or embed during development, they are charts and trend graphs and custom visualisations created through the flex/flash drawing API, at runtime, based on data retrieved from the server.

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IDE :: How To Retrieve Session Cookie In Flash

May 13, 2009

How can I retrieve a session cookie inside Flash ?
(I am using Flash 8 and ActionScript 2.0)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Retrieve Current URL Into Flash

Jun 28, 2009

Is it possible for a flash file to retrieve the current url from the browser and populate a dynamic text field with that url?So say my swf is embedded at [URL]I have a dynamic text field in my swf labeled myText What actionscript would be needed for that myText field to recognize the url and populate with [URL]?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: How To Retrieve Outlook Cintacts In Flash

Feb 20, 2011

i made an ecard application. the "TO:" text box (input) should contain an emaill adress.can user import adress from his outlook contacts?

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Professional :: Retrieve Flash Files From Website?

Jul 7, 2011

I had a developer who has been working on [URL]. He build it using all flash. I need to make changes on the website, but it seems like he is out of business. They don't answer their phones or emails. The website is hosted on their server, and I don't have the FTP details. I can mirror  or copy my site onto my local computer, and re upload the site to a real company. I have access to my domain, so I can just point it to a new server after I have downloaded the website files to my computer.

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Flex :: Retrieve Body Of A HTTP 403 With Flash?

Dec 15, 2009

I've got a simple YouTube API client put together, written in Flex, that uses a plain ol' URLRequest object to handle Google's "ClientLogin" authentication scheme. Everything works perfectly, except for one case: when Google responds with a 403 and a response body indicating that I should prompt the user for additional information (specifically, a CAPTCHA request).

The problem I'm having is that in this case, I need to be able to retrieve the body of the 403 response, as the body contains information Google expects me to use to assemble the CAPTCHA (e.g., an image URL, etc.). It looks like Flash fails to populate the URLLoader's data property when it encounters a 403 (which is where the response body would normally show up), so I can't tell the difference between a "403: Login Failed" and a "403: Login Succeeded, but We Want a CAPTCHA".

As a backup, I figured I'd have a look at as3crypto's TLSSocket code, but I haven't been able to make any of that stuff work with Google (or even one of my own SSL certs, for that matter).

Is it possible to access the body ofa 403 response with Flash (and if so, how)? And if not,Does anyone have personal experience with a suitable workaround?

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Retrieve POST Data In Flash Movie?

Oct 5, 2010

I have a web page with a button that does a redirect to another web page with a flash movie in it. The button on the first page sends http post data as part of it's functionality.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Retrieve Xml Data In Flash Horizontally?

Nov 12, 2009

how to display multiple data (retrieved from xml files using a for loop) horizontally in flash. For example, I'd like to display images (fetched from the database using XML) in a flash file where in i want to display 3 records in a row and rest of the images to appear in the next row having the set of 3 images in each rows. I'm having a hard time handling this task.


// Create new XML Object and set ignoreWhite true
book_xml = new XML();
book_xml.ignoreWhite = true;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Retrieve CPU Clock And Memory In Flash?

Jul 20, 2010

how to get the ClientUser CPU clock and Physical memory with my Flash movie.

Is there some functions for this?

I assum there must be security warrning for the user, and it's fine for me.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Retrieve Time Of Last Flash Update?

Oct 7, 2010

I was wondering if there is anyway to retrieve the time of the last flash update.

So I'm not looking for the flashversion but perhaps something like a timestamp of when it was updated.

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Flash :: Retrieve All Children Of A Certain Type From A Parent?

Jun 15, 2007

is it possible to retrieve all children of a certain type from a parent in actionscript 3?i only see getChildAt,getChildByName, is there a getchild of a certain type like get all childs of object type:Food?!!!

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