Actionscript 3 :: Run A Function Aftercanvas Has Changed

Apr 3, 2012

I'm having some setbacks in self-learning this language and Flex Builder. Right now I'm trying to make a very simple implementation where a label effectively has its text added to multiple times over the first few seconds that the program is run. The problem I'm running into is that I can't just put all that into one function + one call on that function, as changes to the label's text are apparently not seen until that function runs its full course.So I tried using a viewstack and cloning the canvas a few times, giving each canvas's version of that label a different bit of text. Then I set the initialize function for the viewstack to change the canvases on regular intervals over the first few seconds. But that didn't work either, as the difference isn't seen until the function runs its full course.So then I tried putting function calls on the individual canvases' initialize attributes, and those functions aren't being called at all apparently.I know this probably isn't even the way that you're supposed to animate something in ActionScript or Flex, but I still would like to know how to approach the problem this way for future reference.

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myLoader.load(new URLRequest("Data.xml"));


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Check bottom of this post. I am using MVC and the problem concerns my model. With my code I am creating a board which in turn creates tiles. Every tile on the board gets an X and a Y value. After this I want to prevent access to the setter to prevent myself from accidentally changing the value ever again.

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Right now I have a work-around which I am not happy with. Surely there's a cleaner way.


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AS3 :: Flex - How To Know If Dataprovider Or Its Content(s) Is Changed

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If the dataprovider is changed/assigned. (which I can do... the first approach below works); if any item in the dataprovider collection has changed.

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UPDATE: Edited above.. The first approach lets me know if the dataprovider is changed but not if any item is updated in the dataprovider collection. The second approach does not work at all..

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private function getTitle(src:String):String{
var urlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var rssURLRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(src);


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package {
import flash.display.*;


in I want to trace (trace(_xmlData._xml)) the xml file which is loaded.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Can't Show Up When Changed

Jul 16, 2009

I have a dynamic TextField that has the word "DEVICE" filled in in the flash IDE. If I compile and run, it works fine and I see the word correctly.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: X Value Changing When Width Changed

Aug 3, 2011

I'm working with a rectangle I used code to generate;, 40, 90, 22);;

The rectangle itself works fine without any problems, but when I try to change the width of the rectangle, it's x value decreases slightly, but I'm not sure why it does this. (90 is the original width, hpPerc is another value that will for my uses always be between 0 and 1).
hpBar.width = 90* hpPerc;
Unfortunately, as I stated, changing this shape's width seems to change the x value as well, which really doesn't work at all.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Scene When ComboBox Changed?

Jan 14, 2010

I'm a complete newbie to Flash and programming, so please forgive my lack of knowledge! I have been trying for a good couple of hours now to do what I'd think would be a simple task - change scene when the value in a comboBox is changed.This is the code I have:

dropdown.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, changemade);
function changemade(event:Event):void {


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Flex :: Pop Up An Alert To The User Before A Combobox Value Is Changed

Sep 30, 2009

I have a project in which i need to pop up an alert to the user before a combobox value is changed. This feature is to allow the user to stay in current state if modifications were not saved. Meaning that the user will be able to cancel the change. I have sub classed ComboBox and tried to hook on ITEM_CLICK of ComboBox.dropdown but this event is triggered after the value is changed. Also, I've tried MOUSE_CLICK ans MOUSE_DOWN but without success.

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Actionscript :: DataGrid: Update Each Row DataProvider Is Changed?

Mar 24, 2010

In a DataGrid, how can I force data() of all itemRenderers on visible rows to be called when I've made an update to the dataProvider.I'n the following the Grid isn't updated after pressing doSomething. If I have a large list the update is done when scrolling down and then back up again, or in the case of the TreeGrid i open/close a node.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

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Flash - Why Does TextField Not Show Up When DefaultTextFormat Changed

Apr 13, 2010

I have an if/else statement which checks the length of my current title, and then is suppose to change the defaultTextFormat of the title textField and set the text. Currently the title will not show up now, no matter what character length the title is, any thoughts on what I could be doing wrong here?

public function switchTitle(sentText):void {
titleString = sentText;
trace("---------"+" ");
trace("Forumula testing");
trace("titleString = "+titleString);
[Code] .....

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Flash - Update 100+ Variables If Something Is Changed In A Different Class?

Jun 10, 2010

I have a class Grid which produces a graph paper like grid on in the drawing area. I then have 5 other classes for different shapes to draw with; Line, Polygon, Ellipse, Curve, Arc Now, these 5 classes use an instance of Grid because Grid has a resolution and a scale. Inside Grid I have:

public function set resolution(x:Number):void {
_gap = (modBy10(x) / 10);
_scale = (modBy10(x) / (this.resolution * _scale));


I'm just lost for a solution on how to update every instance of my 5 drawing classes when Grid is changed.For instance, Polygon is made up of multiple instances of Line, Line(length, angle) where "length" is in either in, ft, cm, or m. If the user wishes to change the scale from say 10ft per 100px resolution to 20ft per 80px.. Is there an easier way than re-drawing every Line inside Polygon?

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Jun 27, 2010

I am developing an AIR application and I want to change my project theme to one of the additional included themes that is packaged with Flash Builder 4. So, I went to the Project Theme and changed it and it looks like it is supposed to in the Design View. When I run the application, the components (eg: a button) themselves look like it is supposed to, but the application's background is just white instead of the displayed color in the design view.

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Flex :: Capture New Values That Have Been Changed In A Datagrid?

Oct 11, 2010

I have an editable grid and would like to update values based on the edited cell and I am doing this in the itemEditEndHandler such that when they finish editing a cell I update other cells that are dependent on it. the only problem is in the itemEditEndHandler the new value has not registered yet. If I try and get the value of the cell i find that its still giving me the old value and not the new value that I have entered.

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AS2 :: Xml : Update/store Changed XML Node Value In Flash?

Jan 14, 2011

I've succesfully loaded and parsed this XML file, using XMLParser and AS2:

<item author="Julian" date="28/12/2010" time="01:18" id="876" like="8" dislike="5">
<Text>Sample paragraph</Text>


Now, what I need, is to increase and store the "like" and "dislike" values with the click of a button, but I don't know how to modify and store them in the existing nodes (eg., without adding new ones).Do I need to use PHP, or can AS2 handle it by itself?

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Actionscript 3 :: Event Listeners When Data Is Changed?

Jan 21, 2011

Anyways, there is a property that changes occasionally to reflect the name of a level in a game (object._I._M.text). It could take a minute to change, or a max of two minutes, depending on how fast all players are able to finish the level.

I want to be able to listen for the change in this property to fire off another function. I have found very few answers to this online, and the examples I have found were very incomplete and poorly written.

I have tried ...

theobject._I._M.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, myfunction);

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Actionscript 3 :: Canvas' VerticalScrollPosition Cannot Be Changed In Flex

Mar 17, 2011

I have a weird problem with verticalScrollPosition in Flex.I have a content Canvas and a wrapper Canvas. The content is large (5000px X 5000px), the wrapper is 800px X 800px.

public var wrapper:Canvas = new Canvas();
public var content:Canvas = new Canvas();

I would like to set the wrapper's scrollbar position dynamically anytime. I can do it by calling its properties:

wrapper.verticalScrollPosition = A;
wrapper.horizontalScrollPosition = B;

This is working fine. But! If I set a default scrollbar position when the Canvas is complete:

wrapper.addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, function(e:FlexEvent):void{
wrapper.verticalScrollPosition = DEFAULT_A;
wrapper.horizontalScrollPosition = DEFAULT_B;

I can't set the verticalScrollPosition anymore:

wrapper.verticalScrollPosition = C;
trace(wrapper.verticalScrollPosition); // Outputs: DEFAULT_A

So the problem only exist if I set a default position using 'FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE'.

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