Flash :: AS2 Check Whether String Is Changed Or Function Is Triggered
Dec 13, 2011
In _root exists function "path=load_Path()" which is triggered when an button is pressed. The result of this function can be "photos/folder1/image.jpg" or "folder1/textpage/" or any other path. What I'm trying to find out is how to get value of "path" automatically when it's changed or get callback whenever function "load_Path()" is triggered.
I don't have possibility to access this function because it's in _root SWF which I can't edit.reply.
So... I'm asking, is there an eventlistener in flash that instantly detects change in XML?
What I do currently is to just load the XML again and again and check if something has changed. BUT it takes about half a second to load the XML again (not from cache).
Is there a way to Check if the xml file that your loading in has changed since you loaded it in last? I want to check to see if it has changed before i reload it into flash.
code: var myXML:XML; var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); myLoader.load(new URLRequest("Data.xml"));
I have a movieclip(parentMC) which consists of several other movieclips(childMCs). Each childMC can trigger an event, and each event performs a different function. I want to check from my parentMC whenever there is an event triggered by any of its child.
Is there a way to Check if the xml file that your loading in has changed since you loaded it in last? I want to check to see if it has changed before i reload it into flash.
ActionScript Code: var myXML:XML; var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
I have an AS3 program that calls a function multiple times. The function must return multiple variables, so I created a class for the function to declare an object containing all of these variables. For example, here's my class:
package { public class PER { [Code].....
Let's say the calling program calls the function, which returns the variables into data_set1 (where data_set1 depends on input variables arg1, arg2, arg3) using:
var data_set1:PER = function_name(arg1, arg2, arg3);
The calling program does some stuff, then calls the function again, but returns the variables into a new variable name, data_set2:
var data_set2:PER = function_name(arg4, arg5, arg6);
My intention is that data_set1 and data_set2 are different (e.g. not linked together).
My question is, given that arrays are passed by reference, will data_set1 be modified to agree with data_set2 upon the 2nd function call? Why or why not?
I tried to write a function that will strip the carriage return off of strings in a text file... it works fins inside the function, but the changed string is not passed back out... trace commands show that the word is being stripped of the extra characters inside the function, but after the function is called the changed string is not passed back out because the length is back to the original size again
I am looking for a way to check if any sting of the Array is matched to the string that in the TextField. In the code it should be something like that:
Code: var TestString:Array = new Array ("chicken", "cat", "dog"); function LookStringArray(){ if (TestArrayTextfield_txt.text == (anyString.TestString)){
I am making component with text field in it and I want to call some function on the onChanged event that trigger another function.
In case I define onChanged event on the following way everything is ok my_TextField.onChanged = function () {.....} but if I use listenerObject, function inside another function is not triggered.
I've read some documentation about regular expressions in AS3. I was wondering if it is possible to check every word of a string for a pattern. If all the words satisfy the pattern, the test is passed, otherwise is failed. Here is an example of what I mean:
Code: var reg:RegExp = /[a-z]/i; var str1:String = "a b"; var str2:String = "a 1";
I have created different buttons on different movieclip. Then i assigned onPress event on each buttons. But the function of onPress event is not triggered. The arrangement of movieclips is following.
var mainMC:MovieClip = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("mainMC",0); mainMC._alpha = 0; var adImgMC:MovieClip = mainMC.createEmptyMovieClip("adImgMC",0); var offerMC:MovieClip = mainMC.createEmptyMovieClip("offerMC",1); var offerList:MovieClip = offerMC.createEmptyMovieClip("offerList",0); [Code] .....
I have created an event as follows: offerList.onRollOver = function(){ offerList.stopTween(); clearInterval(autoScrlTimer); } offerList.onRollOut = function(){ duration = 0; autoScrlTimer = setInterval(automaticScroll,duration); ovrFlag = true } I doubt that the onPress event is not working because of the above piece of code.
How can I get a function triggered by multiple triggers? For example, a function that is normally triggered by a condition but also needs to be executable independently with a mouse click.
What I want to do is take the basic functionality of this tutorial (card flipping) and trigger that action on the timeline to create an animated movie rather than something that a user with a mouse interacts with.flashandmath {dot} com/flashcs4/flip/index.html(the forum won't let me directly reference the tutorial I'm working with because i'm a new member)The tutorial uses a custom class, I'm guessing that i need to remove the eventListeners for the mouse events and call one of the functions on the timeline specific to the variables on the scene, like "card1.initApp();" ?
The idea is that the function 'startDrawing' only has to execute when I click on the mc 'myMC' which contains a (filled) square, a sort of a drawingboard. However, it also executes when I click anywhere else in my movie.
i have actionscripted a movie which plays a function on export. i.e home() in the first frame. in that function i attach a movieclip which contains a background image of about 200kb. How would i preload that once it is attached to the stage in the function?
I am working on a presentation that has multiple scenes each having say 100 frames. Every 10 frames there is content on the stage, i.e. a 'slide'. There are left and right arrow buttons to take the user of the presentation forward and backward - much like a powerpoint presentation.Many of the 'slides' contain another button (instance name infoBTN) that can be rolled-over, and when this happens an info bubble pops up to display some information in the form of a graphic (instance name infoBubble).This operation works fine for one button, but I don't really want to have to call a new function and variable name and have new instance names on each subsequent frame that features a similar button with an identical operation.
how can I call the function just once and re-use it over and over again? There will only ever be one button of this nature on a given frame,This is the working code I have on the timeline for this particular frame:
Code: // INFO BUTTON MOUSE EVENT var fadeIn:Tween = new Tween(infoBubble, 'alpha', Regular.easeOut, 0, 1, 0.75, true);
I'm having some setbacks in self-learning this language and Flex Builder. Right now I'm trying to make a very simple implementation where a label effectively has its text added to multiple times over the first few seconds that the program is run. The problem I'm running into is that I can't just put all that into one function + one call on that function, as changes to the label's text are apparently not seen until that function runs its full course.So I tried using a viewstack and cloning the canvas a few times, giving each canvas's version of that label a different bit of text. Then I set the initialize function for the viewstack to change the canvases on regular intervals over the first few seconds. But that didn't work either, as the difference isn't seen until the function runs its full course.So then I tried putting function calls on the individual canvases' initialize attributes, and those functions aren't being called at all apparently.I know this probably isn't even the way that you're supposed to animate something in ActionScript or Flex, but I still would like to know how to approach the problem this way for future reference.
Ok, I have 2 buttons on the stage. Each button does almost the same thing, so I want to create a single function, and each button calls that same function (we'll name that function "Navigate")... however, the function will need to end up doing something different dependant on which button was clicked.So, previously, in AS2, I would've added some code onto the buttons themselves with on(release) methods, like so:
Code: // Define the Navigate function function Navigate(myLabel){
Trying to migrate my way of thinking from AS2 to CS4/AS3. Ok, I have 2 buttons on the stage. Each button does almost the same thing, so I want to create a single function, and each button calls that same function (we'll name that function "Navigate")... however, the function will need to end up doing something different dependant on which button was clicked. So, previously, in AS2, I would've added some code onto the buttons themselves with on(release) methods (see CODE EXAMPLE 1) So, each button effectively calls the Navigate function, and passes a different frame label to the function. Now, I'm trying to recreate this functionality in AS3. As you all know, on(release) has been done away with (still don't know why), but we now have to use event handlers, so I'm trying to figure out a way to pass a different frame label argument to the Navigate function. Currently I can achieve that by using a switch statement to test which button was clicked, and act accordingly (see CODE EXAMPLE 2).
I have a bunch of event listeners that refer to different movieclips but trigger the same function.I have an if statement within this function that I need to trigger if the function is triggered by a specific movieclip.
function a( param:* , ... args ):void ; a.length // 1 flash.utils.sdescribeType(a); //return me informations only about first parameter , nothing about '... args'.
edit: avmplus.describeTypeJSON didnt too. So , is there any other way to check for unlimited arguments than try{} block and push lot of params ?
I am making a Scrollbar component and I want a script to call a calculation function for resizing the scrollbar when a new data is loaded.I was experimenting with Object.watch but it's use is beyond me. I don't understand if its the thing I need.Can Object.watch call a function when say a dynamic textfield's data is changed?
i'm trying to check if a movieclip has an event listener with a sepecific function bound to it. The hasEventListener function only accepts one parameter (the listener). What i would need would be an hasEventListener that accepts a second parameter, namely the function that is bound to it.
Code: if (!mc.hasEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER) { mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, overHandler); }
but what i would need is:
Code: if (!mc.hasEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, overHandler) { mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, overHandler); }
because i bind more than one ROLL_OVER listeners to that mc.
I'm using flash CS4 and actionscript 2.0. I have a situation where I need to locate and check the date of an external file (either .exe or .swf) and return that date string to a variable in flash. I then need to display that date to a piece of dynamic text within the flash file. Is there a function within action script that will check and retrieve the file date of an external file.