:: Use Flash To Save And Read Data Within A SharePoint Site?

Nov 21, 2011

I'm a complete newbie to SharePoint and I've been tasked to develop a SharePoint site with Flash content (Flash CS3 or CS5). I've done some quick research on this and I understand there are different ways to query SharePoint. I must say it's been a long process for me to try to piece different bits of information to achieve what I'm asked to do.

So here it is. Develop a site using SharePoint 2007 with Flash content.User input in the Flash objects will be stored.Previous user input will be retrieved and displayed in the Flash objects for reviewing purpose.User input will later be processed/manipulated for reporting purposes.Embed FLV videos on certain pages. I understand data can be saved as lists in SharePoint and you can create custom ASPX to get the lists and parse it as XML input for a Flash object. Can I reverse this process when it comes to saving data?

What would be the best approach to implement the above requirements in SharePoint 2007 environment?

Or, should I consider saving data in an external DB, say MSSQL, and having custom ASPX query that DB and generate XML for Flash objects? Or maybe any APIs that can make this process easier?

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Actionscript Code:
var testXML:XML = new XML();testXML.ignoreWhite = true;testXML.onLoad = function(success)   if (!success) {  trace("testXML did not load"); } else {


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<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" WIDTH="320" HEIGHT="240" id="Tutorial1" ALIGN="">
<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="video.swf">
<PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>


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var myXML:XML = new XML();
var XML_URL:String = "


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Feb 22, 2011

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Aug 18, 2009

I want to save data my computer, that i got from playing my flash movie.

i'd prefer it if i'd be able to save the data on the computers of other people aswel, but i mainly need to save it on my own comp while developing the flash movie.

So want to be able to dynamically save/load data from actionscript.

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Flash :: Data Integration :: CFML / Read Number Using Embedded HTML

Jun 10, 2006

Ok, heres whats going on - I have a CFML Tag that displays a number from my Database. I want to get flash to be able to read this number using embedded HTML. However, I can't find a tutorial in Google I may be searching for the wrong thing.

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Sep 16, 2010

I'm trying to build a flash component for my upcoming website where I have to read data from a XML file and show these with a fading 5 second interval - I guess you could call it an image-fader/content-fader or some such :-) Before I post my code I would like to let you know that my experience with AS3 is quite limited as I've always been working with Silverlight (C#) instead.


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Jan 6, 2011

I want to create music Visualization in flash by reading the musicXML file.Is there some sort of a class that reads it? or a help guide to understand the musicXML structure and how to use it in order to visualize its music?

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