:: Return An Array Of Images Through Web Service?

Apr 25, 2011

I want to return an array of images from a sql server through a web service written in asp dot net . I could return a single file by sending the byte array back . How to return an array of byte arrays or an image images back to the flex application?

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Actionscript 3 :: Return Value From Service Result Handler In Flex?

Mar 16, 2012

I going to call only "clickfun()" method i need urlPath value after success service return value. but it throws stack overflow errors.

private function clickfun(eve:Event):String{
languagecode = "assets/myFont_en.swf";
Defaultlanguagecode = "assets/myFont_default.swf";


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Professional :: Web Service - Method Calls Show Params, But Not Results (which Return Empty)?

Feb 21, 2011

Using the web services panel, I've connected to a web service, but all the method calls will only show the param structures/types - not the result structures/types.  To the best of my knowledge, I'm sending the right parameters, in the right structure, but always I get an empty response.The web services panel:

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Where might the problem be?

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Find Similar(images To 3D Flash) Service / A Script?

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About 1,5 years ago, met with a Web site. On the website you can upload multiple pictures of the object taken from different sides, and the site gave me a flash movie with my object but in 3D. Very similar to what it is now showing photos in Google maps.

Tell me where I can find a similar service or a script?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Handling Array Returned From Web Service?

Apr 6, 2011

I'm using a Text Field component to pass the parameter (in this case a 'word') and a Text Area component is bound to the result (the 'definition').This works because the result is a String (which displays correctly when returned to the Text Area obviously). Now, I want to receive an Array as the result instead of a simple String. No surprise, the Array isn't displayed correctly in the Text Area..... it simply says "[object Object]". Can't do much with that....How can I receive this web service "result" in useful form? Can I use AS2 to set the value of an Array variable as the result from the web service (once it's finished)? If so, what's the syntax? FYI: I already know how to tell when the web service is done, just need the syntax for binding an Array variable to the result of the web service.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pick 4 Images Out Of 20 Images Array And Pull Them Out From The Array?

Jun 17, 2010

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ActionScript Code:
function processXML(e:Event):void {
var my_xml:XML=new XML(;


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Web Services :: Populate The Tool Tip Array For A HSlider Via A Web Service?

Jul 7, 2009

I want to be able to populate the tool tip array for a HSlider via a web service.Below is my code and all I'm doing here is populating anotherArray in the init() function from the arrayValues array just to test that much.However when I launch the application anotherArray contains only "null" and not the rest of the data.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" xmlns:containers="com.dougmccune.containers.*" [code].........

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Professional :: "push" Objects Into An Array And Return Array Without Commas?

Nov 30, 2010

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For example, if the user pushes button 1 then button 4 then button 8 I would like the array to read in the text field 148 instead of 1,4,8 .

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Php :: Flex Service - Bind A Service To A Button

Feb 2, 2011

I am experiencing a strange problem when I want to bind a service to a button or something else:


I can add the services to the Data Services panel but I have two strange things:

1) when I want to configure the return type he doesn't let me create a new ValueObject type, I only get the bottom datagrid which states: Properties returned by the operation: Property: country_Id, provence_Id, city_Id, id_cdpc, district_Id with the related values on the right side. Why can't I create a new data type on the top?

2) When I accept this and want to add the service call to a button (drag&drop) I get the following error: Error occurred while generating code. Make sure that there are no compiler eroors and try again after reopening the file. Componentn type services.cdpc.CDPC not found... (ps: When I perform a Test Operation everything seems to be ok, I get the expected output values)

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Actionscript 3 :: Array Match Number Anywhere In Array / Return That Number / Values On Same Row

Dec 7, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Return Array From An Event

Jun 14, 2011

I got a question that is driving me crazy. I have a DIRECTORY_LISTING event, that is executed with the files in a directory. This code is n a method o a class that only does the return a array with this informations (the code is above). How can I add a return of this array on a method in the DocumentClass that invoke and receive this value?


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Actionscript 3 :: Return Array From An Event?

Jun 14, 2011

I have a DIRECTORY_LISTING event, that is executed with the files in a directory. This code is n a method o a class that only does the return a array with this informations (the code is above). How can I add a return of this array on a method in the DocumentClass that invoke and receive this value?

//Lista arquivos
public function listaArquivos(diretorio:File, nome_arquivo:String,
lista_molduras:Array, index:int):Array {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Return Array From An Event?

Jun 14, 2011

I have a DIRECTORY_LISTING event, that is executed with the files in a directory. This code is n a method o a class that only does the return a array with this informations (the code is above). How can I add a return of this array on a method in the DocumentClass that invoke and receive this value?

//Lista arquivos
public function listaArquivos(diretorio:File, nome_arquivo:String, lista_molduras:Array, index:int):Array{
//Tenta fazer tudo isso


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Return Name Of An Array Not It's Contents?

Feb 13, 2007

I have an array that holds some other arrays and I want to return just the name of the arrays that it holds, not their contents. In this example I want to trace the string "myDays_ar" but can only get the contents.

var myDays_ar:Array = ["Sat", "Sun", "Wed"];
var myMonths_ar:Array = ["January", "July"];
var my_ar:Array = [myDays_ar, myMonths_ar];


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Get An Php Script Return An Array Element?

Mar 11, 2009

I am trying to have a php script return an image array. I would like to get all the names back from the array but my code only returns "tile4.jpg".

My return type show as "String";

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Return Name Of Object Inside An Array?

Feb 26, 2010

I got canvas objects stored in an array. Every canvas has it's name property.Is there a way to return a specific name?Actually I need an index number from that array, where I pass a name property of object inside this array (name is taken from event). Something like this:x = array.indexOf (

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Flash :: Return Array From Event Listener?

Feb 6, 2010

I have an event listener applied to an xml load and it currently traces out the values it grabs which is fine, but what I want it to do is return an array for me to use. I have the Array creation and return working from "LoadXML" (it returns the array) but I can't get this to work with an event listener.The event listener runs the "LoadXML" function fine, but I have no idea how to take the returned array for use, this is an example of how my event listener works right now:xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, LoadXML());and my assumption of how I would take the array (this doesn't work):var rArray:Array = xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, LoadXML());so instead I tried the following:

xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, function():Array{
var rData:Array = LoadXML(datahere);
return rData;


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Flex - Return Byte Array From Alchemy C?

Feb 3, 2011

I have written a alchemy code for reading the byte array that i have passed from flex.

When i print the value i get the error cannot convert "OggS" to flash.utils.ByteArray

Alchemy Code


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Actionscript 3 :: Make Array To Return A Randomly Value?

Nov 9, 2011

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Actionscript 3 :: Return One Item From Filtered Array

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I want to return just 1 item in the filtered array.[code]I want "arr" to contains just one item.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Return Four Random Numbers In Array?

Mar 2, 2011

I'm trying to return four random number in an array. The total values of the four numbers has to be less that 200.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Return A Randomized Version Of An Array

Apr 4, 2005

can someone show me a simple "randomize array" function. maybe a prototype that just returns a randomized version of an array such as:


I started on one myself but got stuck when, in the prototype, looping through "this" also counted the function being passed, as well as the elements of the array, and i can't seem to remember why it does that.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Display Images But Each One Selected Randomly From Say An Array Of Different Images?

Mar 31, 2011

Is there a way using flash you can display images but each one selected randomly from say an array of different images?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 : Return The Index Of The First Instance Of A Specified Value Within An Array?

Apr 29, 2009

Is it possible to return the index of the first instance of a specified value within an array? Similar to:

var my_string = "string";
var index = my_string.indexOf("g");



Basically, I have two arrays, each with 10 values (in slots 0-9 of the arrays). So I need to see if an array has a specified value in it, but then I have to see if the other array has a certain value in it, in the same spot as the first instance of what I search for in the first array.

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Flex :: Google App Engine - Return An Array From Grails / Jdo?

Jun 13, 2010

this seems really simple but I haven't gotten this to work. I am building my app with grails on google app engine. This pretty much requires you to use JDO. I am making an HTTP call from flex to my app. The action that I am calling on the grails end looks like so


I have tried just returning "hello from grails" and that works just fine. I have alos tried the following return showInstanceList the JDO docs say the query.execute() returns a collection. Why I cant just return that to Flex I have no clue. after playing around with this some more I was able to get a result event back by have grails convert the object to JSON or XML wish I could just return a damn ArrayList.

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Javascript :: Get Function In ActionScript To Return An Array Using ExternalInterface

Dec 17, 2011

I am trying to get javascript to call a function in ActionScript and store the returned array. I have looked everywhere for help and i cant seem to get this to work. My actionscript is below:

import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.Font;
import flash.text.FontType;[code].....

There is a getDeviceFonts() method that works, and the .call function works too, calling the function within the javascript. However, when i try and call the getFonts method in javascript it dosent work. Relavent Javascript is as below:

function getFlashMovie(movieName) {
var isIE = navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1;
return (isIE) ? window[movieName] : document[movieName];

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Custom Class Return An Array?

Feb 22, 2009

I'm making a custom class and all my get functions are working fine except the one that returns an array. Here is the code for my class (abridged to the relevant parts):

ActionScript Code:
VolcanicIsland class for Polypelago
Script in progress


How do I get an array to return correctly? Doing trace(VI1.getData()[0]) doesn't work either.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Return Image Array From Loader In Another Class

Nov 6, 2010

I want to load an array with images in, by using a loader in another class. The problem is, I have to wait for the images to load before returning the array. How do I return the array images[] (once it's loaded) back to characterGFX[] in I'm just lost.

package {
public class Main extends Sprite{
private var gfx:Gfx = new Gfx();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Return An Array That Holds The Values That Were Contained Within An XML Node

Aug 30, 2006

have this code that's supposed to return the an array that holds the values that were contained within an XML node.


for some reason, the code won't return anything. the output just says "undefined". Would a good workaround consist of putting the return function within a setInterval method?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Web Service [object Object] - Get The Array Values Back Out As A String?

Apr 4, 2011

I'm working with a web service and am returning an array to a field (that I set the data type as an Array). The result thus far is "[object Object]". How can I get the array values back out as a string?

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